Chapter 45

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I looked at my watch to check the time, 10:46 am.

I was early.

It was only Saturday, my date with Shoto was tomorrow, so I was meeting up with Aunt Shino and Kota somewhere before going to look at Manual Hero Office and Marina Agency before deciding on where I wanted to intern.

I adjusted my jacket as I walked down the pathway, checking my phone every now and then to make sure I was going the right direction.

I looked around before spying a small flower cart on the path in front of me, an idea coming into my head,

I walked over to the vendor and brought a small bouquet of flowers from them before continuing my trek to where I needed to go.

Soon enough, I was at the gate.

Checking the time again, it was 11, Aunt Shino and Kota would be here in 10 minutes.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to go in before they were here....but it wouldn't hurt right?

I hesitated, I hadn't been here since the funeral which was almost 3 years ago, I don't know why but I guess I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that they weren't here anymore.

'Go on, she won't mind.' I told myself before gripping the bouquet and marching myself through the gate.

I scanned the many names the graveyard held before finding the names I was looking for.

I stood in front of the gravestones, staring at the names in front of me before bowing and slowly sitting down. I pulled the decorative paper off the flowers before dividing them and putting both halves on respective graves.

"Hey, mum.....hey dad." I said cautiously even though I knew they would not reply. "How is it like up there?"

I stared at my lap guiltily. "I'm sorry for not coming here was kind of hard to."

I looked up with a small smile. "Kota has been well lately...though for a while he though you abandoned us, he didn't understand what happened. Though he met someone and now he's in a better mood."

"Also I got into U.A. first part of the General Studies course...but soon got accepted into the hero course. I hope you are proud of me." I continued. "I've made a lot of friends and may have found someone....."

"I'm going to be interning at a hero agency, but still having trouble in deciding where to intern at...and also a hero name." I added before feeling my eyes burning slightly as tears slowly built up.

"I miss you...and I'm sad that Kota didn't have enough time with you like I did. It just felt that you leaving was too soon...." I mumbled, sniffing slightly.

I heard footsteps stop next to me and looked up to see Shino and Kota standing there with sad expressions.

Kota let go of Shino's hand and climbed into my lap while Shino bowed in respects before shuffling over to some other graves, probably paying respects to fallen heroes she knew.

Kota and I were silent as we stared at the graves, me looping my arms around him in a hug.

"What were they like?" Kota asked out of the blue. "When you were my age.."

"Well...they were nice, but they were busy a lot y'know, due to hero work. So either Aunt Shino or a babysitter babysat me a lot of the time." I replied. "Whenever they had the day off, we usually would go out somewhere or do something together. Most times we would usually end up volunteering somewhere to help out the community more,"

I hugged Kota closer, who wasn't saying anything. "Then you were born and mum and dad took time off to take care of you before deciding to go back to doing hero work....."

"They were the nicest people I still hurts." I mumbled, a couple of tears running down my cheeks. "But I know they loved us and didn't mean to leave us so soon."

We went silent before I heard a sniffle.

"I miss them..." Kota sniffed and I hugged him closer.

"Me too....."


I stepped off the train in Hosu City before checking my phone for where Manual's Hero Office was in the city.

I could feel a slight tension in everyone while walking down the street, I can't blame them, this city was well known for Stain's attacks on heroes like Ingenium and the recent one that Shoto was caught up in.

Eventually I found the office and walked in, awkwardly approaching the receptionist.

"Hello?" I asked awkwardly.
"Hello, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked, looking up to me.
"I saw that this was a place part fo the internship program for those who missed out and I was considering of interning here." I explained. "But I wanted to see what this place was all about."

"Why yes we are part of the program. Unfortunately Manual is out on patrol currently, but I can help answer any questions you have." The receptionist replied with a smile.
"Well...what would interns do here?" I asked, feeling lost on what I wanted to ask.

"Usually interns would help out around the agency and go out on patrols, but would sit back on the action since we don't want anything happening to you. And sometimes we can help with strengthening quirks depending on what it is." She explained. "Can I ask you a question, what is your quirk?"

"My quirk allows me to create limbs out of water from around me or using the water from my body." I explained.
She tapped her chin in thought before looking at me. "Usually most students would want to go to internships for advice in fighting, strengthening quirks or to get a sense of what it's like to be a hero. Considering your quirk is water based, similar to Manual's, I would suggest possibly considering interning somewhere near the coast or docks."

I nodded. "Are there any good places to check?"

"I would suggest Marina's Agency or the Oki Mariner crew they're the only agencies part of the program that have people specialising in water related quirks. They're also closer to the water, unlike this one in the city." She replied.

I nodded my head. "Okay thank you."
"Any time!" The receptionist cried as I walked out of the office.

'So, I should look at Marina's Agency and possibly the Oki Mariner crew then.' I thought to myself as I hopped onto the train. 'Then I'll make a decision from there.'


As I walked into Marina Agency, I was a little taken aback.

This looked nothing like how I imagined hero agencies to look.

Everything was a mix of white, pink, turquoise and teal, funky lights that looked like bubbles hung from the tall ceiling where at least three other levels could be seen, there were aquariums filled with brightly coloured fish taking up areas in the walls, I could see a few lounge areas around the place as I approached the receptionist behind a large circular white desk in the middle of the room.

I knew this place was only recent in the last few years, but damn it was so different from other agencies as far as I knew.

"Hello! How can I help you?" A woman with a water-teardrop head asked, looking at me.
"Hi, I heard this place was part of the internship program for those who didn't have the chance to do it at the allocated time." I started and I saw the woman's face light up.

"Oh yes! We are!" She exclaimed excitedly before taking a breath. "Sorry, we haven't had many intern here, heck, no one from this year applied."
"Oh." I replied as she left the desk and went over to my side.

"Marina should be doing water exercises with sidekicks at the moment, but for some information, we're a hero agency specialising in rescue in water based environments and disasters such as the beach, lakes, rivers, rainfalls, floods etc." The receptionist said as she lead me through the building, "We also help out lifeguards on the beach nearby when others are on patrol or either we here at the agency."

I nodded, following her still.

"Almost everyone here has a quirk related to water or something to do with the sea, what's your quirk?" She asked.

"I can create limbs out of water and use them to attack or defend using the water around me or in my body." I replied and the receptionist clapped her hands with a grin, her head bobbing as she did.
"Great! Now Marina should be in here."

We stopped outside a room and I looked in, seeing a huge swimming pool with around 20 people in it, dancing in the water as a lady with blonde hair was at the front, leading them through exercises as upbeat music was playing.

"Come on guys! Arms up!" The woman, The Fish Hero: Marina, called out before noticing me and the receptionist. "Actually, we're done for the day! Take a break or work on your quirks."

The crowd dispersed, people climbing out or a few starting to swim around the large pool, as Marina walked over to us.

"Hello Mizuko, who's this?" Marina asked.
I cleared my throat before introducing myself.
"Hello, I'm Izumi (Y/n), I'm a student at U.A. and was considering interning here for the internship program." I explained, and I could see her eyes light up.

"Really!? Someone from U.A.?" She asked with a grin, and I nodded. "Well great! But let me give you a tour and fill you in on what you"re going to be doing for your internship."


I stepped out of the agency with a grin, that place seemed like the perfect area to intern at, everyone seemed so nice. I think I'll intern there if I can.

I looked at the time, around 3pm, I should head back to the dorms.

I started making my way back to U.A. before seeing a familiar head of purple hair as I was walking by the shopping district.

"Shinso!" I called, jogging over to him and noticing Kamoku was with him as well. "Hey, Kamoku."

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.
"We were just walking around, I was looking at possible internships." Shinso replied.
"Nice, so was I." I said with a grin. "Mind if I hang with you guys? It feels like ages since we've hung out."

'Sure.' Kamoku signed with a grin and Shinso nodded.

"So how have classes been with you guys?......."

Word count: 1778 words

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