It's all a blur

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"Liza, the place we're going is pretty dangerous, so be careful. Stay behind me or Revel or Theo. Okay?" Collin warns me.

"Alright. Why do I have to go again? I get I can't be alone and everything but I'm nervous." I tell him.

He takes my hand. "Don't be afraid, Eliza. Theo and Rev with be there too." He assures me.

We all go to the car and drive to a meet that's in the woods, away from the city.

When we get there, we see a few men standing there like statues. Waiting for us.

Natalie and I stay behind the three men (ugh my feminism is not happy right now) and Collin starts talking with the man.

"Parlerons-nous en Français?" The man asks Collin, looking at me. (Shall we talk in French?)

"N'a pas d'importance. Elle connaît apparemment plusieurs langues." Collin replied smoothly, dismissively. (Doesn't matter. She knows many languages apparently.)

The man nods, switching to English. "Here's how it gonna go-" Collin interrupts him.

"Don't think I don't know about the men hiding in the woods. Don't be a coward, Winston. You're old enough to be my father yet you're too much of a coward to face me alone." Collin's voice is dripping with venom.

The man gets angry and reaches for his pocket.
Before I know it, he's dead.

Collin stands above him, blood splattered on his face, a smoking gun in his hand.

Theo and Revel pull out their guns, Natalie grabs a gun from her thigh that was hiding under a skirt.

Everyone is shooting and I'm trying to stay covered but a man falls to the ground in front of me, his gun landing right before me.

I grab it and run up to my friends, helping them out with this whole shootout thing.

I only shoot their arms or legs, nothing to kill them. I only injure them and then someone else kills them.

Everyone is fighting someone but as Collin fights one man, I see another come up behind him.

I have no choice. I aim for his head and shoot. Apparently, I'm an excellent shot.

The man drops to the ground and Collin turns around, after killing the other man, and stares at me with a shocked expression.

I can feel the guilt rising in me. I just killed a man. A man. He has a family and I just ended his life like he was nothing.

I run over to one of the bushes and vomit in it, shaking intensely.

By this point everyone of the other side is dead and my friends are staring at me with shock while I cry.

"Liza-" Collin starts but suddenly there's a loud bang from the woods and Collin falls to the ground.

Revel turns to the still alive man and ends him instantly without hesitation.

Everyone runs to Collin but I'm already there. He has a gun shot wound to his chest and it's bleeding a lot.

Everyone works together to get him in the car and we rush to their family doctor who can hopefully help him.

Everything happened so fast and it's all a blur but somehow we're there already and everyone is rushing him in the building.

The doctor rushes him onto a table and runs to the back room, starting surgery I assume.

Natalie is sitting on a chair in the corner, her knees against her chest and Theo has his hands around her, trying to comfort her.

Revel is pacing back and fourth, occasionally running his hands through his dark hair.

I'm standing by the door, unsure of what to do. I keep looking behind me, at the car filled with blood.

"Liza." I look over when I hear Revel's strained voice. I've never seen him like this. I've never seen any of them like this.

Natalie looks completely shut down, like there's nothing behind her eyes.

Theo is consoling her but he himself looks distressed and panicky.

Revel won't stop pacing, he can barely get any words out from how strained his words are. He looks miserable.

"Yeah?" I respond to him.

"I- I hate to ask you this but could you maybe clean the blood out of the car? I would but I just- I'm sorry, never mind I'll do it later."

"I'll do it, Revel." He looks at me and nods, grateful for my help. He hands me a bucket with water and I go out to clean the car.

I take a rag and start scrubbing the seat, watching as the clear water turns red and the brown cloth darkens.

I reach over to the department in the middle front when I notice the keys are in the ignition. I could leave.

But Collin's hurt and my friends are suffering. But so are my sisters. I need to preserve my family. I need to put them first.

I sigh and finish cleaning the car and glancing through the window of the house. I walk in and give all three of them a hug before walking out the door.

They don't think anything of it when I leave because I told them I still had a little to clean.

I get in the drivers seat and take a deep breath before closing, and locking, the door and turning the key.

The car booms to life and I back it up quickly. I'm putting it into drive and starting to drive away as I see the three of them rush out, looking at me.

Nat looks hurt, Theo looks upset, Rev looks pissed. I'm sorry, but I need to get to my sisters.

I drive down the road and don't stop until the car is about to run out of gas.

I pull over and put gas in the car before realizing they probably have a tracker in the car.

I search the car and when I lift up the seat and the rug beneath the seat I see a little black blinking chip.

I throw it out of the car and drive away quickly.

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