Shogun POV
"Kunikuzushi. Will this be the final thing that I take away? Will this be the final loss that breaks you?"
End of Shogun POV
A week after you met with Raiden Shogun...
"Mom, I'm going to school today. I already settled it with the school."
"You sure you'll be alright?"
"Call me if you need anything. Have a nice day!"
You hopped on a bus and headed to school.
When you arrived, you quickly dropped your stuff off at your dorm and went to meet up with your friends... Or, more specifically, find your friends. You looked around campus until you finally located them at the tree.
"Hey guys!"
"Wtf? Y/N? When'd you get back?"
"How did you manage to get rid of the rumors?"
"They were stopped in just a day?"
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"Guys calm down. I'd rather not talk about that. So what happened while I was gone? Anything interesting?" While your friends brought you up to date on everything that happened, you realized that you needed to tell Kuni that you met his sister.
"Oh that's the bell. See you all at lunch!" You ran off to your first class.
Class after class passed until it was the end of the day. You walked to your dorm and collapsed on the bed. You were relieved that there were no whispers, no strange looks following you throughout the day.
How do I tell Kuni?
Should I try to text him?
Even though I'm blocked...
You pulled out your phone.
I met your sister.
You gasped.
I'm not blocked???
A week ago.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why do you think?
I just wanted to let you know.
You tossed your phone on the bed.
Why did it seem like he cared?
This is too complicated.
Scara POV
She met Raiden?
What do I do?
What if she finds out that I care about Y/N?
What if....
What if....
Stop it Scaramouche!
There's no use worrying right now.
Just call Ei.
She'll know what to do... Right?
Ugh. But I really don't want to.....
I picked up my phone. For now, there was nothing else I could think of doing.
"Oh? Kunikuzushi? Why are you calling Ei at a time like this?"
"Wtf. Yae Miko? Why did you pick up?"
"Your mom is taking a shower. Is there anything you needed? Is it about her?"
"*sigh* I knew calling was a bad idea."
"Tell me."
"Y/N met with Raiden."
"I know."
"Does my mom know?"
"How do you know?"
"I'm friends with the owner of the library Y/N met the Shogun at."
"Right. If you don't have any good advice I'm hanging up."
"I'll let Ei know you called."
I hung up. That woman never failed to annoy me.
"That was so useless."
My phone buzzed.
Maybe talk to her?
Romance will blossom!
This is so useless.
What do I do?
I picked up my phone again.
"Hey Y/N."
"Yeah. We need to talk. Meet me at that library you met my sister at."
"Alright. But why all of a sudden?"
"I'll explain when you get there."
"Ok. I'll be there in an hour."
I sighed.
Do I really have to do this?
If I get another person involved again...
Well I already called her, so there is no turning back now.
I sighed and headed to the cafe.
It was a walking distance so there was no need to get my car.
When I arrived, I saw Y/N waiting for me.
"Hey Kuni!"
End of Scara POV
Why'd he ask me to meet up?
Does he want to hurt me again?
It'll be better to act cheerful and like the old Y/N he knew until I know his true intentions.
Oh. He's here.
"Hey Kuni!"
"Oh. You're here."
"Yeah! Let's go inside." You dragged him inside and asked Lisa for a room.
"Of course! Use the one you used last time okay cutie?"
"Alright!" You sat down inside and waited for Kuni to sit. "So what did you want to talk about?"
"My sister."
"Continue." You noticed his hesitation. "Hey. Kuni." You grabbed his hand. "It's alright if you don't want to tell me." He flushed.
"It's not that... just...."
"Just what?" You leaned forwards, then back again when he flinched. "I'm making you uncomfortable, aren't I? Well, I can leave. We agreed to never pressure the other to tell us things right? Just contact me when you're ready. I'll be there." You got up to leave.
"Y/N. Wait."
"Kuni. You so clearly don't want to tell me. It's alright." You stepped away.
"My sister is a murderer." The words stopped you in your tracks.
"Kuni. Stop."
"She hates me so much that she'll do anything to make me unhappy." He was trembling.
"Kuni. Please stop!"
"She almost killed Tomo because I was friends with Kazuha and-" You placed a hand over his mouth, tears glistening in your eyes.
"You're forcing yourself Kuni. I don't need an explanation. Just tell me what you want me to do."
"You won't understand if I don't tell you." He said quietly after you removed your hand from his mouth.
"I'll do what you tell me to anyways."
"Why? Why trust someone like me?"
"Because. You were there for me. So tell me what you want from me Kuni. I'll do my best."
"Just stay away from my sister. Be careful around her. Tell me if anything weird or suspicious happens. Just stay safe for me alright?"
"I can do that. You don't have to worry Kuni. I'll help you out in any way I can." You embraced him and he stiffened. However, he soon relaxed and his armed worked their way around you until he was hugging you back.
"Thank you Y/N."
"It's nothing. Well, I better get going. See you at school?" He looked like he was about to say something but he hesitated.
"Yeah. See you at school." You grinned at him and left.
Scara POV
She grinned at me and left.
Why didn't I tell her to stay?
I'm such a coward.
The feeling of her hand over my mouth....
Snap out of it!
Why is my life so crazy?
A/N: Ehe~ Sorry for disappearing. I just had a lot going on and I didn't have much time to write. Hope you enjoyed lol
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