The Titanic War

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{As we cut to a scene,where Magma was watching a large fight from a distance}{plus gore intended}
POV:Fighting Gojira
As I scratched the kong's face and atomic blasted him,I walked fast to Jade(Female Gojira),she looked injured and hurt,a large scar to her side,it was bleeding heavily groaning and roaring from pain,I looked hastily to the other side, Diamond (male Gojira) was fighting a Kong,punched the monke on the face hard,a tooth fell down,while the Kong was trying to get an axe, before anything could happen,I swiped the axe away from him,the Kong was yowling in pain,I looked savagely at him,blasted him with a an atomic blast,
"The fights over...C'mon Jade,we need to head to the sea,just Ugh! How are you so fucking heavy,did you eat something on the way here?"
Only groans of pain just left her mouth
"Yep,we are perfectly in a fine Postion to get ambushed and killed"As I snarled at the dead body of a Kong
"I'm mostly concerned bout her"
As Diamond inhaled loudly, presumably to roar,
"Oh can you shut up mister lovey dovey,she needs radiation now"
"I smell ash and volcanic matter near by...DONT TELL ME THAT SOMETHING IS NEAR"
As I looked up in the air,I saw a hovering Rodan presumably a female by the look on the horns,just staring at us,
"I dont think that the small Rodan is going to attack us"
As I hissed to the others
"How can you know when it not attacking Sin?"
As Diamond shrugged at me
"I don't know,but let's stop talking and head to the sea"
I yelped while I was walking through out the  corpses of Gojiras and kongs,blood and guts every where,as I stumbled across a Kong where her skull was smashed with her brain fragments and eye balls out
"Do you know any gojiras surviving?"
As Jade said weakly
As I said very calmly,not to alarm her about the dangers of being heavily damaged

"Crap!I think the nearest ocean is going to take a pretty long time to go to,I can't carry you while we are in this state!"
As Diamond said,while carrying Jade
As I was cut short by a loud roar coming near by
"Quick!hide near the spring"
As I grunted to them,we were running to the spring (yes it's weird for them to run)as I dived down,as Diamond and Jade hurried up and followed behind me,I swam down
{ can this small spring be this big and large?}
I stopped for a second to look up at the caves ceiling

As I gazed at it, mesmerized in the beautiful ceiling, stagnates hanging low,glow worms lighting up the cave,as I soon swam up a piece of land,I breathed heavily for a while
As I noticed that blue flowers were decorated here and there,small mammal bones were near a corner, leaves and sticks about here
{Why is there blue flowers and bones and sticks here?is there something living here?}
As I used my thermal vision to see anything that's living here
A squeak was emitted in the cave
"Who's there?!"
As I snapped dangerously
A small voice squeaked from the other side,
"Show yourself"
As I hissed to the other side
A small young gojira popped out of hiding,from behind him was a younger one, squealing in fear
I was taken aback from what I saw
A living Gojira that's a male?and another one?

"Your not gonna hurt us right?"
As the younger one said softly,backing away from me,as the older one approached me curiously
"Who are you?"
As he said quietly only me and him can hear,
"Hey,it's ok...My name's Sin"
He walked near me,looking at me from all sides
" name's Goji,my little brother is Daigon"
{They eventually talked to eachother,too lazy to record the entire conversation}
"Sooo....Why does seas have salt?"
As Goji asked
"I don't know,ask God"
As I said
A voice literally came from the ceiling
"What the fuck--"
"Idk!Why are you asking me?" Said XD

As I scratched the my gills in frustration,When are they coming?

They are making me worried sick
I think I should go and get them...
"Alright,Goji and Daigon,wait I'm going to find someone ok?and stay here"
As I said to both of them
"Okay Sin..."
As Daigon said hollowly
As I dived back in the water,swimming to the the entrance,i was checking everything to weird fishes to giant skulls,i eventually reached the surface,i swam up, I slowly inhaled abit,I looked around for them,
"JADE! DIAMOND!Where are you two!"
As I yelled out of the water,making my way through the land, splashing the water on to the ground,As I eventually knew....
I stumbled across something that would make me throw up
A dead gojira body that has its internal organs gorged out,the face was smashed to pieces and brain matter everywhere,flies were flying on the body...
I knew who it was was Jade...
She had a scar to her leg a few years ago...and that same scar was on the body's leg....
A tear left my eye,she was my sister,the only sister I ever had...and now she's gone...
I wondered sadly where Diamond was,hoping he wasn't killed too
I slowly went back into the spring, swimming regretfully for leaving them....
"Are you okay?"
As Goji whimpered
"I'm fine,thanks..."
As i said quietly
Not sure what to do next,I slept near the two, keeping a close eye on everything went dark
I asked my self
Is there a universe where I can live happily and peacefully?....with my family and siblings...
{And that's it!!hope y'all liked it!
/Word count:1051\

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