Chapter 36

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Midoriya's room was nothing that I expected.

Every inch of the walls were covered in All Might posters and even his quilt cover was All Might.

Basically everywhere you looked, BOOM, All Might.

This guy is a fanboy.

I smiled a little in pity as I saw him standing at his desk with a red face while the girls made comments about his room.

"Crap, they just started something." I heard Kaminari mutter.
"But it's kind of fun..." Sero replied.


Next was Tokoyami's room.

Originally he didn't let us in, but the girls pushed him out of the way eventually.

His room was pretty dark but illuminated with purple lights, but that was it as I couldn't make anything out in the darkness, and he yelled at us to get out.


I wish I had brought sunglasses to Aoyama's room.

It was way too bright and mirrors were everywhere.

But kudos I guess for having a disco ball hung up.


"This is starting to get fun!" Uraraka said before looking around. "The last person on the second floor is..."

We all turned to look at the last door.

It was Mineta.

"Come in....I'll show you something amazing...." He muttered, peeking out from his door.

"Let's go to the third floor." Mina said, everyone agreeing and walking towards the elevators.

I was about to walk with them but noticed Mineta's crestfallen face.

Sighing, I turned around and walked over to his door.

"Can I see?" I asked.

"Sure!" Mineta said and opened his door wider to let me look in.


I stepped back, gave him a quick smile before going over to the others.

How did he manage to bring that stuff here????

"Mina, do we have any holy water?" I asked as we all piled into the elevator.
"Don't think so, why?"
"I looked in Mineta's room, do not go in there alone."
"Great, thanks for the tip."


Ojiro's room was pretty simple, no posters or really had any personality, but I could tell it was what he preferred.

"Wow, it's so normal!" Hagakure commented, seeming to be amazed.
(But I can't tell that well, she's invisible.)

"It's fine if you don't have anything to say...." Ojiro mumbled with a small smile.


Iida's room seemed very fitting for him and his role as the class rep.

Books lined one wall while there were shelves of glasses on another.

"There's so many glasses!" Uraraka laughed, holding up a pair.
"What's strange about that? It's because I expect them to be destroyed during our intense training."

I mean, he has a point in a way.


Kaminari's room seemed like he just grabbed whatever he got his hands on and put them somewhere in his room.

"It's so gaudy!"

I looked at the walls then nudged Kaminari.
"I thought you might have a pikachu poster hanging somewhere..."
"Dude, no."


Koda's room was pretty simple but cute.

He even had a pet rabbit, awwwwwwww.

I knelt down and joined Mina and Uraraka in petting the rabbit.

And Oh GOD it was soft.


We had a small break before continuing to the next 2 floors, but mainly it was about a few of the boys complaining about the comments that their rooms were given.

"It's weird for the boys to be the only one's getting picked on." A voice piped up. "You said this was a room presentation contest, right? Then, of course, we should also see the girls' rooms before we decide, right?"

The girls went quiet as Mineta continued on.

"Shouldn't we decide who has the best taste in interior decoration from everyone in class?"
I nodded with a shrug, not really caring.

"Sounds good!" Mina said with a grin.
"So then we're going to look at everyone's rooms, no matter if you're interested or not."

I looked around and noticed that Bakugo and Tsu were missing, but I guess they were either asleep or chilling in their rooms.

"So the annual Class 1-A Best Taste Contest is about to begin!" Iida announced, everyone nodding.


"Um, okay, so we'll be deciding who has the best taste in interior decoration in the class, or who's the Room King!" Mina explained excitedly.
"Room king?"
"We don't have to decide anything like that..." Ojiro inputted.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go to the fourth floor!"


"So the ones on the boys' side of the fourth floor are Bakugo, Kirishima and Shoji, right?" Uraraka asked as we walked to the next set of rooms.

"Where's Bakugo?"

"He said, 'this is lame. I'm going to sleep,' a long time ago and went to his room." Kirishima explained. "I'm sleepy too..."

"Then, let's do Kirishima's room!" Hagakure said as she and Mina ran up ahead.
"I don't really care, but I don't think you girls will get it.." he said before opening his door.

I mean if he thinks his room is "manly" then it's manly I guess.

He mainly had everything pushed aside to fit a punching bag inside it.

"This looks like it'd rank in around second for the room you'd least want your boyfriend to have." Hagakure commented.
"It's so hot! So hot and stuffy!" Uraraka cried, making me look at her in concern.

"Next, Shoji!"


"There's nothing interesting here."

There literally was nothing, just a plain desk and a pile of blankets and pillows.

Guess he was right.


Now it was the fifth floor, first room, Sero's.

Now his room looked nice.

The Asian theme his entire room had was just wow.

"I didn't expect you to like this kind of stuff." Jiro commented.
"Yup, that's me! Always expect the unexpected." He replied.


Honestly I was kinda curious on what Shoto's room looked like.

And his room was next.

I could also see a few of the girls were curious on what his room was like too.

"Hurry up and get this over with. I'm sleepy." He said as he opened the door.

Needless to say, we were all shocked when we saw his room.

"A Japanese style room!" We all cried.
"Was his made differently?!"

I looked at him with a surprised face and he seemed unfazed.

"We have tatami at home, so I can't relax on flooring." He explained.
"Who cares why!"
"How did you remodel it in a day?!"

Everyone was silent, waiting for his answer.

"I worked hard."


Then it was Sato's room.

I could smell something amazing as the door opened, making me wonder what it was.
But I could notice baking tools and a small oven on a table so that may have something to do with the smell.

"It's a boring room." Sato said.
"Anyone's would be boring after Todoroki's room. Something smells good...what is it?" Kirishima asked.
"Oh no, I forgot!" Sato cried, walking over to the oven and pulling something out. "I finished unpacking early, so I baked a chiffon cake. I thought we could all eat it together. It'd be even more delicious with whipped cream, but you guys want some?"


"Yeah!" I cried with a few of the girls to try some of the cake.

Like it's cake, how could I not miss out?

He cut slices and put them on sticks to let us eat it and it tasted so good.

"This is one of the best cakes I've had, Sato." I complimented as I sadly at the last part of my piece.
Well I know who I'm going to ask when I have a craving for a baked good.


Then it was my room.

I was about to open the door before I remembered one little thing I left out in my room.

The stuffed blue bear I had put on top of my bed.

"Umm...can I just reorganise a couple of things?" I asked with a grin but the girls pushed their way in anyway.


"I expected a little more to be honest."

I tried to get over to the bed and move the bear but it was seen before I could move it.

"Awwww, he's adorable! Who knew you liked these kinds of things?" Hagakure commented as she picked Rain up and looked at him.

"Uhh, that was from my parents...before they died.." I said, rubbing the back of my neck and gently taking it out of her hold. "But it's mainly for decoration."



"Now, the girls rooms!" Mineta announced as we walked to the elevator.

"Aw man, are we seriously doing everyone? Is that all right?" Jiro asked, clearly showing that she didn't want people to look at her room.

"It's probably fine, right?" Hagakure said as we walked to Jiro's room.

"It's kind of embarrassing..."

Jiro opened the door and her room looked pretty cool.
"Wow." I said as I saw all the different instruments in her room while everyone was amazed on the fact she could play all of them.

"It's not girly at all."

I stifled a laugh as Jiro inserted the earphones into their ears and gave them quite a shock.


Hagakure's room was very pink let me just say.

But it suits her I guess.

"Oi, Mineta....what get out of there." I said, grabbing Mineta by the scruff of his shirt and pulling him away from the drawers.

"Hey, you went straight for it didn't you!!" Hagakure yelled at him.

"Wait, let me help." Sero said, wrapping Mineta up in his tape into a ball. "That should keep him in check."


Mina's room was cool, a lot of black and pink present throughout it.

Uraraka's room seemed to have all of the basics that she needed.

We skipped Tsu's room because she didn't feel well apparently.

Then it was Yaoyozoru's room.

How did she fit everything else in the room with that bed of hers?

Like, how????


I yawned and stood next to Shoto behind the couch as we all filed to the lounge after voting for the room we like the most.

I had to say that it was a bit of a challenge to decide which room I liked the most...but eventually voted on Sato's. (The cake won me over.)

"All right, everyone. Have you all voted? You can't vote for yourself!" Mina said, holding the box with all of the votes inside it.

As they counted the votes I yawned again and leant my head on Shoto's shoulder and wrapping my arms around him.
"Hm, (Y/n)? What are you doing?" He asked.
"Just shhhhhh, and be my pillow." I said as Mina walked back with the scores.

"And now, here are the results of the first Room King competition, minus Bakugo and Tsu!" Mina started, letting the tension grow. "With a total of six votes! The overwhelming winner standing alone at the top is...Rikido Sato!"

I grinned as Sato looked confused as if wondering if what he heard was correct.

"By the way, they were all girls, plus one guy! The reason was...because the cake was delicious!"

"What about my room?" Sato asked before Kaminari and Mineta attacked him.
"You little—!"
"Aspiring heroes shouldn't use bribery!"
"I'm not bribing anyone! What the heck, I'm super happy!"
"Don't laugh!"

"Wait, if there was one guy who voted, who was it?!" Mineta cried, scanning the room and obviously saw my guilty face.
"You traitor (Y/n)!" Kaminari cried, pointing at me.

"What, his baking skills won me over." I shrugged, putting my head back onto Shoto's shoulder.

"Is it over? Can I go to sleep now?" Shoto asked, looking at Midoriya and Iida.
"Yes! Since you had cake, don't forget to brush your teeth!" Iida reminded him.

"Awww, my pillow will be gone." I pouted as I unwrapped my arms and pulled away.
"He was waiting until it was over, huh?" Midoriya said.

"You know I gotta agree with him." I yawned. "We have school tomorrow and I need to get up early."
"Why's that (Y/n)?"
"I need to go to the support students and give my hero suit design in tomorrow so it will be ready for training." I explained.

"Also (Y/n) when you're free some time, would you be able to explain your quirk to me?" Midoriya asked.
"Sure, I guess." I said with a grin.

"Oh, wait Todoroki!" Uraraka called after him just as he was about to step into the elevator. "Deku and Iida, too, and Kirishima and Yaoyozoru. Do you have a minute?" She asked.
"Well I'm going to hit the hay so good night!" I said as I saw the group walk outside.

I wonder what they're talking about....

Word Count: 2107 words

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