Albedo Alternate Ending

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"Let's play truth or dare!" A navy blue haired girl in pigtails grinned as she suggested the game.

At the moment, you, Lumi, Hutao, Kuki, & Mona were sitting in Lumi's dorm. You grinned as she suggested the game. Truth or dare was one of your favorites. The others readily agreed as did you.

"Lumi, truth or dare?" You looked at the blonde.

"Ummm, truth."

"Are you dating my brother?" You got your phone out and was recording.

"Yes.... We became official a month ago." You squealed.

"I knew it! I gotta text him! The two of you are so cute together!"

Big Bro (Xiao) ❤️❤️❤️


you sent a recording

U and Lumi r dating!!!!????

I knew it!

Why didn't u tell me???😭

I'm your sister!


"Ugh he left me on read." you grumbled.

You and Xiao were very different. You were extroverted while he was very introverted. He was older than you by a year. Yet, everyone was surprised when they found out you were siblings. There were even people who thought they were dating.

"Ok Y/N truth or dare?" It was your turn, and Mona was asking you.

"Dare. Bring it." You smirked.

"I dare you to break up with Albedo for a day." You gasped.

"What? No!" The others looked at Mona, also shocked.

Albedo and you were the school's most famous couple. You had started dating a year ago after falling in love. The two of you had met during art class and bonded over your shared love of painting.

"Are you too chicken?" Mona smirked at you. "You're too scared huh? After you said dare with so much confidence."

"Fine." You rolled your eyes. Then, you brought out your phone again to call Albedo.

"Y/N? What do you need?" The soothing voice of your boyfriend brought you back to reality. Were you really going to do this? Looking at the smirking face of Mona, you steeled your resolve.

"Albedo, let's break up-" As you were about to continue, he cut you off. 

"What? Why?" 

"Just for a day. It was a dare. It doesn't even do anything. But you better come up with a good confession if you want me to accept again." 

"Alright then." He hung up and you giggled. 

"You actually did it?" Mona was gaping at you. 

"What's your problem? If you're going to do things like that I don't want to talk to you anymore." 

"You have the nerve to say that after what you did to me?" 

"What? What did I ever do to you?" 

"You're acting so oblivious but you ruined my life!" 


"Don't you remember? You reported me of cheating!" 

"Oh. That?!!"

"Yeah! You ruined all chances of my getting into Hexenzirkel High!"

"I didn't want you to get something by cheating! We were friends! I was just doing the right thing!"

"It was my destiny to get in! It was written in the stars! And you ruined it all!"

"You shouldn't have cheated! You said you forgave me!"

"I never did. I wanted revenge! You destroyed me! Do you know how much trouble I got in?" 

"It's not my fault Mona!" 

"It was. I hope you suffer from everything you did to me." She stormed off and you sighed. 

"It wasn't my fault. That psychotic bit##." 

"Wow. That was a lot of drama. We should leave now right?" (Kuki)

"Yeah. I'll get going now. Bye, guys!" (You)

Rushing into your room, you sighed. 

Why did Mona make me break up with him?

It's not like he doesn't love me anymore. 

I heard how panicky he sounded over the phone...

I had no idea she hated me this much. 

I thought she was my friend.

I guess I was wrong. 

The next day, you got up and dressed. Feeling giddy from excitement. 

Checking your phone, you received a text from Bedo. 



Meet me at our spot okay? 


ofc! See you there! Looking forwards to it <3

Grinning, you rushed to the art club room. 

The art club really only consisted of you and Bedo because no one else joined. Either because they felt uncomfortable or your friends threatened everyone. 

When you burst into the room, Albedo turned around, your favorite flowers in his hand. Looking around the room, a hand flew over your mouth. 

It was covered with sketches of you. You and Bedo... You alone... You reading... You with a cat... You laughing... Just looking at it, you could tell the time and effort that he put into it. Tears of happiness sprung to your eyes.


"Bedo!" He handed you the flowers and you smiled. 

"Y/N. We've spent many years together... You know how I feel. But I'll keep saying it. I'll keep telling you. So you never doubt me." 


"I love you Y/N. Will you give me the honor of being my girlfriend again?" 

"Yes! Of course! I love you too Bedo." 

I feel bad for doubting him now...

"Never break up with me again alright?" You embraced him. Breathing in his scent. Sinking into his warmth. 

"I always feel at home when I'm with you." He kissed your forehead. "Hey Bedo... I'm wondering why Mona dared me to break up with you. You really do love me right?" 

"Of course. Didn't I tell you not to doubt me?" 

"I know. I'm just... Mona told me that she hates me and I'm just feeling... I'm sorry to ruin this... but..." 

"It's alright Y/N. I'm here." 

"Thank you Bedo. I'm really grateful that I met you. I don't think I can live without you. I really really love you."

"I feel the same way Y/N."

"What do you want to do later?" 

"I'm not sure. You can decide." 

"Alright. Then..." 

Let's spend the rest of the day...

Then the rest of our lives...


I love you Bedo.

A/N: Tried to make this as wholesome and sweet as I could... Hope you enjoyed? I really loved writing this though it made me feel single. This is the happy ending I wished for both Y/N and Bedo if it ever came to be. In this ending Bedo loved you the entire time. He really truly loved you. You did meet Scara because of your friends but the two of you never grew that close. You and Bedo eventually end up married in your respective professions. I'm feeling too single. Gotta go cry myself to sleep...😭😅😥😢😂😫Love you guys!🥰😘

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