(13)Do It Like A Dude

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CH. 13

Do It Like A Dude

Raidon’s P.O.V. (yay finally)

The alarm clock beeped and I groaned, stupid school. Why do you need to go there? It’s like living hell. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, took a shower and got dressed in black skinny jeans, red shirt with BVB written over it and a black leather jacket.

I didn’t need to wear a jacket outside but I did because I look cool like that. I groaned thinking about school again. Girls, well mostly sluts throw themselves on me and the guys. They’re too stupid to realize that I don’t want any of them.

I replayed what happened yesterday and bolted up straight. Speed is a girl. Ooh la la, I’m squealing from joy… Not! How come a girl could be that good in street racing? She’s just a GIRL… G.I.R.L.

They don’t street race, they are too busy in nail polish, makeup and all that shit. I shook my head, she’s good but I’m never going to tell her that. I heard noise coming from downstairs, must be the guys.

Don’t they understand English? I told them not to touch anything, ANYTHING and they still did. I swear if they touched my baby they’re dead.

In other words, my baby is my car. She’s beautiful. Long slender legs, perfect body and has four wheels. She can make other cars look like a piece of crap, literally.

I walked down the stairs and heard someone arguing. I followed the sound and stopped when I reached the living room. Luke hit Chad upside the head and Chad glared at him but then smiled smugly.

“You know I’m bigger.” He grinned and it was Luke’s turn to glare.

“I’m bigger.” Luke argued and Chad shot back saying that he was bigger and better. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. Really who’s bigger?

I heard footsteps so I turned around and saw Steve stuffing his mouth with cereal. Luke and Chad didn’t see him coming and kept on arguing. He noticed someone staring at him and looked up. When he saw me he smiled sheepishly which made milk leak out of his mouth. It was disgusting.

He walked forward ignoring the what-the-hell-look I was giving him.

“Wuddup dos do fuffs gugging dout how?” Steve said with his mouth full of food and I didn’t understand a thing. I looked at him confused and he just rolled his eyes and wiped his mouth.

“What are those two bulls arguing about now?” He asked then took another spoon full of cereal and I smirked.

“About how big they are.” I answered trying so hard not to laugh when he choked on his food.   

“Are you serious?” He asked wide-eyed and I just nodded watching the guys arguing. After a minute or two the guys noticed us and a surprised look took over their faces.

I looked at Steve and he chuckled “So who is bigger?” He asked and the other two glared each one saying ‘I am’.

I went to the kitchen leaving Steve with them and opened the refrigerator trying to find something to east. What to eat? What to eat? What to eat... Hmm

I saw nothing good to eat and figured out that the guys already came here and ate it all. I took a Kit Kat bar and ate it but it wasn’t enough. After that I took a chunk of Oreos in my hand and started opening one by one eating them with juice.


I looked at the clock and saw that we should be in school in forty five minutes. All the guys were waiting for me outside.

I took my car keys and opened the garage door looking for my baby. Ah, here it is my Black Racer Dagger GT with costume made black leather seats and black shiny wheels. This is Life, too bad there’s school…

I parked in the school lot and got out. In a matter of seconds the guys were at my side.

“Dude, what happened with Speed Yesterday?” Chad asked but I kept walking.

“Nothing. Just some business we had to take care of.”  I smoothly lied threw my teeth. Don’t get me wrong, I hate lying to the guys but I had to do this even though we’ve been friends for a long time.

We were standing next to the lockers with me leaning on one and the guys talking. That’s when I saw her, the devil itself. She looked mad and glared at me. This is gonna be on hell of a day.


Skylar’s P.O.V.

I gripped Raidon’s arm and dragged him outside the school to parking lot. I walked to the woods near the school and hid behind the trees.

Raidon stood in front of me with a smirk on his face.

“Aw you don’t want Blaze to hear about you dragging me don’t you?” He asked sounding like a five year old boy. I raised my hand up ready to slap him but he made a tsk sound.

“Think about it, if you do this Blaze will be angry and will tell your secret.” He said in a sing-song voice and I growled.

How could this happen to me? I’m Skylar Brown A.K.A. Speed and I not a girl who takes shit. So why am I allowing him to say that? Oh that’s right, because he could tell Blaze what happened in school and I’ll be dead meat.

I lowered my hand and Raidon huffed.

“That’s what I thought.” He said and I glared at him hard but he didn’t seem fazed.

“What do you want Raidon? Do you want to boss me around or something?” I asked him looking anywhere but his face.

A few minutes of silence passed and he surprised me by saying…

“First of all I want you to come to my house today for tutoring.”  He said and I narrowed my eyes, something seems fishy.

Is he kidding me? He expects me to believe that?

“You’re kidding right?” I asked shocked and he shook his head no.

“No bossing around, no telling me what to do, nothing?” I asked bewildered and he shook his head smiling smugly.

“It's a mystery.” He grinned and walked in the direction of the school leaving me confused.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”


The bell rang. I took my things and sprinted out of class going to the cafeteria. I spotted the guys at our regular table.    

I began walking there until a hand stopped me. I turned around reading to punch the ass that dares ut a hand on me but held back when I saw Raidon.

“Bring me lunch.” He commanded and I narrowed my eyes.

Who does he think he is?

I was about to reply when he beat me to it saying “Bring me lunch, or else.” He turned around and went in the direction of the table he’s sitting at.

I growled and turned around only to realize that the whole cafeteria was watching me. I cursed under my breath and got the food.

I’m pretty sure that Raidon will LOVE the food I bought him… if it’s even considered as food. I really don’t know what it is but it looked disgusting so I bought him it.

What??? He told me to bring him food! I smiled mischievously and walked to Raidon’s table. He looked at me and smirked seeing that I actually bought him food but his smirk faded to see what I bought him.

“Enjoy your lunch.” I smiled before sprinting to our table where the guys were watching me with confused/amused expressions.

I pulled the chair and sat down only to be meted by Drew’s mouth hanging open.

I looked at the guys and they had the same expression, I giggled.

“Hey guys I know I’m hot but staring is rude.” I said and took a chunk of fries from Ryder’s tray which made him snap out of his trance and scowl protecting his food with his hands.

“What just happened?” Tom asked looking scared that something got to my head but I just shook my head.

“Nothing, just bought Raidon ‘lunch’ for him to eat.” I emphasized lunch and eat.

Drew grinned and the others soon joined. “What did you do?” He asked and I chuckled.

“Bought him food, if it’s even classified as food.” I answered and the guys laughed which made most of the cafeteria look at us but then they looked behind, well behind me.

I turned my head only to meet an angry Raidon who was fuming.



Oh Lala so Raidon's angry huh !!! YES I UPLOADED.










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