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(Artwork not mine!!!)
(Everyone will be named once cause their name changes from time to time)


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Ei's big titties

Hello does anyone have the answers to the homework


Not you, thank you.

Best girl

Hello y/n. I will stop being mean to you if you help me with the homework.

Best girl
So what's your address scarabae 😍

Watch them hook up fr



Scaramouche's POV

'She's coming over?' Scaramouche furrowed his eye brows and jumped out of his bed. 'My house is a wreck..'

He started by making his bed, cleaning his desk, then a bit of his bathroom sink, then the dishes. "I didn't know I lived in this much of a disgusting place.."

He didn't know because he had his own court of a mansion, which he was only usually in to sleep. "Scaramouche darling? Are you alright? Your literally cleaning up...that's not like you?" Scaramouche's mom peaked into the room he was working on.
"Go away." He said harshly, stacking cups and putting them on his counter. "Don't be so cold. You've taken after your other mom."

Yae Miko stalked into the room, towards the sink. "Let me help, it's the best I can do." She smiled. "Fine. Just leave after." Scaramouche said, placing a plate in the dishwasher.


You packed into your car with your laptop and note book, and headed towards scaramouche's house. He lived on the edge of Philadelphia in the rich business area. Obviously, meaning you dressed nice.

You looked up at the gate, and the turned to your phone, sending scaramouche a quick text your were here. To which on the other side of the phone he grinned and ushered his mom out of the room.

The gates opened, and he told you to drive to the farthest door on the right, which led to a garage which had a bunch of fancy cars parked. You sighed at the richness infront of you, and climbed out of your car with your laptop.

You walked over to the door nearest to you and nocked, to which a kind looking maid answered, "hello, what are you here for?" She asked politely.
"I was invited here to study by scaramouche." You smiled back.
Her brows furrowed before turning to a phone, pressed a few buttons, before someone picked up.
"Hello Ei, i have a girl here who told me she was here to see scaramouche, do you know if he said anything about that? He doesn't have many friends coming here during the school year." She talked politely into the phone to 'ei'.
There was a long pause before she spoke up again, "will do, I will call immediately." And just like that she hung up and typed a couple more numbers in.
"Hello Yae, I have a girl here who was asking to see scaramouche, do you know anything about that?" She asked politely. And once again she was silent for a minute before she said goodbye and called another number.
"God I hate this job.." she said, to which you giggled, and she glanced a smile at you.
"Hello Scaramouche, a girl is here to see you, do you want her to come up?" She asked, politely again. "Okay, we will be waiting down here." And just like that she hung up.

Within five minutes of waiting scaramouche walked down the hall. He wasn't wearing the normal hoodie and pants you usually saw him in, he was wearing a dress shirt and dress pants. He looked like a business man off meeting.

He dismissed the maid now known as Sara partially rudely and glanced at you. "Come on, I'll lead you to my place." He grabbed your hand and walked back down the hallway with you.

"I hope it wasn't much trouble coming here, I know I live across Philadelphia." He said. Unconsciously you shifted closer to him. "I don't mind the drive, it was quite peaceful." You smiled. "Alright then" he opened a door and lead you into a grand room.

"This is my...apartment I guess?" He said. You looked around, amazed.

There was a huge window which out looked on his backyard and the city, which was very uncommon to see in Philadelphia. There was kitchen next to the door, a living room, and pc behind the stairs. Then there was a loft with 3 different doors.

"Amazed? My mom runs a big company." He said, acting as if it was nothing and walked over to his couch. "Come, sit." He said.

You walked over to his side and sat down. "Welcome to my humble abode." He said, making you smile. "So what did you need help with." He glanced at you.

"Don't worry about it, diluc gave me the answers, I just wanted to spend time with you." He smiled.

"Damn Scaramouche take me on a date first." You laughed. He smiled and got up, "alright then, where do you want to go, we are dressed for a date." Your eyes widened at this. "Seriously?" You asked. To which he nodded.

You quickly got your laptop and looked over at him. "I've been meaning to go to the cheese cake factory." You smiled.

He took your free hand and led you out the door. "We can use my car," you offered. "No, I want to spoil you. Go put your laptop in your car." He said, pointing to your car. You nodded.

Walking back over to him, he led you to his car and opened the door for you. "God didn't know you were a gentlemen." You said as he got in the drivers seat. "I'm not, i just had the urge to." You smiled at him. "Music?" You asked. To which he glance at you and smiled, of course.

Lets just say that car ride was the time of your life. Anyways, you entered the place with scaramouche, who had made a reservation while you put your laptop in your car.
You sat down and looked at the menu. "You know..I came here once with my mom before she left me." You smiled. "We used to live in a town outside of Philadelphia, near west Chester." You smiled. "We would come here a lot to watch plays, one point my whole rooms wall was filled with them, I have them in a box now though." You said, looking up at scaramouche, who was staring at you, listening to your story closely. "Every time I came here I got the Oreo cheesecake, I would tell my mom I'm fine to eat a whole cake on my own and would end up waisting half of it." You smiled. "The Oreo cheesecake was, and still is my favorite. I feel so bad leaving my favorite cake here so I would eat it all and then end up puking in the bathroom of the Paoli (the train)" you giggled, "god should I be scared?" He asked. To which you shook your head.

He smiled, and laughed. You blushed at the laugh, it sounded so nice. "We can split a Oreo cake then." He smiled. To which you shook your head, "no, I only was so full to eat all the cake because I had a dinner before it. I was thinking we'd just have cake for dinner," you said, and he shook his head. "I want to share a cake with you." He said. You smiled, "then lets share a cake." You smiled at him, and you did share a cake with him, which was nice. You felt like you two grew closer.

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