"Really?" (you)
"Yeah. They reviewed our evidence and expelled her." (Heizou)
"Thank the archons."
"Yeah. I think it's better to consult Kuni for that though."
"You talk to him then."
"Alright. I'll tell you tomorrow."
"See you."
"Yeah. Bye."
You leaned against the wall and ended the call.
"I have to talk to him now... Well, I can talk to him after school ends."
You had decided to stay home from school after getting sick. Xiao had managed to inform all your teachers of the situation.
Hey, can we talk?
Meet me at Lisa's cafe after school.
"I should get going."
You got dressed and walked down to the cat cafe/library.
"Hey cutie! What brings you here? Don't you have school?"
"I didn't go today. I was just planning on staying here. Can I use that room from last time?"
"Of course!"
"Oh and also, if a certain person comes to look for me, tell him where I am. But no one except for him."
"Alright. Have fun!"
You chose a book and sat down.
Immersing yourself in the story, you stayed motionless for hours.
"I'm here. What did you want to say?"
You jumped and looked up.
"Oh, hi Kuni. Just gimmie a moment."
"Wow. You find a book more interesting than me?" He snatched the book from you.
"Hey!" You tried to get the book back.
"Nope. You're the one who called me here. At least tell me why?" He hid the book behind his back.
"Just give it back! It was getting interesting!"
"Am not interesting enough for you?"
"I- Just give it back!" He laughed at your flushed face.
"You're so cute when you're angry and flustered."
"Stop it!"
"Stop what?"
"Ugh. You're so annoying." You huffed.
"And you're cute." He patted your head.
A/N: I'm gonna say it first Dirty little traitor vibes! If you haven't read that go read it right now! It's such an amazing scara fanfic. Anyways, let us continue.
"Hmph. I'm assuming you still don't keep up with gossip?"
"Of course."
"Then, I'll tell you everything that has happened so far."
"What do you mean?"
"I received stalker photos. Turns out it was Mona bc she believed that I was 'taking you from her' I'm fairly certain your sister manipulated her into stalking me. Mona was expelled after I received a confession. Heizou wants to..."
"Find evidence of my sister's wrongdoings?"
"Yes. He asked me to speak with you."
"You know that's next to impossible. Without anyone of influence helping us, she covers her tracks all too well."
"A person of influence?"
"Yeah. If she used her influence to keep people silent, only a person of higher influence..."
"I get what you mean. How about..." You hesitated.
"My mother?"
"No. My sister is more well known."
"Well, if we can track down the people that helped her and had your mom pretend to be your sister..."
"Oh... Right. It's alright. We can think of something else."
"No. It was a good idea. It's just..."
"Kuni. Me and Heizou can do it if you don't-"
"No. It's fine. When do you want to meet up?"
"Tommorow. At lunch in the practice room."
"Alright. See you then." He turned to leave.
"Give me my book back."
"Give it back!"
"Ugh. Lisa! Help me out here!"
"Wait don't-"
"Yes cutie?"
"He won't give me back my book!"
"So. What were you doing with the book?" She turned to Kuni who had given up.
"Seriously? You had to call her?" He hissed at you. You shrugged.
"Ugh fine." He handed the book to you.
"Yay! Thanks Lisa!"
"No problem honey. Tell me if this shortie does anything else."
"Hey! I'm not that short!" You giggled.
"If you say so."
"You're the same height as me!"
"Heh. Anyways, you were leaving now right?"
"Then bye. See you tomorrow."
"Yeah. Bye." He left and you turned back to your book.
Why did he look so disappointed?
Eh. It's not my problem.
Back to my book!
You read. For hours. Getting another book every time you finished, you spent the entire day in the library.
Lisa POV
"Y/N. Y/N? It's 8:30."
I looked into the room she was in.
"Oh. She's asleep. Hm...."
I quickly pulled out my phone and made a call.
"Hey Miko!"
"Yea? It's late. What did you want?"
"What's your future stepson's number?"
"Gimmie a moment. I need to look through Ei's phone."
"Got it. It's ###-###-####."
"No problem! Just tell me what it was for later."
"Of course!"
I ended the call and called the number Yae had given me.
"Who's this?"
"This is Lisa. Are you busy?"
"What do you want."
"Y/N fell asleep."
"She's still there? Ugh. That idiot."
"So what?"
"Are you coming to get her?"
"Yeah yeah. Just gimmie a moment."
"Okay then."
I quickly ended the call.
"I could have just woken you up Y/N. You better thank me for this when the two of you are dating."
Scara POV
I ran to my car and drove to the library.
"That idiot. She really had to make me come here?"
I walked inside and saw Lisa waiting for me.
"You're finally here."
"It takes a while?"
"I'm supposed to be at home right now! If you'd come quicker then I'd have been able to get off work early! Better than that, if you actually stayed instead of leaving earlier-"
"Okay okay I get it. Where is she?"
"Same place as earlier. Deal with this quickly will you? I really want to get home."
"Yeah yeah."
I walked into the room. She was curled on on the chair. Her mouth was slightly agape with her hair falling over her face.
"Heh. How cute." I brushed her hair away and picked her up.
A/N: He just did okay? Don't question it. He's strong. He has to do the fandango 24/7
"Finally. Thank the archons. I get to leave!" Lisa was waiting by the door. She opened it and I place Y/N in my car.
"Kay bye." I drove off. Soon enough, we were at the school.
"Ugh. I really don't want to carry her to her dorm... My dorm's closer I can just take her there. It's not like it's the first time." Sighing, I picked her up again and carried her to my dorm.
Placing her on the bed, I looked at her again.
"She looks so peaceful." I pulled the covers over her and turned to leave.
"No... Don't leave me..." I turned behind me to make sure she hadn't woken up.
"Oh. Talking in her sleep. I guess I'll just stay here. I can just say she asked me to stay."
Heh. I'm so smart.
A/N: I started laughing so hard while writing this. Hope you enjoyed!
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