Chapter 30

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V)

Emergency services were all over the place, ambulances, fire trucks and police cars, desperately putting the fire out and checking up on everyone.'
Bomber planes full of water flew over the forest, slowly putting out the fires.

Villains were found and taken in by police, including the man who murdered my parents, and a kid who looked to be our age.

I had just finished getting looked at by a paramedic, who said I would be alright even with a few scrapes and bruises.

Some of the students were pretty beat up, including Yaoyozoru and Midoriya, so they were taken to the hospital quickly. As well as 15 students who breathed in a gas that apparently was in a part of the forest were taken by paramedics as well.
I watched as Pixie Bob was loaded into an ambulance as she had some damage to her skull from Magne, Tiger and Mandalay watching with neutral expressions.

They went looking for Ragdoll who was in the forest, finding nothing but a bloody headpiece, which I could tell was making them worried.
"(Y/n)!" I heard someone cry, making me look to see Kota running towards me crying.

I scooped him up into a hug, letting him cry.
"I'm glad you're alright." I said, rubbing circles on his back.
"I thought something bad happened to you!" He cried.
"Well not much happened..." I lied, not wanting him to get even more worried.

I looked out, all of the remaining students had grouped together with the teachers, expressions of concern, sadness, guilt and worry all on their faces.
I knew they were all grieving, having a person from their class snatched away in front of them. I knew a few probably didn't like Bakugo as much, but they were still sad.

"Are you alright?" Mandalay asked, walking over to me and Kota.
I nodded, sending her an 'I will talk to you later' look, but gave her a hug.
"Thanks for being there for us, when we needed it." I said to her with a grin, seeing tears build up in her eyes.

We hugged for a few more seconds before an officer tapped me on the shoulder, asking for a statement.
I put Kota down and went with him, telling him my side of what happened tonight.

Eventually the whirlwind of everything eventually subsided, parents came to collect students that were still here to take them home. Worried faces of each parent passed me as they left. Luggage was left behind but would be collected at a later date.

I said farewell to my friends from the class before they left, staying with Tiger, Mandalay and Kota while police and firefighters wrapped up.

Shoto had a look of shock on his face as he climbed into his car, I wonder what was going through his head...


The next day, everything news related was filled with 'U.A.'s greatest failure!' Or something along the lines, talking about the training camp and how a student was kidnapped and about the League of Villains.

I had slept in as we had gotten back home at around 1am, making me wake up at about 11am.

The news was on the TV and Kota and I were watching it, eating cereal. A woman was standing outside U.A. talking about the two of us, the children of the dead pro heroes Water Hose.

It was kind of annoying, switching every channel to only be received with how U.A. was trash when you're just trying to find something interesting to watch.

I felt my phone vibrate and got it out of my pocket to see Shoto calling me, making me quickly answer.

"Hello?" I greeted, standing up and walking to my room.
"Hello (Y/n), how are you going?" Shoto asked.
"Good, what about you?"
"Good I guess....anyway, the class and I are going to the hospital tomorrow to check up on everyone there, we were wondering if you would like to come." He asked.

"Sure! I replied. "I wanted to check in on Pixie Bob anyway. Send me the address and time and I'll see you there tomorrow."
"Alright, great, see you then." He replied, the background noise becoming someone talking very loudly.
"Okay, bye!" I said before hanging up, butterflies still swarming in my stomach.


Shino dropped me off at the hospital, where I found almost everyone waiting outside before I joined and we all walked in. I had a note in my pocket from Kota to give to Midoriya if we were able to see him.

We first went to Yaoyozoru's room and saw if she was alright, she said she was feeling better and was happy that most people had come.

Next we went to Midoriya's room, where Kaminari opened the door slightly to see if he was awake.
"Oh, Midoriya, you're awake!" He said with a grin, walking in. "Did you see the news? The media's swarming the school right now."
Everyone slowly trickled in, Midoriya watching with wide eyes, lying in bed with bandages all over him.
I stood behind Shoto and next to Mina as everyone piled into the room.
"We've got a melon! We bought it together! A big melon!" Mineta said, holding a melon above his head.
'Wow, pricey.' I though, knowing how expensive those things can get.

It went quiet before Tokoyami spoke.
"I cause you trouble, Midoriya...."
"No, I did, too...Did everyone from Class A come?" Midoriya asked.
"No, Jiro and Hagakure are still unconscious from the villains's gas." Iida said. "And Yaoyozoru also got hit hard on the head and is hospitalised here. Apparently she regained consciousness yesterday. So everyone but those three came...."
"But (Y/n) is here as well!" Mina said next to me, Midoriya's gaze slowly going over to me.
"Sixteen of us...." Uraraka mumbled.
"Because Bakugo's not here." Shoto said, looking down.

"Hey, Todoroki!" Mina scolded as Midoriya's eyes widened.

It was silent as everyone had a sorrowful expression, looking down.
"Hey, Midoriya...Kota wanted me to give you this." I said, taking out the note and unfolded it so he could read.
He read the note quietly, tears welling up in his eyes as he did, before putting his head back on the pillow.

"All Might said, "I can't save the people I can't reach." That's why he will always save those he can reach." Midoriya said softly, staring out the window. "I....was in a place where I could reach...I had to save him...That's what my quirk is's exactly like what Mr Aizawa said to me."

He gritted his teeth, tears slowly pouring down his face.
"My body...wouldn't move... It was all I could do to save Kota and (Y/n)..." He continued before taking in a deep breath. "I couldn't save someone right in front of me..."

"Then, let's save him this time." Kirishima said suddenly, making everyone look at him in confusion. "Actually, Todoroki and I were here yesterday, too. We were on our way to your room, we saw All Might and a police officer talking to Yaoyorozu. She explained that she had attached a tracking device to a nomu and gave a tracker to them."

"Does this mean you're going to have Yaoyozoru make another receiver?" Iida asked.
Kirishima looked down while Shoto stared straight at Iida.
"What if it does?" He asked.
Iida frowned, a dark expression going over his face, gritting his teeth. "It is as All Might said! This is something we should leave to the pros!" He yelled. "This isn't the place for us to act, you idiots!"

I nodded in agreement, knowing we were unable to do anything.
"We know that!" Kirishima retaliated, looking at him. "But I couldn't do anything! After I heard that my friend was being targeted! I couldn't do anything! I didn't do anything! If I don't do anything now, I won't be a hero or a man anymore!"

"Kirishima, we're in a hospital. Calm down." Kaminari shushed, glancing to the door. "It's fine to feel strongly about things, but this time-"
"Iida is correct." Tsu finished for him, a few people including me nodding.

Kirishima looked down, clenching and unclenching his fists, shaking. "Iida, all of you, you're all correct. I know that. But!" He said before turning around to Midoriya, holding his hand out.
I looked away, this was a serious situation, but a man was holding his arm out for someone whose arms were broken and bandaged.

"Hey Midoriya, your hand can still reach! We can go and save him!" Kirishima said to Midoriya, who looked back with a determined expression before nodding.

"So in short, you're planning on getting the receiver from Yao-Momo, following it, and going to save Bakugo yourselves?" Mina asked.
"Even though the villains said we were targets to be killed, they took Bakugo without killing him." Shoto explained. "They probably let him live, but that doesn't mean they won't kill him eventually. Kirishima and I are going."

"Don't go overboard with your messing around!" Iida yelled before Shoji stepped in.
"Wait. Calm down." Shoji said to Iida in a calm voice. "I understand Kirishima's frustration at not being able to do anything and Todoroki's frustration at having him stolen in front of his very eyes. I'm frustrated, too. But this isn't a situation where we should act on our emotions. Right?"

"L-let's leave this to All Might...Mr Aizawa's permission to fight at the training camp has been rescinded, too." Aoyama spoke up quietly.
"Aoyama's right, I can't say much since I was the one who needed saving, though..." Tokoyami agreed.

"But-" Kirishima started.
"Everyone, we're all shocked from Bakugo's kidnapping. But let's think things through calmly." Tsu interjected, placing a finger on her chin. "No mater how just your feelings, if you're saying you'll fight again...that you'll break the rules...Those acts are the same as those of villains."

'Ouch.' I thought, looking at the three, along with everyone else.
Silence fell in the room as everyone waited for their answer.

Then someone knocked on the door.
Aoyama squeaked in shock as the door slid open and a doctor stood at the door.
"Sorry to interrupt...It's time for Midoriya's exam..." the doctor said.

"Wh-why don't we go?" Sero asked, pointing at the door with his thumb. "I wanna see how Jiro and Hagakure are doing, too."
"Oh yeah." Ojiro agreed.
"Deku, feel better soon." Uraraka said with a grin as everyone slowly trickled out of the room.
"Thanks, all of you." Midoriya said before calling to me. "And (Y/n), thank Kota for the letter."
I nodded, about to leave the room before hearing Kirishima, Iida stopping in front of me as well.

"We talked to Yaoyozoru yesterday. If we go, we go right away. Tonight. Since you were seriously injured, I don't know if you can move, but we wanted to invite you, because you're probably the most frustrated out of everyone. We'll be waiting in front of the hospital tonight." Kirishima explained before I slid past Iida to see Shoto standing around the corner.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, looking at him with a worried face.
He nodded. "I was wondering if you'd want to come..."
I hesitated, a small part of me wanted to go, but I knew I wasn't cut out for it, I would just get in the way, they had more experience than me and I did not want to get in trouble.
I shook my head, looking at him. "I'm sorry, I'm not cut out for it and I think it's best for the heroes to deal with it." I said.

He nodded. "I understand, but that's not going to stop us from doing anything."
I nodded. "I know I can't stop you....but please be safe."
He looked down before looking back.

"I'll try."


We all went to check on Jiro and Hagakure, who were still unconscious and then parted ways. I, however, went to check on Ryuko, who had woken up but still had to heal.

We chatted for a bit and I informed her of Tomoko's disappearance, she was worried but I informed her that everyone in the police department was on the lookout for her, which seemed to calm her worries a little.

I bid her goodbye and left the hospital, calling Shino if she could pick me up.

"Sorry, I'm a little busy at the moment, I'll pick you up in an hour." Shino said. "Maybe walk around or get something to eat until I get there."
"Okay, see you in an hour." I replied, hanging up.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked down the street, looking at the various shops as I walked past.

I found a vending machine and put some money in for a drink, opening it and taking a sip as I started walking.

"Help! Thief!" A woman cried as a man in a striped shirt ran towards me laughing.
He jostled past me, roughly shoving my arm, making me drop my drink on the ground.

'How dare you.' I thought, looking around to see no one chasing after him.
I picked up the drink and threw it into the trashcan nearby, giving chase.

Word count: 2223 words

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