"Let's play truth or dare!" A navy blue haired girl in pigtails grinned as she suggested the game.
At the moment, you, Lumi, Hutao, Kuki, & Mona were sitting in Lumi's dorm. You grinned as she suggested the game. Truth or dare was one of your favorites. The others readily agreed as did you.
"Lumi, truth or dare?" You looked at the blonde.
"Ummm, truth."
"Are you dating my brother?" You got your phone out and was recording.
"Yes.... We became official a month ago." You squealed.
"I knew it! I gotta text him! The two of you are so cute together!"
Big Bro (Xiao) ❤️❤️❤️
you sent a recording
U and Lumi r dating!!!!????
I knew it!
Why didn't u tell me???😭
I'm your sister!
"Ugh he left me on read." you grumbled.
You and Xiao were very different. You were extroverted while he was very introverted. He was older than you by a year. Yet, everyone was surprised when they found out you were siblings. There were even people who thought they were dating.
"Ok Y/N truth or dare?" It was your turn, and Mona was asking you.
"Dare. Bring it." You smirked.
"I dare you to break up with Albedo for a day." You gasped.
"What? No!" The others looked at Mona, also shocked.
Albedo and you were the school's most famous couple. You had started dating a year ago after falling in love. The two of you had met during art class and bonded over your shared love of painting.
"Are you too chicken?" Mona smirked at you. "You're too scared huh? After you said dare with so much confidence."
"Fine." You rolled your eyes. Then, you brought out your phone again to call Albedo.
"Y/N? What do you need?" The soothing voice of your boyfriend brought you back to reality. Were you really going to do this? Looking at the smirking face of Mona, you steeled your resolve.
"Albedo, let's break up-" As you were about to continue, he cut you off.
"Alright. I only dated you for an experiment on love. I would like to get more results but-" You cut the call eyes wide. Everyone else was shocked except... except for Mona.
"You knew!" You accused voice trembling. "You knew that....that he..."
"Yea. I thought it would be funny. And it was!" Mona was giggling. "You should have seen your face!" The others quickly got mad, but you didn't notice.
"You- You b!t<#!!! I thought you were my friend. I can't believe you!" Tears streaming down your face, you rushed out of the dorm. Running to your brother's dorm, you narrowly avoided bumping into multiple people.
When you got to his room, you knocked on the door desperately. Soon after, Xiao opened it. When he saw you tearstained face, he quickly pulled you inside and closed the door.
"Y/N?! Who did this to you? I'll kill them!" You collapsed on him and sobbed even more. Xiao's eyes filled with fury. He really cared for you.
"Albedo and... and Mona.. they-" between sobs, you related the entire story to him.
"I'll kill them! How dare they hurt you!" Xiao picked you up and carried you to the sofa. You were still sobbing, curling in on yourself.
"Xiao- can I... can I stay here for the night?" You didn't want to walk to your dorm in this state.
"Of course." His eyes softened when he looked at you. He left then returned with a blanket and pillow. "You can sleep here for the night." He then sat down next to you.
"Thank you Xiao." You turned and cuddled into the pillow.
"That's what brothers are for right? Good night Y/N. I'll stay here until you fall asleep."
"Mhm." Soon after, you actually fell asleep.
A/N: This fanfic starts with a breakup as well ig. Hope you enjoyed?
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