Chapter 13

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"Hello" Elijah whispered gently as he carefully tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

Athena's eyes quickly flickered awake. Her head buzzed and her body tingled as she moved and adjusted her eyesight to the brightness of the room. "Where am I? What happened?" She asked as soon as she recognised Elijah's voice

"You had a rather unfortunate turn, you're in the compound" Elijah lied. Luckily he had time to hide the dagger somewhere else whilst she slept

"That's right" she muttered to herself "the compound, of course" Athena raised her hand to rub her eyes "I can't remember anything, I've never felt anything like this before"

"I've never seen anything like it before" Elijah outstretched his hand to her "can you stand?"

Athena took his hand and swung her legs so her feet touched the floor. She tugged on his arm and lifted herself up. Elijah stood up with her.

"I'm fine, before you ask" she said before Elijah could open his mouth to speak. Her legs gave in a tiny bit and Elijah put his arms around her to act as a barrier.

"I wasn't going to say that" Elijah lied; he was going to ask

"I know you were" her arm wrapped around his shoulder for support "don't lie"

Elijah just let out a small chuckle. He was caught out in the act.

"How long have I been asleep?" She finally found her balance and stood by herself

"A few hours, you've been asleep through the night" Elijah informed her

"The night?"she gulped "that means I'm going to end this madness today"

"You don't have to..." Elijah began

"I do" she interrupted "to save the city and hopefully myself, I already told him to be here at 12"

"You sent him a message?" Elijah asked worriedly "why didn't you consult me?"

"I don't have to check in every move do I? After all he is my father and you aren't going to be doing extraneous work, I'm the one doing everything" she explained

Elijah fell silent. Torn between just taking her out of here and leaving her to do whatever she wants to. She won't be able to hurt him once he's hurt her. She'd be dead.

But she was right. Elijah was a part of her life now, but neither of them didn't know where they stood. Elijah too afraid to get in too deep because of his brother's relentlessness, and Athena not wanting to get in to deep because she's never really been away from her family before.

"You're absolutely correct" he finally admitted "forgive me, I sometimes to come across as overprotective"

Athena laughed "I'm sure I can look after myself, after all I'm double your age"

The pair were only centimetres away. They both wanted to move in closer, Athena did, but only a smidge.

Elijah's head tilted so if Athena were to move closer she would have missed. She got the hint.

Athena stepped back, with a small cough to break the awkward silence. "I-" Athena tried to think of something to say, eventually she raised her hand and pointed outside "should get downstairs, I need to get my magic into gear"

Elijah half nodded. He was silent as he watched Athena walk out of the tension filled room.


Elijah finally plucked up the courage to walk downstairs, there he saw Klaus sat watching Athena's every move.

Athena stood on the other side of the room, focussing her magic to knock off bottle caps from the wall.

"I'm not sure what this has to do with killing her father but it is amusing to watch" Klaus broke the silence

Athena snapped her head to the side after she levitated the bottle caps back on to the wall. "It doesn't have anything to do with it, it's just a simple exercise to gradually get me used to the amount of power I'm supposed to use" she explained "I don't know about you but killing a 2,050 year old immortal witch who is at the same level of strength as me is kind of a big deal; now let me do what I need to do"

Klaus raised his hands up in a false surrender with a smirk wiped all the way across his face. "Someone's in a foul mood"

Elijah could feel the doubt fill the girl as she striked the bottle caps. Every time a piece of plastic hit the floor, Elijah could feel her heart beat faster and he could hear her gulp louder than the last time.

He couldn't really blame her. Though he never had the chance to actually choose to side against his father, Mikael immediately targeted them. However Demetrius had only targeted her brother, but; as every family orientated person knows, by hurting one part of their family, they were hurting all.

It was a tough choice, avenge the brother and kill the father. Or leave the father untouched and the brother unavenged. But Elijah knew the bond between siblings can immensely outweigh the bond between father and daughter.

If only Demetrius knew. If only he knew that day he cast the spell to make his only daughter his weakness, that one day she would snap; she would seek help from others who planned to destroy her.

Maybe he shouldn't have protected her from so much of the world. Maybe she should have split off from family and learnt the hard way.

She had trust issues; there was no argue meant there. But somehow Elijah managed to break through; and what now? Just to end her life like she meant nothing to him?

Athena grew on Elijah each second. Every second he laid eyes on her and every second he thought about her blue eyes; long hair; her naturally red lips, it almost made him just pick her up and run off. He wanted to just wrap her up and keep her with him at all times.

Obviously a girl like that would never agree to having a personal bodyguard. She can look after herself.

Elijah caught himself debating again about whether he should go through with this or not. Maybe just killing Demetrius would be best. Athena would be a good ally and not to mention; a good partner.

However; Elijah's mind interrupted his constant thoughts of admiration and guilt. She still cannot be trusted; she has not proved herself yet. Athena still has Arcadius at home; and when their father dies, Elijah wouldn't be too sure if Arcadius would join the vampire's cause.

And family is family. Athena would rejoin her brother and fulfil her promise of fighting like cats and dogs. She even said herself that one of them would kill the other. It was just a matter of time.

All the proof was there. She could not be trusted. But why did Elijah feel like he could trust her?

Athena glanced at Elijah, who stood by his brother staring into oblivion. He was deep in thought.

So was she; many things ran through her mind. Could she actually cope with the amount of power she possessed? Could she pluck the courage to actually kill her father? How would she tell Arcadius? How would she feel afterwards?

But out of all the things simmering away in her head. Only one thing stood higher than others, only one thought bothered her more than anything and she didn't know why.


The original vampire that made her question her motives, her life in general. Why did he kiss her? Why was he being so nice, so protective of her?
Why did he dodge the last kiss she wanted? Why did she actually want the kiss?

What game was he playing?

It bothered her too much. So much so that she didn't realise she was crushing a plastic bottle cap in her hand, drawing a small amount of blood.

Her whole word has shifted on its axis. Obviously she wanted to Kill her father to protect the city and avenge her brother.

But now she caught herself thinking that if she doesn't go through with this, he will hurt Elijah. And the mere thought of hurting Elijah just brought shivers to her spine.

"Athena" the voice at the gate made her breath catch.

She turned around and saw her father, infuriated.

"Right on time" she muttered to herself

What do you think Elijah will do? Kill her or chicken out? Do you think he'll tell her about the plan?

ORRR! Do you think Athena will actually Kill Demetrius? She might be the one to chicken out.

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