Nate released a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through his hair. He scooped up the papers in front of him, shuffled them into a small stack, and set them on the larger pile near the front corner of his desk. Then moved onto the next pile.
His entire office was a mess. Paper upon paper, files upon files were practically consuming the floor. The room smelled like old documents and a copy machine. Even the leather couch along the wall held stacks of clutter.
Damn Marcus and his inability to keep a place organized.
Nate had easily stepped back into the business aspect of being Alpha. For the first few hours after he'd arrived, he'd moved effortlessly through documents, setting aside the less important ones and focusing on the vital information. But even the best businessman couldn't stand so much work in front of him.
About half an hour later, a knock sounded on the door. "Nathaniel? Honey, can I come in?"
Nate glanced at the huge stack of papers. Surely a little break wouldn't hurt anything? "Sure, Mom."
Theresa's long brown hair flowed gracefully behind her as she entered. She eyed the mess distastefully. "How long have you been working?"
He glanced at his sleek Rolex. "Maybe six hours."
Theresa's eyes widened. "Nathaniel, it's nine in the morning! You mean to tell me you've been up since three?" she asked him in that disappointed tone only mothers achieved.
"I couldn't sleep."
She placed her hands on her hips and stepped forward until she was toe-to-toe with the desk. "I'm overruling you. Come on, let's go get some breakfast."
"Nope, no excuses. Let's go." She clapped her hands three times. "Up, up, up."
He groaned and got out of the rolling chair. It took too much effort to shuffle his way to the door. His mom followed close behind.
"We're taking Marcus with us. It's a Saturday morning and it's high time we go out as a family."
Theresa walked into Lindy's Diner with all the confidence in the world. Nate and Marcus reluctantly entered after her. They'd done all the convincing they could to try and get their mother to agree to some place a bit...nicer, but it was no use. Their mother was a former Alpha female—she practically wrote the manual on how to be stubborn.
Lindy's wasn't too packed for a Saturday morning. The hustle and bustle of the place never slowed, even with such few people in the area. It was a place Nate had been to so many times he'd lost count. He grew up coming to this place. It was practically his second kitchen.
The few wolves in the restaurant lowered their eyes and dropped their heads slightly once Nate and his family came in, as a sign of respect and submission. Nate and Marcus nodded in recognition.
After settling themselves in a quaint little booth near the back, Nate spoke. "Is it just me, or does this place seem like it's deteriorating?"
While he was speaking, Marcus tried to grab some napkins out of the silver napkin dispenser. Just as he pulled, the one side of the metal box fell off and onto the table with a clatter.
Marcus frowned at it. "Definitely deteriorating."
"Oh, hush," Theresa commanded. "This place doesn't have to be fancy. It has the best food in town."
"Well, there's not really many choices, Mom," Marcus pointed out. "It's a small town. We don't even have a McDonald's. I have to drive fifty minutes just to get a Big Mac."
"Your father used to love this place," Theresa said quietly. "Him and Lindy were good friends."
That sobered them.
"I miss him," Marcus said. "I know it's been awhile, but I still expect to see him messing around in the backyard with all the pups or coming out of his office."
"Me too, honey," Theresa agreed with a gentle smile. "But I have no doubt in my mind he's in a better place now."
Marcus cleared his throat and changed the subject. "So, Nate, how was your trip? And don't give me crap details, man."
Nate shrugged. "It was okay."
"Really? That's it?" Marcus asked in frustration. "You made me take over pack business for almost four years and all you have to say is that it was 'okay'?"
His brother absentmindedly played with his silverware. "Yeah, pretty much."
"No fights?"
He shrugged. "A few."
"Any leads?"
Nate clenched his fist so tight his knuckles turned white. "No."
It pissed him off so much. The scent of his father's murderer still haunted his nostrils, controlled his dreams, and played with his mind. He would give his right hand for just two minutes with the killer. Two minutes was all he would need to get revenge for what happened.
"How about the rest of the packs? How are they all doing?"
"Not good," Nate told him somberly, keeping his voice soft so none of the other wolves could hear. "I've stayed with a few of them during my search."
"I've heard some of them are just absolutely chaotic," Marcus barely whispered.
"That's a good way to put it. If they haven't disappeared completely, then they're hanging on by a thread."
Theresa blinked. "What about the Alphas?"
Nate's answer was delayed by the arrival of their waitress.
"Hello there! My name's Claire and I'll be your server today. What can I get you all to drink?"
Nate's head snapped up. "Claire?"
"Hello, Alpha," she replied politely, keeping her head bowed gently in submission. "How are you this morning?"
Something itched inside Nate's chest at her voice. It wasn't a bad itch. It was something he'd never felt before. Something primitive that made his whole body warm and his wolf purr in contentedness.
Her scent of lavender and spice washed over him. Such a strange combination that oddly worked and made him twitch with...excitement?
"I'm doing fine, Claire." He couldn't help but let her name roll off his tongue. "Though I do wish you would call me Nate."
Nate gestured to Theresa. "Claire, this is my mother, Theresa. Mom, this is Claire, one of our Omegas. And I do believe you've met my brother and Beta, Marcus." Claire reached over and gave both his family members a brief handshake.
Nate tried not to be irked by the fact that she shook Marcus' hand and not his. It made his wolf too unhappy.
"You two know each other?" Marcus asked, the previous conversation put on hold.
Claire blushed lightly, head still lowered. "Yes, Sir. Uh..." She trailed off, no doubt scrambling for an explanation.
"I visited Claire and her brother the other night to do a checkup," Nate responded easily, not taking his eyes from her face. He absolutely adored the color brought to her cheeks by her embarrassment.
Claire cleared her throat awkwardly. "So, can I get you anything to start off with?"
Theresa glanced at Nate and then turned to Claire with a twinkle in her hazel eyes. A twinkle that made Nate nervous. "I'll have a coffee and the breakfast special." She closed up her menu and handed it to Claire.
Claire slid the menu under an arm and scratched the order on her notepad. "Of course, Ma'am. And would you like white, wheat, or cinnamon raisin toast with it?"
"Cinnamon raisin. And please, call me Theresa." Theresa beamed, her hand resting under her chin to support her head. She was openly staring at Claire, as if assessing her.
"Ma'am, I don't think—"
Marcus interrupted her. "I'll have a coffee and an order of French toast. Does that come with eggs?"
"No, Sir. It comes with a side order of bacon and hash browns."
"Okay, then I'll have 3 eggs over easy too."
Claire wrote it all down and looked at Nate. When their eyes met, Nate felt the temperature in the room heat up a few degrees. Her eyes were a gorgeous green, like the color of healthy grass mixed with a lighter shade. Vibrant. Her eyes were vibrant.
She waited expectantly with her pen in hand, poised at the ready.
"I'll have an order of tomato juice, three eggs sunny-side up, an order of hash browns, and an order of sausage."
"Would you like any toast with that?"
Claire jammed the pad into her work apron, grabbed the rest of their menus, and walked off to take care of the order. Nate's eyes followed her skirt-covered bottom her entire way to the kitchen. Damn, that light blue uniform was perfect for her.
Marcus whistled. "Well, look here. Nate smiling. Actually smiling. Goddess, the world must be ending."
Nate shot his brother a glare. "Shut it, Marc. Or I'll shut it for you."
Theresa couldn't hold back a little giggle. She clapped her hands in glee. "My little boy!" was all she got out.
Nate scrunched his forehead. "What is the matter with you people?"
Marcus chuckled at his brother's confusion. "Man, it's pretty obvious she's your mate. Nice try hiding it though."
"She's not an Omega," Theresa pointed out. "She felt more dominant."
"Claire's adopted," Marcus told their mother.
"My goodness, she's a pretty one, Nathaniel. Her hair is beautiful! And her eyes are such an odd shade of green, it's amazing," Theresa raved. "Your pups will be good-looking. And strong. Definitely strong."
"Woah, woah, wait," Nate stopped them. "What in the hell are you talking about?"
"Nathaniel, language," Theresa warned.
"What do you mean, she's my mate?" he asked.
Marcus sighed dramatically. "You're an idiot."
Nate's wolf growled at the insult. "Watch it, Marcus," he threatened.
"Haven't you touched her yet?" Theresa asked with a frown. "You'd know it the second you two make contact. Even if it's just a little touch of her fingers."
"Once your wolves make contact, the bond begins setting. There's no going back after that," Marcus chimed in.
Nate scowled at the table. How could he be so stupid? So...naïve?
That meant they almost activated the mating bond the other day. The sparks, his wolf's anxiousness, the heat, all of it. Luna help him.
He glanced over towards the kitchen where she'd disappeared. She was beautiful, that was for sure. Capable of handling herself, a little dominance but not too much, quiet, kept to herself, didn't throw herself at him like other female wolves.
She would make a good mate. A dependable Alpha female.
"You're smiling again," Marcus said, "It's kind of creepy. Knock it off."
Nate almost punched him.
"Marcus, leave your brother alone. You two are grown men, an Alpha and Beta no less, it's time you act as such," Theresa scolded.
"Sorry, Mom."
"All you two are doing is embarrassing yourselves."
They echoed their apologies.
A few moments later, the smell of lavender ambushed Nate's nose. His wolf perked up.
"Okay, I've got two coffees..." Marcus and Theresa nodded appreciatively when the drinks were set in front of them. "And your tomato juice, Alpha." Claire bent and set the drink in front of him, her red-brown hair brushing his arm and giving him shivers.
Marcus gave Nate an encouraging look. One that very clearly said, go get her, dude.
Nate hesitated. Would she want to be his mate? From what little he had seen of Claire, she didn't seem the type to want to settle down early. Let alone be tied to him for the rest of her existence.
There was a part of Nate's brain that wanted to make him slap himself. Here he was, almost turning twenty-four years old, wanting to meet his mate for the longest time—dreaming about it—and now he was holding back. He should be jumping at the chance! Not sitting here like little Miss Prissy, debating with himself.
In the end, it was the hesitation that ruined his chance. Just as he began to reach up to softly touch her wrist, she pulled away and out of arm's reach.
"Is there anything else I can get you, Alpha?" she asked innocently, obviously having not seen Nate's intentions.
How about a date? Nate bit his tongue to keep himself in check.
"No, I think we're good," Marcus told her, though his gaze was set strictly on Nate. It was dripping with disappointment.
"Well, enjoy your breakfast." She gave them a small smile and danced off, hips swinging dangerously as she left. Goddess, if she knew what sinful thoughts were going through his head...
"You missed your chance," Marcus told him, as if it weren't obvious.
Nate stabbed his fingers into his hair. "I know. Goddess, I'm so stupid."
Marcus bit his lip to keep back a taunt.
His mother threw a tender smile his way. "It's alright, Nathaniel. You'll get your chance." Her hazel eyes turned distant. "I remember when your father and I first touched. It was like beautiful fireworks..." She trailed off, reminiscing.
"I guess you'll just have to catch her when she comes back with the food. At least you found her." Marcus smirked. "I told you that you would."
The two brothers fist bumped.
The food came a few minutes later. To Nate's aggravation, it wasn't Claire who served it. Instead, the plates clattered in front of them, practically thrown down by a dirty blonde with a scowl permanently set onto her face. As she bowed her head, Nate caught her name tag. Sandy. Her name fit perfectly with her hair color.
Nate kept his eyes peeled for Claire, but she never showed.
Just once more. He only wanted to see her once more. Apparently, that was too much to ask. Her mouthwatering scent still wafted through the diner, telling him she was still here. Why wouldn't she come out from wherever she was hiding? Was she scared? Was she too busy with other orders?
He barely touched his meal. His mind ran through ideas of how he could see her again. What excuse he could make to be able to make contact with her.
Before he knew it, his mother and brother practically dragged him out of the place. He only had time to pay the bill and throw down the biggest dollar bill he had for tip. The least he could do was reward her hard work with a decent tip. Maybe she could use it to buy Charlie a new toy or get some new clothes she probably needed.
Nate already wanted to buy the world for her. He wasn't even a hundred percent sure she was his mate. Yet his wolf already wanted to do all he could to provide for her. At least a big tip kept his wolf satisfied for now.
Sooner or later, that wasn't going to be enough.
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