Attributions and Thank yous

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I'd like to thank you all for reading this. This took me a few weeks to write through a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

First of all I would like to thank Daz Mckeen of TheWhovianHub for selecting me to write for Series 2 of his fan fiction series "Doctor Who Adventures" this has been a good experience and I hope to return again for Series 3.

Secondly I would like to thank all of the other series 2 writers: @xisco_Lozano @terrileptil @everything.drwho @whoniversenow @whoviarts @timeyponds @galifreystales @doctor.disco.12 but especially @jay.stevens.01 for his wise words of wisdom, advise and support!

Additionally I would like to thank,
Dylan @_whomysterio for all the mental support and conversations at 3am and @Harold_Saxon_19 for kind words within his review


All characters and objects were created by The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) I only wrote this. The objects "TARDIS" and "Stasis Cube" were created by The BBC.


All characters in this story are completely fictional and any resemblance to any person living or dead is completely coincidental.

If Article 13 goes ahead Fan-Fictions will be illegal! Please help by finding a petition online and signing it. Thank you!

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