Chapter 24

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Elijah nodded his head.

Arcadius was definitely in, he could hear him.

"Stay here" he whispered as he made to turn around and walk back up the stairs, but he was caught by Athena's free hand.

She shook her head. "Come with me" she said, dragging him into the cell.

She threw her things into Elijah's arms and knelt down, prying open a small door on the floor. Elijah didn't even notice that.

"Go down" she whispered

"After you" he said, he wanted his eyes always on her after feeling how he did when he realised she wasn't upstairs.

Athena took her things and the bones from Elijah's arms and hopped down into a damp room.

"Me and my father built some tunnels for business when we first came here, nobody else knew, but it came in handy for quick escapes, I regret not telling Apollo"

Elijah sighed in reply, nothing he could say would make her feel better.

"But it's alright now, because I have what I need to bring him back"


Athena threw all of her things on Elijah's bed.

"What were you saying, when you said you had the things to bring him back?" Elijah finally built the courage up to ask her.

She turned around and smiled, stepping to the side and showing the bones of her deceased brother.

"He came to me in the house, Elijah" she said "he gave me this and told me I can bring him back, I don't need any magic"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Elijah asked regretfully, he knew that if he spoke logic

"What do you mean am I sure? Apollo was the one that stuck by my side" she said, her smile fading ever so slightly

"So was Arcadius until he stole your magic" Elijah replied, almost snapping

"What are you saying?" She asked innocently, she looked very hurt

"I'm saying, try and re think this, if it goes wrong then we have to fight 2 witches and not 1" Elijah spoke reason but she didn't want to hear it

"Apollo has always looked after me" she hissed "how dare you doubt me and judge me on my decisions... I'm resurrecting him whether you like it or not"

Elijah sighed. He rubbed his forehead and looked at her, she was so hopeful and now he had ruined her mood "I'm sure Niklaus would have something to say about it" he said

"Niklaus doesn't have anything to do with me" she replied

"Okay. What do you need?" He asked earning a smile from Athena. He wanted to give her everything she wanted and if this is it, no matter what risks. He will do it.

"I need some boiling water to dissolve the stone in, and the bath" she collected the bones on the bed and walked up to Elijah "thank you" she pecked him on the lips and walked over to the bathroom.

She ran the water for a while until it ran hot.

"Ouch" she said, burning herself on the hot tap. Elijah immediately sped by her side to check if she was okay. "I'm fine, I'm not a Porcelain doll, humans hurt themselves all the time" she explained, wrapping her finger within her shirt to help stop the pain.

Elijah kind of shuffled back to give her her space.

"I'm not saying I want you to back off" she added, pulling him closer in.

Elijah had his blouse sleeves rolled up as he walked in and got the bones, he wasn't too sure if he held Apollo's leg or his arm in his hands but, they were bones.

"Just drop them in there" she motioned as she stopped the warm tap from running, "it's like those things you buy in he store, just add water"

She brought the stone from the back pocket of her jeans. Her black, long sleeved shirt rolled up and her hair was tied back into a pony tale.

"I'm nervous" she bit her lip and looked at the bones in the bath.

"Worst case scenario, he doesn't come back. You have nothing to lose" Elijah said and then watched as she dropped the stone into the bath.

Most of him wanted the stone not to work. It was for the best, he wasn't too keen on taking the risk, the Drakov family, although close, can be toxic and they can turn on each other in the blink of an eye.

But to see the joy light on Athena's face if it did work would be worth all of the risks and all of the pain.

The bath turned a dark emerald green colour and began to bubble.

Athena glanced at Elijah and then back down in fear, her eyes had widened and her mouth hung open as if to say something.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do" she said, shaking her head.

Elijah knelt by her side and wrapped an arm around her waist to bring her in and calm her down. Humans stressed easily and he knew that she would be effected by it 10x worse.

Athena leant her head on his shoulder and they watched as the green, foaming bubbles grew and began to overflow.

The pair jumped back out of fear that they would get caught in the overflow, but instead of it flooding the whole bathroom. It stopped.

"Apollo?" She detached herself from Elijah and stepped closer to the bath tub.

Underneath all of the foam, she could make out a body, not just bones but a full fleshed body. "It's you"

He sat up and stretched his arms out, drenched from the water but glad to be alive. He stood up and stepped out of the tub, smiling like a fool.

"You did it sister" he placed both hands on her shoulders "I'm alive"

Athena glanced back at Elijah, who stood with a smile on his face. He had never seen Athena light up so much.

"Apollo, you haven't had chance to formally meet" she stepped back "this is Elijah"

"I'm familiar with you" he said, stepping forward and shaking some of the water off "I've watched you with my sister ever since I died, and might I say I've wanted to stake you when you killed her, but you've proven yourself" he said

Athena stood worrying, watching them with each other, not wanting any of them to start a fight.

"I may not quite like your kind, and I really don't like your betrayal to Athena, but if she thinks you are forgivable and trustworthy, I believe I can learn to like you" Apollo finished

"I'm glad" Elijah smiled in relief, Athena was right. This brother was the better one. "Let's get you dried off"

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