Chapter 18

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I sighed and flopped backwards onto my bed.

I had finished my morning chores and had nothing to do, Kota didn't want to watch the sports festival for the other years, so I didn't want to put it on.

I had texted Shoto earlier to see if he wanted to hang out, but he said he was busy visiting someone for the day.

I wonder who...

Anyway, Shinsou hadn't replied for awhile so I guessed he was busy, my last hope was Mina to see what she was doing.

I opened messenger again to clicked on her chat before typing.

Message Conversation

Me: Hi

Mina is online

Mina: HI!!

Me: You doing anything atm?

Mina: No, just watching the sports festival with Kami, Sero and Tooru, they're staying over for the night

Me: Noice

Mina: Want to come over? We have room for another

Me: Thank god, yes please, lemme check with my aunt if its ok

Mina: Oki

End Message

I stood up and went looking for Aunt Shino, who was in the kitchen cleaning up.

"Hey, could I go to a friends house for the night?" I asked.

"Who's? Shoto's?" Shino asked with a smirk.

I shook my head with a slight blush. "No, another friend of mine, Mina's."

"If it's ok with her parents then yes." Shino said. "I can drop you off if you want."

"That'll be great, thanks." I said, giving her a hug before running back to my room to pack.

I pulled out a duffle bag and opened my phone to message Mina.

Start conversation:

Me: My aunt said it was alright to stay over

Mina: Great! I invited a couple other people but they're coming over later

Me: Cool, could you send me your address so my aunt knows where to drop me off?

Mina: Ok

End conversation

I packed for the night and raided the pantry for any snacks to bring before telling Aunt Shino I was ready to go.

I said bye to Kota before piling into the car and driving to where Mina said where her house was.

"Have fun." Shino said as I got out of the car.

"Thanks." I said, giving her a smile and closing the door before walking up to Mina's house.

I hesitantly knocked on the door for it to open wide, showing Mina.

"(Y/n)! You're here!" She cried, pulling me inside the house.

The house was nice and clean, though the living room had wrappers and cans of soft drink on the floor and coffee table.

"Sorry for the mess, but you missed the first event and the second event just started." Mina said, guiding me over to the couch where Sero, Kaminari and an invisible girl sat.

"This is Tooru, in case you haven't met her properly." Mina said.




We spent the rest of the day chilling and watching the sports festival, cheering on the different students that made it to the tournament.

Though after it finished, we cleaned up the mess before some more people came over for the night.

"I invited most of the class, but a couple couldn't make it." Mina said as the last piece of rubbish was thrown into the bin.

"So, (Y/n). Why are you in general studies? Your quirk seems like what a hero would have." Tooru asked.

"I guess I didn't get enough points to be able to get into the course." I replied as I unrolled my sleeping bag and climbed in before leaning back.

"That sucks." Tooru said and I nodded.

"Though at least I'm in a hero school." I said, trying to lighten the mood. "That's a bonus."

"Yeah." Kaminari agreed, nodding.

We continued talking about random things until more people showed up.

First it was Kirishima dragging Bakugou along with him, then the girl I had saw at the entrance exam, Jiro, a guy called Sato, then two more, a guy with a tail named Ojiro, Tokoyami and Shoji, who kinda looked like an octopus.

Even Uraraka, frog girl and Midoriya showed up which was kind of surprising but I didn't see Iida come over, maybe because of the family emergency he left for yesterday.

"So, everyone's here!" Mina said as everyone squashed into the slightly small room. "What should we do?"

"Truth or dare!"

"Spin the bottle!"

"Seven minutes of heaven!"

"Why not all three? Ribbit" Frog gir- Tsu, suggested with a finger on her chin.

'What?' I thought, never really having played many of the games except for truth or dare.


The games were fun, we did spin the bottle a little modified, giving hugs or kisses on the cheek to whoever it landed on if you didn't feel comfortable.

I had gotten a hug from Midoriya, Sero and Jiro while Tooru, Mina, and Kirishima gave me a kiss on the cheek. While I mainly gave everyone that I landed on a hug, except Bakugou, he was firing small explosions at everyone.

Next was seven minutes in heaven, quite a few make out sessions happened in the closet during people's time in there.

Though whenever I went in with someone, we usually had a small conversation about life or how things were.

But Tooru did try to make a move on me but I laughed it off and slightly pushed away.

I wasn't too sure if I liked just guys, I liked girls too at the moment, but still I didn't want to make out with someone I just met.

Then it was truth or dare, which was fun to play.

"Truth or dare, Mina." I said, looking at her with a grin.

"Dare! I ain't no pussy!" Mina replied.

"Order us a pizza." I said with a smirk, seeing her roll her eyes.

"I HAVE BEEN BLIND TO THE POSSIBILITIES!" Kaminari yelled, seeming as though his mind was blown.

"Fine." Mina said with a smirk as she picked up her phone and ordered all of us pizza.

"Wait, it was a joke, you didn't have to-" I started but was cut off with her laughing.

"Relax, I was going to order pizza anyway." She said, making me sigh in relief.

She ordered the pizza before daring Kaminari to make a pikachu impression, which made us all laugh.

The game went on until I was being asked by Tooru.

"Hmmmmm...dare." I said, feeling confident.

I saw Tooru stop moving for a second before grabbing something out of her bag.

"Let me paint your nails." She said, holding out the black bottle of nail polish.

"Fine." I said, holding my hands out.

The game continued and I now had a fresh coat of black nail polish on my fingers.

"E-boy." Kaminari muttered once it was done.

The game continued until Sero asked me truth or dare.

"Truth." I said, making him frown for a second before trying to come up with a question.

"Oooh! I know!" Kaminari said, whispering in his ear, making Sero grin.

"Now I regret picking truth..." I muttered as Sero looked at me.

"Do you have a crush on someone at school?" He asked.

I felt my face heat up and avoided eye contact, obvious signs that I had a crush.

"Oooh! Who?" Tooru asked, seeming pretty interested and ready for any details.

"I....uh, uhhhhhhh......" I started, fiddling with the collar of my shirt, not really wanting to come out of the closet in front of all these people yet, some I really just met today.

Heck, I wasn't even sure of my own sexuality yet.

I think Mina knew something was up so when the doorbell rang she yelled out that pizza was here, making everyone divert their attention.

We put on a movie and unrolled sleeping bags as we ate the pizza, laughing at the movie.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Mina asked as she sat next to me.

"Yeah?" I asked, grabbing the last slice of pizza from a box.

"You alright? Want to talk?" She asked.

"Sure." I said, shoving the rest of the pizza in my mouth and standing up.

We walked out of the room and into the kitchen before Mina looked at me.

"Everything okay? You seemed hesitant during the last question of truth or dare..." She said.

"Yeah....I didn't really want to say who I like at the moment...." I muttered a bit too loudly.

"Oh, well its alright if you don't want to say." She said. "It's just a stupid game in all honesty."

"It's Shoto......." I blurted out before covering my mouth in surprise.

"Oooooooooooooooooh." Mina said with a devious grin creeping onto her face.

"But I don't know if I like just guys or both genders or everyone or not actually attracted to anyone...." I started rambling.

"Hey, look at me. You're a great friend and you love whoever you want, I'm not going to see you any different for liking the same gender." Mina said, putting her hands on my shoulders.

We had only really known each other since the start of the year and already she felt like someone I've known forever.

"Thanks." I said with a smile and pulled her into a hug, which she returned.


We watched a total of 3 movies before playing another game, Cards Against Humanity, before watching another 2 and a half movies.

By a half I mean that almost everyone started nodding off to sleep around halfway in the movie.

I finished watching the movie, me now being the only one awake, before somehow getting my head onto my pillow getting squished by Mina and Sato next to me, though eventually fell asleep.

Word count: 1604 words

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