Warnings don't mean anything

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Hey everyone! I wrote this story a long long time ago and it probably sucks but I remember being really proud of myself so I figured I'd post it! I hope you enjoy <3

Please keep in mind it's been years since I wrote this is it's not going to be as good as my other book but I hope you enjoy anyway ;)

As I go down the stairs I call for my sister. "Isa!"

When there's no answer I decide to make my way into the kitchen and call again. "Isabella!"

Finally she walks into the kitchen, holding our little sister.

"What, Liza?" She asks as she walks towards me.

"I got up early and made some breakfast. I know you have a long shift today and won't have time to eat." I tell her, heading towards the stove.

She smiles at me and hands over our sister.

"Thank you, Eliza." "No problem, Isa."

I look at our younger sister. "I made something for you too! Right, Izzy?"

She nods, her blonde pig tails hitting her face as her little dimples show.

I set her down on a chair and hand her the eggs with bacon. "Thank you!" She says and I smile at her.

When I walk back over to the stove, I hear my phone go off.


Dangerous criminals, Theodore Kai, Revel Fisher, and their leader Collin Rivers, are on the run in these following areas.

I read the following areas and put my phone back down.

None of those places are were we live, however one is close.

It'll be fine.

Warnings don't mean anything.

I go over to the table and sit with my family, having a lovely breakfast.

These are my favorite people alive.

I have no one else.

"Alright, I gotta go. Bye, Liza. Bye, Izzy."

"Bye, Isa." We both call back as she walks out of the front door.

Izzy turns to me and slightly tilts her head. "Can you tell me about mommy and daddy again?" She asks and I lose my smile.

I clear my throat and push my blonde hair behind my shoulder.

"Well, mom was an accountant and dad was a trucker. Dad wasn't home all that much but when he was it was always really fun." I lie.

"Mom worked a lot of hours but had to take a step back when she got pregnant with you. We were all very excited to meet you, Izzy."

She smiles brightly at me.

"When mom gave birth to you we all got to hold you while sitting next to her on the bed. She had this adorable little shirt with your name on it. 'Dizzy' in big bold pink letters with little roses around them. She said that even though Dizzy was an odd name, she loved it for you. She liked how all our nicknames sounded kinda alike. Isa, Liza, Izzy."

Personally, I don't get it.

"She had the blondest hair, just like you me and Isa, and the greenest eyes."

"But we have blue eyes." She points out.

"Yes, we do. Dad had blue eyes, we got it from him."

"What else did we get from him?" She asks.

"Hopefully nothing." I mutter under my breath.

"What?" She asks, not having heard me.

"I don't know, Iz." She nods.

"Tell me again what happened." She begs.

"Izzy, you don't wanna hear it again." I state.

"I keep forgetting. I don't wanna forget."

I sigh and shake my head, trying to keep myself together.

"Four days after you were born, there was a complication. The doctors did all they could to save her but she died. About 3 years later, dad got in a car crash and died. Isabella got custody of us and now we have this wonderful life."

It's silent for a long moment before she asks a question my sister and I hoped she would never even wonder.

"Do you-" she hesitates but after a moment she continues.

"Do you and Isabella hate me? I'm the reason mommy died, right?"

Immediately, I throw my arms around her in the tightest hug ever.

"No, Izzy. Never think that. Not even for a second. Isa and I love you more than anything in this world. You are not the reason she died. It was a complication. A horrible complication, but it was not your fault. Not in the slightest."

She's crying and I hate that those thoughts are in her head.

I wipe the tears from her eyes and kiss her forehead.

"Wanna watch a movie? You can pick it. I'll make us some snacks."

She smiles and nods before jumping down and running to the living room.

I turn on the stove and grab some popcorn before making it and putting it into a bowl. I sprinkle in some m&m's before heading into the living room to watch a movie.

I sit down and we accidentally spend the entire day watching movies and she falls asleep leaning her head against my chest.

Isabella smiles at me as she walks through the front door.

I pick up Izzy and move her upstairs into her bed before walking back down and sitting next to Isa on the couch.

"How was your day?" She asks me.

"I spent the entire day watching Disney movies and eating candy with Izzy."

She laughs. "How about you?" I ask.

"I spent my day dealing with annoying customers."

"Well, what if I run and get us some food?"

"At 2 a.m?" She asks.

"At 2 a.m." I confirm.

She gasps.

"Thank you thank you thank you!"

I snort and grab my keys. "No problem."

It doesn't take long for me to drive to the place and grab the food.

However, when I'm walking back to the car I accidentally drop the bag on the ground.

"Dang it." I open up the back seat and put the other bag in there before going to grab the last one.

When I'm about to pick it up I pause, due to the sirens and bright lights.

Three men are bolting down this alley, the police chasing them.

I quickly grab the bag and throw it in the car before slamming the back door and opening the front door.

Right when I'm about to drive away, someone puts a gun to the window next to my head.

Shakily, I open the door and step out.

Once he turns the gun away and looks to his friends and walks towards them, I try to get back in.

Right when I'm about to get back in the car, someone grabs my hair and throws me back.

I land on the ground, hitting my arm and knee.

One of the other guys glances at me and I see his mask slip down.

My eyes widen and he curses, pulling the mask back up.

He grabs my arm and yanks me off the ground and shoves me into the car before slamming all the doors and one of the men start driving away.

Way past the speed limit, may I add.

Two of the men are up front and I'm back here with that one man who grabbed me.

I scramble to the other door and try to pull the handle.

The man grabs my hair again and drags me to the other side of the car.

I yell but somehow still hear all the doors lock.

"Why'd you bring her?" The one driving shouts.

"My mask slipped, she saw who I was."

"Damn it, Revel!" The one driving shouts.

After some more time the car stops. They all get out, Revel dragging me along before throwing me on the floor.

They stand in a sorta circle around me and start talking.

I try to secretly crawl away but one of the guys grabs my ankles and drags me back, flipping me on my back to see the three of them starring at me.

"So what are we gonna do about her?" One of them asks.

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