Chapter 7

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"Scara." You sobbed. 

"My given name is Kunikuzushi." You were shocked by the truth he had gifted you. 

"All your friends except for Xiao had more than one name, so I was waiting for you to tell me yours." You attempted to lighten the mood with a joke, but then you started sobbing again. 

"It's alright. Cry. I'm here." He just sat with you. 

"Thank you Kuni." 

The two of you sat there until you calmed down. 

"Do you want to skip class?" 

"Alright." You were too tired to argue, and you had your next period to write songs. He brought you to his dorm. 

You sat down on his couch and he sat down next to you. 

"Are you feeling better?" 

"A little." 

"That song was amazing." 

"6reeze doesn't sing songs like that though, so I just keep the sad songs I write." 

"I didn't know you were such a great singer." 

"I'm not as good as you... Or anyone else." 

"You just refuse to acknowledge your own talent." 

"Thank you Kuni." He looked at you and smiled. 

"Rest. I'll be here when you wake up." You closed your eyes and soon dozed off with your head on his shoulder.

Scara's POV

I looked at her sleeping figure and smiled grimly.

Whoever had hurt her had hurt her badly. 

I couldn't stop her from cutting off ties with everyone she was friends with, but I could be there for her. I could help her through those times. 

My phone buzzed and I opened it. 



Do you know where Y/N is? 


Ask her yourself. 


She won't reply. 



She's in my dorm. 





Why do you care though?

You're her brother, but she basically stopped talking to everyone but me. 

Whatever you did, it hurt her badly. 

She has trust issues now.


Well so basically 


Don't tell me. 

I want her to. 

I don't want to betray her. 

I want her to let me know when she's ready.


Alright then.

Take care of her. 


I was taking care of her anyway. 

Better than you. 


Putting my phone down, I glanced at her again. 

Eventually, I fell asleep as well. 

End of Scara POV

When you woke up, you realized you had been leaning on his shoulder the entire time. You looked at him, about to apologize, when you realized he had fallen asleep as well. You smiled softly. 

He looks peaceful when he sleeps... 

He's cute-

No he's not! 

I can't fall for another person. 

Not when he might not love me back. 

I don't want to ruin our friendship. 

A part of you knew that he would never hurt you like Albedo did, but you were still afraid of ruining your friendship. 

While you were thinking, he woke up. 

"How long have you been awake?" 

"Not that long. Maybe 3 minutes?" 

"What time is it?" His voice was groggy. 

"It's like 4:30." You said, checking your phone. 

"Alright." He got up and stretched. Then, thinking of something, he turned to you. "Do you want to do a duet sometime?" 

"A what now?"

"A duet-"

"I heard you the first time. I was just surprised." 


"Uh sure. Just make sure that no one knows it's me." 


"Why are you asking me now though?"

"I remembered and I asked you."

"Why don't you ask about it?" 

"You didn't seem like you wanted to talk. Isn't that our unspoken agreement? To not ask until the other wants to tell us?" 

"I would tell you." 

"Then tell me. Xiao offered, but I didn't want to invade your privacy." 

"Well so..." Your voice trailed off. 

"You don't have to tell me." 

"I want to though. I want you to know. If I have another breakdown I want you to know why." 

"..." He stayed quiet. Waiting for you to continue. 

"Albedo was my boyfriend. We fell in love a year ago and started dating. One day, me, Lumi, Kuki, Hu tao, and Mona were playing truth or dare. Mona dared me to break up with Albedo for a day. When I refused she called me a coward. So I did it. I called him and asked to break up and before I could say for a day, he told me he never loved me. That he was just using me. I hoped that it was just because he was mad and hurt. I was shocked though. I looked at Mona, and her expression told me she knew. That she had done this on purpose. I don't know why she hates me this much, but.... Anyway, I ran to Xiao's room. That's where I met you for the first time. Then Kazuha came and we started walking to my dorm. In the hallway, I saw Albedo. He started asking me some questions about what I felt during our relationship. He was really using me. The day you found me on the cliff, I had torn up all of my paintings. Because they all reminded me of him. That's why I quit painting as well. That cliff was my relaxation spot. My pone kept pinging me, and when I looked at it, there was a post. It was an anonymous post saying that all my friends knew. Even Xiao. I was shocked, I lost my grip on my phone and it fell into the ocean. I fell over and I stayed there until I fell unconscious. I felt numb. And you know the rest." 

You looked at him. He was just listening. Eyes closed. He was there for you. He didn't turn away. He wasn't using you. 

"Thank you Kuni."

"There's nothing to thank me for."

"Thank you for being here for me." Your eyes showed how much that meant to you. He just hummed and nodded. 

"I won't leave you." At his words, his confirmation of what you'd always known, you teared up. 

"I won't leave you either. No matter what. I'll always be here for you Kuni. Don't think you have to tell me about your backstory either. I didn't tell you because I wanted you to feel like you need to tell me. I told you because I know I can trust you." Your eyes were full of emotion. 

"I know." You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder. 

"Let's always be there for one another. No matter what." He smiled. 

"You should probably get to your dorm now." 

"Yeah I should. See you tomorrow Kuni!" You waved at him and walked to your dorm. 

I'm so grateful to have him.

I hope he never leaves me. 

A/N: Foreshadowing...... Ehe~ I feel so evil. 😈 

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