Chapter 13

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"I didn't know your quirk could do that." Shoto said as we walked down the road with different stalls either side.

"Neither did I." I admitted. "I really found out only a couple of weeks ago." I said with a grin.

"Well either way, it still helped us win." He said with a faint smile.

"Hey, what were you talking to Midoriya about?" I asked, remembering when he pulled him into the corridor.

"Uh...I was just asking him something, but it wasn't true..." Shoto shrugged, looking around. "So, what should we get for lunch?"

"Hmmmm...." I said, looking around.

I did see a mochi stand that seemed a lot like the one from the shopping district, which I quickly glanced over.

"Sushi?" I suggested, pointing to a sushi stall ahead. "Or maybe dango...or tempura?" I said again, jeez there were a lot of choices to choose from.

"What about a platter of all?" Shoto suggested, pointing to a stall that was selling platters that seemed cheaper than all three brought separately.

"Sure." I said and we walked over to the stall.

We ordered the platter but we were asked who was paying.

"I'll pay." We both said at the same time, making us chuckle.

"No I will." I said, pulling out my wallet.

"It's fine, I can." Shoto said, pulling out a credit card.

"How about we go halves?" I suggested.

"Sure." He shrugged.

I gave the server half the price in cash while Shoto swiped his card, which seemed to have 'ENDEAVOUR' written on the back, but I didn't question it.

"Enjoy your meal you two." The server said, handing down the platter and some chopsticks.

We found an empty table and sat down, starting to eat out of the platter, which was delicious.

"(Y/n)!!" I heard multiple voices call from in front of me.

I looked from behind Shoto to see Mandalay, Pixie Bob and Tiger walking towards us with grins.

'Shit, no, no, no.' I thought to myself in a panic but they had already walked over.

"(Y/n)! You did a great job out there!" Mandalay complimented with a grin. "And so did you Todoroki." She said.

Shoto bowed. "Thank you. Though I am curious, how do you know (Y/n)?"

"Oh he lives with us, has been for the past few years." Mandalay said casually. "Ever since"

I looked at them, looking down the path and slightly telling them to leave which Ryuko thankfully picked up on.

"Well it would be nice to have a chat, but we have to do some patrols, we'll see you later!" Ryuko said, swiftly pulling Mandalay and Tiger with her, though Mandalay left a box of something on the bench.

I breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to face Shoto, who had a questioning face,

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked, eating some more sushi off the platter.

"Is one of them your aunt?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I've been living with them for awhile since my parents died."

"If you don't mind me asking...who were your parents?" Shoto asked, eating some tempura off the platter.

"Well, do you remember the Pro Heroes Water Hose?" I asked.

Shoto went silent for a second before nodding.

"Well, they're my parents, but a few years ago they died from protecting a village from a villain...." I said, looking down.

"Oh...." Shoto said.

"And from that my younger brother thinks they abandoned us for their hero work and I'm abandoning him for going to this school."

He nodded his head in understanding. "I'm sure he'll come around." He said in reassurance.

I smiled slightly at him before continuing to eat what was left on the platter, once I was finished I noticed the box that Mandalay left and looked at it.

"Pocky?" I questioned aloud, looking at the box of chocolate pocky in my hand.

"Huh?" Shoto asked, looking over to me.

"Someone left some pocky..." I said, shaking the box and holding it up.

"Oh..." He said with a shrug, eating the last piece off the platter.

It went into an awkward silence as we sat there, avoiding eye contact, so I decided to break it by opening the pocky packet and holding one out for Shoto.

He took it wordlessly and started eating it, me doing the same, until there was one stick of pocky left.

"You have it." We both said at the same time and chuckled.

"You have it...I'm pretty full..." Shoto said with a grin.

"Alright, if you insist..." I said, putting the pocky in my mouth and starting to nibble it.

Without warning, Shoto suddenly bit the other end of the pocky, avoiding looking at me.

I froze and sat there as a blush slowly formed on my face as he came closer and closer, nibbling the end of the pocky.

Just as our noses bumped, I panicked and hurriedly pulled back, covering my beetroot red face with my hands, not seeing the smirk from Shoto.

"You're cute when you're flustered..." Shoto mumbled under his breath.

'WHAAAAAAAAAA???' I screamed at myself, not noticing someone nearby flinch from that.

"You alright (Y/n)?" Shoto asked casually, seeming not to notice the state I was in at the moment.

I stood up hurriedly as a warning for the last 10 minutes of the break was announced.

"I-I'm going to the bathroom!" I said loudly and quickly ran off, clutching my face in my hands.

"O...kay?" Shoto called after me as I turned the corner and back into the stadium.

I found a bathroom, which was empty, and ran inside and locked myself in a cubicle, sitting on the toilet lid and clutching my legs.

I groaned as I cringed of my stupid exit and buried my head in my knees, letting out a scream of frustration, startling someone who was walking by.

'Do I like guys?? Why am I suddenly so embarrassed when around Shoto?? Is it just me or what???' I thought to myself, feeling the most confused I had ever been in my life, more than that one difficult maths test I never studied for.

I groaned and took in some deep breaths before thinking it over.

'So...I have a crush on Shoto? Is that it??.........yeah...I do like him.....but what if he doesn't like me that way, what if he's only interested in girls??' I thought to myself.

"Hello?" I heard a familiar voice call, seeming uncertain. "(Y/n)?"

I went silent as I heard footsteps stop outside the stall I was sitting in.

"Don't bother hiding (Y/n), I can see your sneakers." Shinsou said. "What's wrong?"


"I won't judge."

I unlocked the door but didn't say anything, Shinsou opened the door and looked at me.

"....I think I like guys."





"Is that the reaction you were thinking I would have?"


"Then what reaction?"

"I don't know..."

"Either way, you're still you and I don't think of you differently." He said.

I smiled, feeling a bit of weight leave my chest.

"And it seems like you have a crush on a certain someone...who?"

"...Shoto..." I admitted, looking away with a slight blush.


I nodded.

"But I don't know if he likes guys or girls or no one or himself or-" I started rambling.

"Just ask him out or confess your feelings." Shinsou said.

"NANI!? NO!" I cried, burying my head into my hands. "He probably doesn't even like me the same way..."

"Well, you'll never know until you find out." Shinsou said with a shrug. "Now come on, we need to see who we're up against for the tournament."

I sighed and stood up, following Shinsou out of the bathroom and over to a screen that showed who was fighting each other for the first battle.

I blinked as I saw who was up first and looked at Shinsou with a nervous glance.

'Hitoshi Shinsou VS Izumi (Y/n)'

Word count: 1336 words

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