Dream and George were on a motorcycle ride at around lunch time. Everything was going smoothly. Most things. Except for the bruises on Dreams dick were he didnt swerved around the potholes.
Dream and George were sitting at a red light when Dream got Impatient. Dream looked left and right before accelerating.
George and Dream didnt see the speeding semi until Dream was ran into by the semi.
Dreams bike flew off of the ground and bounced on the top of the semi. With Dream unconscious body flailing around bouncing harshly behind it.
Dream felt his body loosing Consciousness and fast.
"CLAY!" Dream heard George yell his name before slipping into unconsciousness.
George ran over To Dreams bost before dragging it off the road and to the small grass verge next to it.
George saw a blacked out jeep driving speedily towards him. George held his gun in his back
He relaxed when he saw sapnaps white bandana and karls purple fingerless gloves.
George sat there head in hands. Karl stroked the back of his head. George felt tears roll down his face under his helmet.
It had been 5 days since Dream was admitted to the hospital and George had barely left his side. He only left for the toilet and go get a bag of peanuts from the vending machine outside.
George traced his finger over the vein on his arm. The vein was thick and wavy.
"You keeping an image for when your jacking off later?" Dream chuckled weakly holding his abdomen.
"How did you guess?" George chuckled standing up and pressing there lips together.
The kiss was soft. Dream flinched when Georg put his hand behind his head.
"Mmm. Your so warm." Dream nuzzled Georges neck and held his waist.
"You know what else is warm?" George smirked flicking his eyelashes
"Shut up. I dont need that in my mind right now." Dream rubbed his eyebrows slowly.
"Cuddles." Dream lifted up his special blanket that he forced the hospital workers to use so that he can sleep better.
"I dont wanna hurt you."
"Get in the fucking blanket." Dream said.
George was quickly silenced.
Dream nuzzled his nose into Georges neck before the two of them passed out in each others arms.
George woke up and saw Zofia and Alice sitting in the room.
"You better just be cuddling." Zofia said passing a water to George.
"We are." George said trying to sit up but Dream stopping him.
"Stop it." Dream said sleepily and brought George closer to him.
Dream stood up. Burped slightly before blowing it in Zofias face.
"Ugh, Asshole." Zofia flailed her hands blocking Dreams air. Alice chuckled in the corner.
"Something funny?"
"Nope, Nothing." Alice said while Quietly giggling.
"No say it, What you giggling at?" Zofia barred her teeth slightly at Alice only getting a blush from her.
"Oh shit." Dream said slightly falling and grabbing the wall.
"Grow up Dream. What were you two saying?" Zofia said standing inbetween the two siblings.
"I mouthed something inappropriate to Alice, while you two were bickering." George chuckled.
"What did you say?"
"Get your girl out of here , I wanna fuck." George chuckled.
"Have you seen-" Zofia started.
"It was a joke!" George said quickly.
Dream walked out the bathroom.
"Joke or not im down." Dream said sitting on the bed and laying back down.
"Really? Have you seen the state your in?" Zofias eyes widened.
"Yeah, But that doenst stop everything, you just
have to work around it." Dream said stretching being too long for the bed.
Zofia rubbed her eyes.
"CLAYTON!" The nurse said loudly barging in the door .
"Shit." Dream violently jumoed when the door slammed open
"How are you?"
"When can i leave?" Dream asked.
"We will need to keep you in hospital overnight but your only allowed one visitor." The nurse said checking Dreams heartbeat.
"Im staying." Zofia said.
George ended up staying.
"mmmm, your so pretty." Dream said cuddling up against George.
"Thank you." George smiled.
"Gosh, Dont sound so smug when i give you a compliment." Dream and George chuckled
"Hey Dream?" George asked turning to face him on his side.
"Yeah." Dream looked at George.
"Wanna fuck?" George whispered.
"Yes." Dream whispered back and both boys started to remove each others clothes.
Dream and George were still facing each other and sleeping sideways.
"Prep?" Dream asked quickly.
"Yes. Your fingers. Mine are too small." George said voluntarily sucking Dreams twos middle fingers.
"Start with one or two?"
"Two." George scooted closer to Dream could reach and hissed slightly when Dream pushed his two fingers in.
Dream started fingering George quicker and started pressing kisses on his neck.
"Mm, Your so hot." Dream said between kisses and quickly scissoring his fingers making Georges back arch.
"Careful dont hurt your back."
Dream smirked and conjoined their lips.
"Done?" Dream asked.
"Yes." George said.
"Good." Dream smirked.
Dream moved closer. Dream lined himself up properly before kissing Georges shoulder.
"Stop being soft, You can be soft when were not fucking." George said.
"Im in pain just gimmie a second." Dream said pushing in.
Dream slowly started to thrust.
George pinned Dream to the bed.
"Jesus." Dream said as George started Riding him faster.
"Fuck." George panted.
"If you going to ride me do it properly, Put your knees up and lean back." Dream smirked.
Dream felt himself felt close.
"Are you close?"
"Yes." Dream grunted.
Dreams thrusts sped up when he got closer.
George arched his back when He felt Dream cum deep.
The two boys pants and breathe deeply
Dream layed down next to George and flopped.
"My ass is grass." Dream said looking at George.
"I know." George chuckled.
"DREAM!" Zofia yelled seeing the two shirtless boys in the bed.
"mmm what?" Dream woke unnuzzling himself from George.
"Did you two fuck?"
"You want the truth or a lie?" Dream groggily said accidentally knocking George before he apologised slightly.'
"The truth!" Zofia said loudly.
"Yes." Dream rubbed his eyes sitting up before getting a face full of Zofias knuckles making Dream fall back down.
Dreams head hit the pillow hard.
"Zofia, Come with me for a minute." Alice said grabbing her hand.
Dream watched the two girls leaves and heard George moan slightly.
"Dream." George said.
"Yeah?" Dream Kissed Georges shoulder.
"You can pull out now."
"Oh shit, Sorry." Dream said pulling out and replacing the two boys boxers.
The girls came back in.
"You two okay?" Dream asked as they walked back in, Zofia looking down and not confident and Alice walked in with a smirk on her face.
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