Chapter 5

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You opened your eyes. 

All you saw was the ocean. 

You were on a cliff overlooking the sea. 

It was your comfort zone. 

No one knew about this. 

It was sunset. 

Feeling so many notifications that you got annoyed, you took out your phone. 

It was all from your (twitter/instagram/whatever social media). 

You opened the post that had made so many people ping you. 

You phone slipped out of your grasp and into the ocean. You stumbled backwards and fell. You didn't bother to get up. 

It wasn't only Mona.

They all knew. 


Even Xiao. 


Rain started falling. You didn't care. You closed your eyes. Feeling the rain wash over you. You made no move to rise. 

Some time later, you would be covered by a jacket. Taken to your dorm. You were unaware. Asleep or unconscious. 

Eyes opening, you looked around. You were in your dorm. When you walked out of your room, you saw your mother talking with Scara. 





"What's going on?" 

"Sweetie! You're finally awake!" 

"What time is it? It's a school day." 

"I called you in sick." 

"How did you know where I was?" 

"This nice boy found you. He says you were unconscious on a cliff. It was nighttime and it was raining. You could have died. He asked Xiao for my number then called me. I just wonder why he didn't give you to Xiao to handle." You looked at Scara. Letting your mom ramble. 

"Thank you." 

"Xiao would have killed me if I just left you there." 

"How'd you find me?" 

"Coincidence." You doubted it, but you didn't say anything. Your mom finally realized you weren't listening. 

"Well, if you're feeling better, then I'll leave. goodbye honey!" She hugged you and left. 

"You have a nice mom." 

"You don't?" He didn't reply. 

"You should check your phone. Your friends are probably worried." You reached for the counter, where you usually put it, then paused. Last night's events came rushing back to you. 

"I dropped it. In the ocean." 

"Why the fu## would you drop your phone in the ocean?" 

"Shock I guess." 

"Ugh. Just come with me." He grabbed your wrist and started dragging you out the door. 

"Wait! Just let me change!" You snatched your wrist out of his hand and rushed into your room. 

"Don't make me wait!" 

A minute later, you stepped outside. 

"Shouldn't you be in school?" you had just remembered. 

"I usually skip." You rolled your eyes. 

"Of course." 

"Shut up." 

"Where are we going anyway?" 

"It's a surprise." 

When you got to the school parking lot, he dragged you to a purple car. He unlocked it then climbed into the drivers seat. You got into the passengers side. 

"Is this your car?" 

"No, I'm stealing it. Of course it's my car. Idiot." Five minutes of constant bickering later, you were at the mall. 

"Why are we even here?" 

"To get you a new phone?"

"I don't have money." 

"Why would you be paying if I brought you here?" 

"A new phone though? How rich are you?" 

"I could buy the entire school and remake it into a resort if I wanted to." 

"God you're rich as fu##." He looked at you. 

"Does it make a difference?" 

"Well now I can ask you to buy me anything and not feel bad about it." He rolled his eyes. 

The two of you picked out your new phone. He bought you the new one. He also (grudgingly) bought you a new phone case. You also got something to eat for lunch. 

"Thank you!" You hugged him and he stiffened. You quickly backed away. "Oh did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry." 

"It's alright. I just wasn't expecting it." He looked away. The tips of his ears were red. 

"Aww. Are you blushing?" You teased him. 

"No I'm not!" His face grew red. 

"You are!" You laughed. Grabbing his hand you dragged him to another store that had caught your eye. He was dragged along, still blushing. 

Inside the store you held up two phone charms. "Which one looks better?" 

"Does it really matter?" 

"Of course it does! If the color clashes with anything I'm wearing, it'll look weird!" 

"Right. You're an art kid." 

"Not anymore! Im a songwriter now!" 


"Oh, speaking of that, what kind of song do you think I should write?" 

"Well, we mostly sing like k-pop or whatever." 

"Yea but like what's the theme?" 


"What're the songs about?

"How could I know?" 

"You sing them?" 

"I'm the rapper." 

"So? You should know the songs? Also don't claim that you don't sing. Remember our conversation in the practice room yesterday?" 

"I don't really pay attention to the lyrics. I just know the words I'm going to say." 

"Then sing." 

"Right now?" He gestured around them. "Also you still haven't chosen a phonecharm yet." 

"Oh right." You turned your attention back to the phonecharms. One was purple and one was (f/c). 

"I think the (f/c) one looks better." 

"But I really want the purple one too!" 

A/N: if purple's your favorite color then it's either your second favorite or a different shade of purple.

"I'll just buy both then." 

"Right. Richa$$" 

"Do you not want them?" He was lightly glaring at you. 

"Sorry." You giggled sheepishly. 

Scara POV

"Sorry." she giggled and my scowl immediately disappeared. 

She's so cute.

Shut up thoughts!

Walking up to the counter, I paid for both the keychains and handed them both to her. 

She held them both up, contemplative. Then she handed the (f/c) one to me. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?" 

"Hang it on your phone?" 

"Why're you giving it to me?"

"I don't know. So we can match?" She gave me a hopeful grin. 

I can't say no to her.


"Yay! The purple one reminds me of you, so that's why I kept it. I hope the (f/c) one reminds you of me!" Then she continued. Rambling. 

The shine in her eyes when she talks about some things. 

It's beautiful. 

I slapped myself mentally. 

I can't fall in love. 

Someone like her can't be with someone like me. 

I looked at her. Realizing she asked me a question. 

"Sorry, I zoned out. What'd you say?" 

"I was asking if you spent too much money on me." 

"It's nothing." 

End of Scara POV

"It's nothing." 

"Right you're as rich as fu##. I almost forgot." He smirked. 

"I'll do my best to remind you." 

"Well if it means free stuff for me, I'm not complaining." 

"What if I pick it out?" 

"Well looking at your outfit, you have good taste." you gestured. He grinned. 

"Of course I do." 

"Arrogant a$$. Your ego is so big, I'm surprised I can't see it yet." You smirked. 

After a lot more bickering, he finally changed the topic. 

"It's getting late, we should probably head back now." 

"Right." You grinned at him and started dragging him along. Before long, you were out of the mall and in the parking lot. "I don't remember where your car is." 

"It's over here." He walked over and unlocked it. Quietly slipping into the seat, you looked at him. 

"We should probably eat dinner soon. Do you want to eat at my dorm?" 

"I don't care. If you want me to I can come over." 

"Then please do!" You grinned at him. He nodded and the ride lapsed into comfortable silence. During it, you set up your new phone and downloaded all your former information. You were instantly bombarded with a bunch of messages. You decided to send one message to everyone who had contacted you. 

I'm fine. Thanks for worrying. 

You didn't really feel like having a lengthy conversation with anyone right now. Except. Except for Scara. He didn't ask you any questions and he didn't pity you. His snarky attitude was actually welcome, and because of last night's events, you felt like you could trust him. 

Maybe, he'll be the one that will bring the light back into your life. But how should you know? It hasn't happened yet and you only see him as a friend. Just a friend.... for now. 

A/N: WHOOOOO!!!! Trust issues +10 Trust in Scara +10 LEZZZ GOOOO!!!!

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