"Hey is that Y/N?"
"I heard that her boyfriend got suspended!"
"The emo kid that punched Y/N's ex?"
"I heard he got expelled!"
"What about Albedo?"
"I think he's still here because he didn't 'participate in physical violence"
"I know!"
"That's just stupid!"
"I think it's fair. Like Albedo got punched in the face!"
The gossip and rumors followed you as you slowly walked toward the practice room. You had been feeling better, but the rumors did nothing to help the feeling of dread slowly consuming you.
"What do you want Albedo?" Your voice was tired. Weary.
"I would like to apologize."
"And what? See me run back towards you accepting your apology and we start dating again so you can continue your experiment? No Albedo. We're not friends. We're not dating. I don't love you."
"You sound like you're trying to convince yourself."
"There you go again with the observations. I can't trust you anymore Albedo. I cherished our relationship, but maybe I was too desperate for love to love someone like you. Maybe I was too excited by the idea of love that I didn't notice you didn't love me. Maybe I was too hopeful that I was special. That I was the only one that could make you seem human."
"Stop making observations. It's not going to make me feel any better." You turned your back on him and started walking.
"Maybe I really did love you. But how should I know? I'm just the cold scientist that doesn't know how to feel." His tone seemed so dishearted.
"Don't talk to me Albedo Kreidenprinz." You closed your eyes, and when you opened them, they were devoid of emotion.
You walked away.
No one came after you.
When you reached the practice room, you heard your former friends chatting. You slowly opened the door and walked in.
All conversation stopped. You walked over to the free chair and sat down.
Everyone started speaking at once.
Apology after apology layered together.
You couldn't hear anything.
It was loud.
Yet you couldn't make out any distinguishable words.
The walls made of sound were slowly building up, little by little.
They would soon be too high for you to jump over
It was hopeless
You would be stuck here
You aren't deserving of-
You held out your hand and suddenly, all the noise stopped.
The walls crumbled.
You could breathe again.
You finally realized you were hyperventilating.
"Y/N are you alright?" Lumi asked. You took a deep breath to calm down.
"Yes Y/N?" He was being cautious.
"Tell me everything."
"So we knew that Albedo-"
"Skip that part. Kazu already told me."
"You want to know about Scaramouche?" You nodded. "Alright. I don't know what Albedo did to provoke him, but I can ask around-"
"Just tell me what happened to him."
"He was suspended for a week."
"Alright." You got up and headed to the door.
"Y/N wait."
"I already forgave you all. I just don't know if I'm- If I'm ready yet."
"This is your normal spot, so we'll leave." After Kuki said that, they all filed out of the room.
It was empty.
You were finally alone.
Alone with your thoughts.
Though... they weren't good thoughts.
He left me.
For a week.
Why did he tell me to stay away?
Does he... not want to be friends anymore?
I understand.
Who could love me?
You chuckled.
Wanting your emotions to be poured out in some way that wouldn't ruin your mental state further, you got out a pencil and paper.
Stay Away
#1: I thought we would be together.
Telling me that we'd be together, forever.
You promised me.
You promised me.
You promised me that we'd be together forever.
Then you told me to stay away~
#2: I'm sorry I promised.
I'm sorry I lied.
I'm sorry I couldn't be the one for you~
#1: But I want to stay with you~
#2: Stay away~
#1: I want to keep you closer~
#2: Stay away~
#1: I don't want to any longer~
#2: Stay away~
#1: But what if you're the one for me~
#2: Stay away from me~
#1: You promised me~
#2: I promised you~
#1: You left me~
#2: I didn't want to~
#1: Yet you tell me to stay away~
#2: I want you to stay~
#1: I want you to stay~
#2: How can you still have this pull on me~
#1: Maybe we're just meant to be~
#2: No that can't be~
Stay away~
#1: I want to keep you closer~
#2: Stay away~
#1: I don't want to any longer~
#2: Stay away~
#1: But what if you're the one for me~
#2: Stay away from me~
#1: I thought we would be together.
Telling me that we'd be together, forever.
You promised me.
You promised me.
Yet you tell me to stay away~
#2: Just stay away from me~
You saw a tear splash onto the paper you were writing on.
You hurriedly wiped your tears and hid the lyrics in one of the drawers.
The song was short, but it didn't matter.
No one was going to sing it anyway.
You hurriedly started on another song.
A/N: So I tried to write the song that will follow and I have the Sofia the First Theme and Pokemon theme stuck in my head. Help. LOL
Side Character
Someone else is in the spotlight.
In the place, I always dreamed of being.
I try to act my best.
Try to act how a lead should.
Yet I catch no one's attention.
I'm pathetic
I don't make a difference.
No matter what I do~
I'm only a side character.
Only a background character.
Only there for decoration.
To fill in the blanks.
To not be noticed.
I should be the lead.
I should be the best.
I should be able to outshine the rest~
Yet I'm stuck here.
As a side character.
Lucky to get a little taste of the action.
A little taste of romance
A little taste of friendship
Before it's ripped away~
Another tear splashed onto this paper as well.
I can relate too much to these songs.
A/N: More angst. Fun. Also, you can probably tell that I wasn't born to be a songwriter. These are all horrible lmho. Just ignore the songs if you want to I was just bored.
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