~ Chapter 5 ~

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Dabi's POV: 

Finally! It's over! That long, kinda boring, kinda meaningful, kinda nonsense, conversation with those teens. Over!

Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind talking to the students, I just have a hard time socializing and keeping up with the conversation. I was lucky enough that pretty much everyone in the class was good at talking to others. But me being me, I was so glad when that bell rang. Maybe even more excited than the students! 

Anyways, I was now on my way back to Fuyumi's apartment. Me, her, and Nastuo like to catch up now and then. Though it was quite difficult, between Nat going to college, Fuyu's teaching and my Hero work. But today seemed like a good day to have some dinner together and talk. 

As if on queue, I got a text from Nastuo.

Lil Bro

Nastuo: yooo T
Nastuo: Yumi said to meet at that
                  restaurant near our parent's
Delivered at 3:17 pm.

ok got it shortie :Me
Delivered at 3:23 pm.

Nastuo: I thought I told you not to call
                  me that >:(
Nastuo: Im TALLER than you-
Delivered at 3:25 pm.

ouch that hurt :Me
Delivered at 3:26 pm.

Though it may not seem like it after this little convo, I've always gotten along with Nastuo, even though we're 5 years apart. Though he would always beat me in soccer matches we played in our backyard. 

He has a water quirk, an actual combination of our parents' quirks. Though he can only control the water that he creates himself, mostly shooting it out from his hands. He can also affect the temperature of his water, though not change its state.

Fuyumi's quirk, on the other hand, is the same as mum's. Though she doesn't use it often, and I even got her students to call her Elsa. I know, I'm amazing.

I felt another 'buzz' from my phone, expecting it to be another message from Natsuo. But no, it was Yumi this time.

Elsa 💙

Fuyumi: Hey Touya, I asked dad if he 
                   wanted to join you, Nastuo, 
                   mum and I to our little 
                   gathering, but he said no.

I was wondering if something
                   bad happened at work today.
Delivered at 3:31 pm.

I frowned, is dad still mad at today's events? And wait, mum's coming as well?! I thought it would just be us siblings. Though I haven't seen mum in a while. A while after the... Shoto incident, mum was allowed to come back home. We made Sho's room into her new room, as we thought it would be best if she and dad didn't share a room. After Nastuo and Fuyumi moved out, she's been getting a lot better. But I don't think I've seen her ever since I moved into the UA dorms.

I sighed as a typed back to my little sister.

Elsa 💙

yea something happened :Me
i think he'll get over it soon tho :Me
Delivered at 3:33 pm.

Fuyumi: I guess that's good to hear.
Delivered at 3:34 pm.

also no one told me about this but
mum's coming??!                           :Me
Delivered at 3:35 pm.

Fuyumi: Really? But I told Nastuo to
                   tell you.
Delivered at 3:37 pm.

Delivered at 3:38 pm.

I chuckle slightly. Damn our family was kind of chaotic, ok maybe a lot. Hmmm, I still have some time to kill before that family dinner. What should I do now?

I considered going back to my dorm for a bit, after all, I still needed to shower after a long day of fighting kids and talking with other kids. But an alert came up on my phone.

'UA Staff Meeting at 3:45 pm'

Shit, I swore. I better get going now.

---- [*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*] ----

Toga's POV (A couple of hours later):

"Come on Kami-san!!" I barged into his room. It was simple but kinda plain and boring. A futon in the corner, a dark oak wardrobe and desk on the opposite side of the room, and a small bathroom connected to the room. The whole room was coloured schemed blue, grey and that dark oaky colour. It kinda reflected his sometimes boring personality, I seriously need to come in here sometime to redecorate. "You promised me and Twice that you would come shopping with us!"

My blue and black haired friend was sitting on his futon and adjusting his eyepatch, "I did? I don't remember promising you guys anything."

"Pleeeeeeaaaasssee," I begged, "The three of us haven't hung out in a while, and Shiggy doesn't mind."

"Does he even know of this?" Okami raised an eyebrow, seeming to joke about it.

"... yes?" I tried. 

All he did was sigh, "I don't know, Toga-chan," he said doubtfully, "We already got in trouble with Boss. I don't want that to-"

"But this time isn't a mission, it's just a hangout. Besides, I asked Mamagiri and he said that it's fine," I try to defend myself.

I could see that he was thinking about it, "If I did agree," he says cautiously, "where would we be going? And for how long?"

Okay, that basically means yes right? "We're just going to the mall for a bit! And who knows, we might get you're favourite for dinner..."

"... Alright," Kami finally gives in, "Can we just try to not do anything stupid?"

Yes! "I guess we'll try," I pout, "Just go get ready now," I pulled him off his bed and ushered him quickly to his closet. 

"I- um, okay-" but I left the room before he could say another word. 

I headed up to my room, going to get changed into my 'disguise'. Though we weren't really famous villains yet, Shiggy still wants us to have a different look for our villain life and 'normal' life. And especially since Okami is becoming a more frequent threat in Hosu. I can't wait until Handy allows me to go on jobs. Then me and Kami-san can go on missions together, that'd be terrific! 

I decide on wearing a black and red pleated skirt, along with some fishnet stockings and black combat boots. I pick out a black tank top and coat, leaving the zip undone. I smile, it looks pretty good... Oh, wait! I almost forgot my knives, how could I forget?! I slip a couple into my coat's inside pockets and some in my boots, that should be good. 

I step out of my room, meeting Twice who was wearing a black hoodie paired with a denim jacket, jeans and sneakers. "So, is he coming? Hope he's not!" he asked. He still wore his mask, even in public. Which makes sense, he feels more comfortable with it on and I respect that. Just like how I feel safer with my knives. 

"Don't worry, I convinced him to come!" I giggled.

On cue, Okami appeared. He was wearing black pants, a blue zip-up hoodie with a white shirt and shoes. Oh, and of course his beanie, which he wears to hide his very obvious hair. So people don't figure out he's the person freezing Hosu or something. "Are we ready to leave now?" he asks.

"You bet kid! Nah, we're nowhere near ready." Twice confirms. Believe me, after a while of hanging out with him you get used to his speech pattern. 

"Anyways, let's go!" I yell, dragging the two males towards the door, "Mamagiri, we're leaving now! Also, don't make dinner for us cause we'll just get some ourselves!"

"Ok then, don't cause any trouble you three!" he called out to us.

Then we heard Shiggy yell out, "Wait, where are those idiots-!"


I slammed the door and continued to drag the boys off somewhere.

"T-Toga-Chan!" Okami tried to break free, "Where exactly are we going?"

I suddenly stopped, and Twice and Kami were repelled forward. "Umm, how about the mall?"

"That sounds like a good idea! Tch, that's the worst idea ever!" Twice agrees.

"Okie dokie then," I giggled, "Let's go then!

---- [*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*] ----

Time skip because I've lost motivation and I need to get this done :)

We were now eating dinner, at this ramen place Kami-san likes. I can't believe he likes eating those cold noodles, I mean noodles are awesome and the dipping sauce is delicious! But cold noodles... bleh.

Twice and I on the other hand are just having your average hot ramen in a salty broth. "This is so good! It's disgusting!" He complimented, "Ignore that, I'm glad we came here!"

As much as I hate Okami's taste of cold ramen, this place is pretty good. "Yeah, thanks for offering this place Kami!"

"Last time I checked, you bribed me to come with you guys," he mumbled, "So I'm glad you took my suggestion."

"Awwww, don't be like that!" I then squeeze him in a hug, people were staring at us. Like, come on! Am I not allowed to act like Kami-san's annoying, embarrassing big sis?

"Toga-chan, my beanie," he whispered. I stopped, knowing that Shiggy would kill us if Kami was caught. We were lucky that those Heroes didn't see his hair during that battle earlier today.

"Oops, soz Kami," I quickly fixed his beanie and continued with my dinner.

"Hey guys," Twice gestures to the door, "Problem at 10 o'clock. Meh, don't worry about it." Twice leans in and tells us, hiding it from others by eating his ramen.

Kami just looks at him, then over at the front door, "But it's 6:04?-"

"Kami-san, you look like you just saw a ghost!" I saw a family enter the restaurant, a mother and probably her three kids. And the shorter of the brothers was that Hero, Dabi. The one Okami and I fought today. I try my best to hide a growl.

Oh wait, I realised, He knows what I look like in my disguised, and he knows that I'm a villain! 

I look back over at Okami, whose eyes look like they're gonna pop out of his sockets. And bleed, I really wanna see his- no Himiko! Focus! Anyways, back at Kami. He doesn't look too good. Makes sense, the first time they met he had a panic attack. To be fair that was from Endeav-whore, but whatever.

I look back up at that family, who was now seated at a table on the opposite side of the restaurant. But that Dabi guy, we made eye contact. Shit!

"Guys, we need to go," Twice nods, but Kami was still out of it, "Now.

That seemed to get his attention, he looked up at me and got some cash out from his wallet. He pays at the counter while me and Twice wait for him outside.

"You think they noticed us?" Kami-san asked.

I flinched slightly, and remember Dabi making eye contact with me. Not only did he recognise me, but he knows what Kami looks like in his disguise. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he burst out of the restaurant at any second.

"No, I don't think so," I say slowly, "But in either case, we should get back to base." Though I hated lying to Okami, he didn't need any extra stress right now.

"Aw man, let's hope Handy doesn't kill us. NOT IF I  KILL HIM FIRST!" Twice yells.

Okami just sighs, "I'll go and call Kurogiri to pick us up." As Twice is arguing to himself about how and if he should kill Shiggy, Okami looks at me after texting Mamagiri. "Hey, Toga-chan? Is everything ok?"

I mean, I wasn't really happy or bouncy or bubbly as I normally am. Though I love to act like that, believe it or not, I know when it's time to be serious. I just giggle, in an attempt to assure Okami, "Yea, I'm fine! Where are we meeting Mamagiri?"

---- [*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*] ----

Touya's POV (Soz it's short):

What the hell are they doing here? I just wanted to have a nice dinner with my family, when those villains show up. Those two from the alleyway earlier and another one, he looked older than me but it was hard to tell with that mask. 

Anyways, I have to be prepared, I don't know when and where they might attack. If you're asking why I'm not calling the Pros or the Police yet, it's because I don't really want to make a huge scene right now. Besides, it doesn't look like they're doing anything bad. They kinda look... happy with each other.

I make eye contact with that girl, who's now wearing a black and red skirt, and a black coat and shirt and not that school uniform. II saw her in before her eyes widen in panic, and she says something to the others.

"Hey T, you ok man?" Nastuo places a hand on my shoulder, mum and Fuyumi looking at me worriedly, "You don't look too good."

I look back over to the villains, and back at my family, "I'm fine. I just thought I saw someone I knew." I didn't want them to worry. Besides, I'm not on patrol or anything.

Then I saw a waiter come to take our order, thanks for the save man. "Hello everyone, have you decided on what you may like?"

We all order our food and went back to talking. I glance back over at the table where the villains were, only to find it empty. They must've left by now, I thought, Let's just hope nothing bad happens tonight.

Sorry nothing interesting happened in this chapter, I wasn't that motivated and I knew I had to finish this to move on with the more interesting chapters. Still I hoped you enjoyed :) 

Also did you notice that title and cover change? Hope y'all like it. 2197 words.

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