"C'mon, it's my home race. It's almost like you owe it to me." I laughed at Charles as we walked together along the harbor.
"Umm, I don't owe you anything. But I'd be happy to join you." He smiled triumphantly at me, happy I agreed to be his date to an event in Monaco tonight.
"Great, great. Then I'll be at you hotel by seven, be ready then." I nodded and smiled as I watched him walk away. He was really sweet and I definitely enjoyed spending time with him. Just too bad Carlos wouldn't let me date anyone. I tried to convince myself that tonight wasn't a date, it was more like a favor. He needed a plus one and i was an available friend.
I looked forward to this weekend more than I had to any other race ever. It was a month since my last race and I was finally ready to race for real. I trained a lot, and felt even stronger than I did before the accident. I needed to be for this race, it was Monaco after all. I needed to be in shape for this.
Six thirty, and I had absolutely no idea what to wear. I looked trough my suitcase and brought out the two dresses I had with me. One was black and one was red. For obvious reasons I chose the black one and put it on. I didn't have much time to decide anyway so I chose the color of my team rather than the color of Charles's.
At seven on the dot I went out to meet Charles outside my hotel. Instead I was met by an empty curb. I assumed he was just running a little late so I stood there waiting for a while. I sent him a message asking him where he was but when the clock turned 19:26 I started to think if maybe I should go back to my room.
I waited until 19:30 and then I left, feeling disappointed and let down. I checked my phone to see Charles hadn't even seen my message. I walked over to the elevator and went upstairs, found my keycard and entered my hotel room. It looked just like it did when I left it half an hour ago. Only now it looked a lot sadder. I hadn't realized I made such a disorder while I got ready. My clothes were spread across the floor in a big mess.
It felt so sad returning to an empty room. I made my way over to the bed and sat down under the duvet. I felt as empty inside as the room which is why I quickly brought up my phone.
A few ringtones went by. "Hola," he answered.
"¡Hola! ¿Puedes ir a mi habitación de hotel, Por favor? No estoy bien ahora." I felt the lump in my throat building even from hearing his voice.
"Si claro, pero estoy con Lando. ¿Está bien si él viene?" I sighed, probably loud enough for even Lando to hear.
"Bien, solo ven." I hung up then and thought it through. Maybe that wasn't a great idea but it was definitely better than sitting alone thinking of the many reasons that existed for Charles to stand me up. I didn't really wanna spend my night sulking in that.
It didn't take longer than ten minutes before I heard a knock on my door. I went up from the bed to open it and as I did that I realized I would have to tell them, mainly Carlos about the fact that I was supposed to have a date with Charles tonight, something he asked me and Charles not to do. I bit my lip nervously when I opened the door.
"Hey," Carlos spoke English now, telling me he wasn't alone and that he was with a certain someone who did not speak Spanish. He came to hug me as he saw my saddened face.
"Hi." He walked further into the room giving space for Lando who stood behind him to come forward. To my surprise he came to hug me as well. He stroke my back in a quick motion from the small of my back all the way up and then down again. It felt comforting, like someone cared. Then again, I'd rather have had that with someone else that Lando in particular but in this moment it was nice either way.
"You're dressed this nice for a night in?" He looked me up and down before closing the door and walking inside further.
"Not really," I started. I turned around to see Carlos turned around from us. "I'll tell you soon." It was not until now that I noticed Carlos held a bouquet of flowers in his hand that he now held out to me. My eyes welled up and I hugged him again.
"Is this for me?" He nodded in the hug.
"Well I wanted to come and cheer you up, and then I had to bring Lando so I guess that's the least I could do," he shrugged.
"Hey! What's this now?" I laughed at them and went back to sit in my bed,
"What's going on?" I looked at him and then I looked over to Lando for just a second.
"Promise not to get all mad and protective, I don't want that okay?" I had a stern look on my face towards Carlos. After a frown he nodded. "I was supposed to go on a date with Charles tonight..." I started with that to see how it landed. Carlos kept a calm face, not a pleased one but a calm one. Lando however did not look calm at all. He looked almost as upset as he usually did when we argued. "And I went downstairs cause he was supposed to pick me up but he didn't show up..." it went quiet. None of them spoke for a minute and neither did I.
"Why didn't he show? Did he tell you why?" I looked at Carlos, almost shocked that he wasn't angrier.
I shrugged and brought up my phone. I went into our text conversation and saw the text I sent earlier. I gave the phone to him and Lando leaned in to see it as well.
Where are you
Read 7:34
To be completely honest I hadn't noticed he had read the message until now and it really disturbed me. He was the one asking me to go on a date with me and when he didn't show up he didn't even have the decency to give me a reason.
"I'll call him, what the fuck does he think he's doing?" Carlos rose up from the bed, giving the phone to Lando. He just looked at me and shook his head. Carlos brought up his phone and found the number he was looking for. He placed the phone to his ear and went outside for a moment, leaving me with Lando inside.
I knew this was the time for the dreading conversation. The one I had been procrastinating for a while now. "So actually I want to say something, and I need you to not be your cocky, annoying self right now?" He had a big frown on his face at first but then he caught up to what was coming and it seemed to make him smile.
"Okey," he just accepted.
"I have to thank you, for at least trying to care about me when I wasn't fit to race. You were the only one who even noticed." He nodded with a satisfied smile. "And also for taking me home. I don't remember much from it but I've seen pictures of us and I also seem to have your hoodie." He nodded again.
"Yeah, I just did what anyone should've."
"Well no one did, and even though it was you, I am thankful for that." I think this was the biggest smirk I'd seen ever in my life.
"You'll repay me somehow, don't worry." He winked and I just rolled my eyes.
"And what would that look like?" He held his eyes on me for a while. Then he broke out in a smirk.
"Be creative." I chuckled at him.
"You are deeply disturbed," I told him but he just shrugged his shoulders. He was still smiling. It annoyed me to the core but when his smile disappeared I found myself missing it, not that I would've admitted that out loud. The guy was insufferable.
"It's nice to get some affirmation at least," he said as he stood up.
"Affirmation to what exactly?" He turned around to me on his way to the door.
"That you care about me," he simply said and walked out. I threw my pillow his way but he was already out the door and it was now closed. And I was without my pillow.
"I do not care about him," I told myself strictly.
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