What should I do for the Epilogue?

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What do you guys want to see? 

I'll leave this open for a day or two while I work on my next fanfic which will be a Diluc one. 

So the options I was thinking of was...

What happened after the confession and how your friends reacted

Behind the scenes of planning his confession (Kuni pov) 

What happened when you're an adult (jobs etc) 


Ei, Miko, Lisa, Mom, & Dad's reaction 

What happened to Albedo?

What happened to Raiden Shogun? 

Albedo Alternate Ending 

I'll write the two or three that get the most votes. Or comment any other ideas that you guys have. If I don't get that many votes, I'll just put them all in a autopicker and chose a few. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this and make sure to vote!

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