"Huh, you're still calling me by that nickname even after we broke up." he took out a notebook and noted it down.
He was serious about the experiment thing
I hoped that he was just hurt
he just seems unbothered
A brush of Kazuha's hand made you realize that you were trembling. Forcing yourself to stop, you met Albedo's eyes.
"Why? Why me?"
"You seemed the type to be an average girlfriend. I would have had to do more tests to make sure but-"
"So it was random. You could have broken anyone's heart but it just had to be me!" A crowd had started gathering. You knew the information about the breakup would spread but you didn't care.
"I thought you wanted to. You were the one that asked to."
"It was a fu##ing dare ok? Mona pressured me into it. I was going to ask you to break up for a day not forever!"
"That's all you're going to say? You don't regret it do you?"
"It was beneficial for my research."
"Well, if I tell you what I felt through our entire relationship will it benefit you even more?"
"I was going to ask you anyway."
"You're a great actor. You're a great liar. Because I actually believed you. When you said that you loved me I believed it. When you kissed me I thought you actually meant the unspoken words. When you said that you would stay with me forever I really believed it. You are a fu##ing ba$/@rd. Why me? Why pick me? I loved you so much the betrayal hurts. It hurts so bad. But you don't care. You never gived a $#!/ about my feelings. The only thing you actually care about is your research."
"Thank you, this information has been very useful."
"That's all you see everyone as. A source of information. How about your sister? Do you really care about her, or is she a source of Information as well? No answer? Oh, how heartbroken she would be if I told her." You pushed past him and the crowd. However, before you could get away, you heard some words that made you stop.
"If you hurt her I will....."
"That's what my brother said as well. Did you forget the warning? You shouldn't have made me love you Bedo." While you once said the nickname with tenderness, now you said it with loathing. You practically spit the words at him. Turning around, you headed the rest of the way to your dorm.
Turning on your phone, you flopped on your bed. After blocking Albedo on all your platforms, you decided you needed to distract yourself from what happened so you decided to text your most recent contact.
Emo that's not Xiao
Hello is this purple bowl cut guy?
Emo that's not Xiao
Who tf are you?
Xiaos sister we met today remember?
Emo that's not Xiao
ah you
how tf did you get my number?
Xiao either forgot or didn't want to tell me
what grade are you in?
Emo that's not Xiao
why do you want to know?
Why are you even texting me anyway?
if you want to date me Im not interested
ik im hot but like I got you to fall in love with me after meeting once?
dont you have a boyfriend anyways?
tf no
why would I want to date you?
and my bf broke up with me yesterday
Emo that's not Xiao
thats a skill issue honestly
it was actually his fault
turns out he was just using me
like who does that?
I thought he actually loved me you know?
turns out he just sees all people as a source of information except for his sister.
Archons, I texted you to distract myself from this and then I end up ranting to you.
Enough about me. What's going on in your life?
Emo that's not Xiao
Why should I tell you?
so rude 😭😐🙄😒
Emo that's not Xiao
ugh why do you use those?
they hurt my eyes
Emo that's not Xiao
wtf no I'm not
you act just like Xiao wdym ur not an emo?
Emo that's not Xiao
that's it im going to block you
no plz dont ur my only source of entertainment
Emo that's not Xiao
go bother someone else
but I want to bother you
message not sent
wtf he really blocked me
message not sent
Why are we all even here?
guys he blocked me
serves you right
how did you even get his number?
Maple leaf
he did?
how are you feeling after the hallway?
wait what happened?
Maple leaf
Albedo and yelling and practically the whole school knows about the break up now
the better twin
wait who blocked you?
Tone-deaf bard
purple bowl cut?
anger issues?
part of 6reeze?
yeah him
gimme a moment....
Blonde-boi added Scaramouche
Blonde-Boi changed Scaramouche to Emo 2.0
Emo 2.0
Unblock me rn! 😠😡
Emo 2.0
why am I even here?
all of 6reeze was in here except for you so why not?
oh scara's here?
coffin lady
heizou only replying when kaki does lol
total simp
you can't talk
you're even more of a simp
The better twin
Emo 2.0
ok im just gonna leave
Emo 2.0 left the chat
you have added Emo 2.0
Emo 2.0 left the chat
you have added Emo 2.0
Emo 2.0 left the chat
you have added Emo 2.0
Emo 2.0
just let me leave
unblock me?
or else ill keep adding you 😈
Emo 2.0
Emo 2.0 left the chat
Emo that's not Xiao
Emo that's not Xiao
ok I unblocked you
Emo that's not Xiao
now leave me alone
Emo that's not Xiao
I could block you again
then I'll make a gc
if you don't reply youre my new bff
ok then
see you at lunch tomorrow bffl
a/n: short chapter idk how to make the story progress. ideas? though asking is pointless ig. like Ill probably come up with a random idea wow I just came up with an idea while writing this.
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