Scara's Friends
You added Scaramouche
You added Xiao
You added Childe
You added Signora
You changed Childe to Ed Sheeran 🧡
You changed Xiao to Emo🖤🥀
You changed Scaramouche to Xiao 2.0
You changed Signora to SLAY QUEEN!
Hello Y/N
How are you doing?
In painting
And having a panic attack
In other words im fine
Thats concerning
I hope youre alright sweetie ❤️
stop flirting with my sister
Thank you Rosa!
Is it alright if I call you that?
thank you ❤️😘
Xiao 2.0
and why tf is my name Xiao 2.0?
Ed Sheeran 🧡
im not ed Sheeran
Xiao 2.0
this is so funny
theyre always like this dont mind them
Ed Sheeran 🧡
I thought id never see the day 🥲
like seriously though
Xiaos always emo but like he seems nicer around you
maybe its just me being superior to everyone
Xiao 2.0
As if
I oh god the teachers looking this way
oh no my phone!
You groaned and leaned back as the teacher went back to her desk with your phone.
You weren't really feeling like painting today.
You looked at your other artworks.
Albedo and you
A sunset that you took a picture of while on a date with Albedo
Albedo again...
You sighed deciding to take a nap until class ends.
You were woken up by the bell. Picking you stuff up, you headed to the front of the class to get your phone back. After you put your phone away, you turned back to the teacher.
"Y/N was there anything else you wanted?"
"If it's alright with you, I think I'd like to change to another elective."
"Oh? May I ask why?"
You silently looked over at Albedo's desk. You were struck by his paintings. Not a single one was of you. Tears sprang to your eyes. The teacher nodded in silent understanding.
"Alright then, what would you like to switch to?"
"I heard 6reeze was looking for a songwriter. I think I want to try that. I'm not that much or a great writer but-"
"I think you'd be great at that."
"I heard from your writing teacher that you were great at stuff like that. I think you'd do well."
"Thank you!" Your expression turned brighter.
"I really hope you do well. Talk to me if you need anything. I really enjoyed having you as my student." You grinned and walked out of the classroom. Heading to your next class, you giggled as you pictured your friend's reactions.
Scara POV
"Only one person signed up to be our songwriter." Kazuha was saying as I walked in.
"Who?" (Aether)
"Y/N" (Kazuha)
"What the fu##" (Xiao)
"Well, this is going to be fun." (Heizou)
"Wasn't she in painting though?" (Venti)
"Well, Albedo's in painting." (Kazuha)
The room suddenly got really quiet. I didn't get why Y/N didn't like Albedo. I don't care about school gossip and drama. The rest of them seemed like they understood.
Of course they did.
They're all Y/N's friends.
To break the silence, I spoke up.
"So we're letting her do it?"
"Well, there's no other option..." (Kazuha)
"Is everyone fine with it?" (Heizou)
A yes from everyone except for Xiao and me.
"Xiao? Scara?" (Venti)
"I can't stop her either way." (Xiao)
"I don't care."
"Alright then, she's hired!" (Venti)
Oh archons
she's going to bother me even more now.
just great.
Suddenly, my phone dinged. I took it out and opened messages.
Xiaos sister
Xiaos sister
Hey Scara
Xiaos sister
Youre in the 6reeze meeting rn right?
did I get in?
you were the only one that signed up so yeah?
why are you asking me and not your brother or friends or something?
Xiaos sister
they would get mad that I didnt tell them I was signing up.
End of Scara's POV
You sighed. It was true that they would be annoyed that you didn't tell them, but they would more likely be concerned about you. You didn't want to deal with their concern or pity. A message brought your attention back to your phone.
Emo thats not Xiao
Emo thats not Xiao
oh yeah
whats up between you and albedo?
I heard the others talking
is scaramoochie concerned?
Emo thats not Xiao
tf did you just call me?
I was just curious gtfo
wow so rude 😢💔
fu## you
You sighed and put your phone away. Looking to the side, you felt a pang. The teacher had forced you to take all your paintings. They were leaning against the wall. Feeling a rush of anger, you grabbed a pocket knife.
Slowly, but brutally, you slashed at all of the canvases. Eventually, the only one that was left was the one of Albedo, Klee, and you. You had even destroyed the sunset. You then grabbed some paint. As much as you were hurting right now, you couldn't bring yourself to slash this one because of Klee. You painted over yourself.
With every stroke of your brush, you witnessed yourself slowly disappearing from the painting.
Eventually, you were gone.
Like you had never been there at all.
Like you were never in his heart.
Leaving your dorm, you grabbed all of the canvases. Ruined or otherwise. The paint had all dried. You headed over to the dumpster and dumped all of the shredded paintings in. With the painting of Klee and Albedo under your arm, you headed to the daycare.
"Y/N. You're here." Your sister ran up to you and hugged you.
"Hello, Qiqi. Do you know where Klee is?" Qiqi pointed and you saw Klee standing to the side, waiting for Albedo. You walked over to Klee with Qiqi trailing.
"Big Sister Y/N!" you slightly cringed at the name.
"I'm not your sister anymore Klee."
"But why not? Big bro loves you!"
"He never did." handing the painting to the girl, you walked off. Klee looked really confused.
"But, he said he did. Big bro would never lie." however, you didn't hear this, you were already too far away.
Albedo's POV
I scanned the crowd of kids. Then, eventually, I spotted Klee. She was holding a.... Canvas? It was wrapped up, but it was clearly a canvas.
"Hey Klee, what've you got there?"
"Oh! Y/N gave it to me!"
"Oh she did?"
"Mhm! But she also said you never loved her.... But you do right? You said you did, and you'd never lie!"
"Well, let's go home and we can see what she gave you there."
When we got home, Klee immediately ripped the packaging and held up....
A painting.
The fact that it was a painting didn't surprise me, but what did was the contents.
It was Klee, and me.
I had never seen any of her paintings and the detail amazed me.
I never remembered taking a picture like this.
She did it all without a reference.
She had really loved me.
I held up the canvas. There was a spot on it that looked off. On closer inspection, it seemed like it had been painted over. I surmised that it had probably been you but you had painted it out. I handed the painting back to Klee.
"You can hang that wherever you want. Just don't burn the house down."
I then retreated to my room to think.
I felt guilty.
Guilty for using you.
Guilty for making you love me.
I wasn't supposed to feel guilt.
I never loved you.
I selected you, because I knew I would never love you.
But how?
How did I still end up getting attached?
Running a hand through my hair, I sat down at my desk.
Better to overwork then think too hard.
Better to tire out my body than tire out my mind and heart.
A/N: Plot twist! Though if you read a lot of fanfics, you were probably expecting this..... This happens all the time..... Is this getting too cliche? idk.... god it took me like 3 hrs to make this.... though I was reading most of the time ehe~ You're welcome for the update <3
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