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I wake up the next morning with the sun on my face, I groan when I hear the voice of Morris my butler, I put the pillow on my head and go back to dozing again, but I am surprised with a pull on my covers, and then they push me out of bed , I fall to the floor with a loud thud, I look at the person who did this and I see Thomas sitting on my bed laughing like crazy, I take the pillow and throw it in his face, he is startled and I am the one who starts laughing.
_________ Let's go Nathan get up from that bed man .. - Complains my younger brother with a loud and firm voice. He stands up and crosses his arms looking at me seriously.
_________ I was about to get up - I mutter looking at Tom who is completely different from me, his eyes are green and his blond hair shines bright under the sunlight, my appearance is totally dull, brown hair of an almost black tone and brown eyes Honey-colored, Cameron also looks like Mom as does Thomas, and I'm the only one born looking like my dad.
________ Dude, you didn't even want to see the photos of the candidates? I roll my eyes and get up from the floor.
________ I want to meet them in person, I trust you and Cameron. He shakes his head disapprovingly and I ignore him.
We will begin visits to the sectors of the listed candidates, the most qualified will present their talent in front of the population of their sector as well as the royal family. He keeps talking about the other sectors, but my mind blocks and I don't hear anything else, I get in the shower and take a shower while Thomas continues to chatter about the girls we're going to meet, it doesn't take long and I leave the bathroom wrapping the towel around my waist.
________ We'll see them all starting today.. then I'll see if you chose right.. - I tear off the towel and throw it in Thomas' face who curses me with every possible name, and leaves my room saying he doesn't want to be traumatized by seeing me naked. I wasn't excited for these visits, in fact I didn't want to meet any of them, but I had, it was part of being the future king and I would fulfill my obligations, according to my mother, the Diamond crown will be given to the girl who deserve to help me rule, not like a princess or queen; according to the woman who put me in this world, no one was forcing me to marry, but a female vision was needed under the crown, for this reason the position, a female ruler; she would place the crown upon her head and be a pillar to the king of Atlanta, in my case; but if, at the end of this process, I want to marry one of them, then it would all be worth the time spent, by the logic of the queen who is my mother in herself.

It would be a tiring and exhausting process in the next few months we would go to all sectors of Atlanta, a presentation of each enlisted would be made and I would have to choose one from each sector for the next steps, the world is a place that scares me, one day it may being everything we dream of and in others becomes a nightmare we can't escape, this has happened to me since Louise's death, I entered an eternal nightmare that until today I haven't woken up, my days are summed up in bitterness and my nights are usually in Of course, my body is a hollow and empty shell, I wonder if it can ever be filled again? I took a deep breath listening to footsteps inside my room; I caught a glimpse of the queen's golden hair, which at that moment had a motherly countenance.
________ Not ready yet my dear. -She walked towards me, stopping in front and then taking her slender fingers to the dress shirt in which I was previously fastening the buttons-I still don't understand why she doesn't allow Morris to help her ..
_________ Because I am highly capable of choosing and putting on my own clothes mom. She smiled tenderly as she straightened the collar of her white shirt.
_________ Always so stubborn ..-she commented letting go of the fabric and then her greenish irises like the crystalline waters of the ocean rose to mine-Are you worried? -She questioned capturing my thoughts as always.
_________ And if I'm not able to.. - The words died on my lips for a moment, I blinked several times feeling the weight of doubt in my bones - to love...? -The queen opened a serene smile on her lips while her hands held my face in a motherly and affectionate way.
_________ As long as a heart beats in your chest, you will be able to love .. just allow yourself to feel my Nate .. - She approached kissing my forehead, I nod positively to her sweet words, then my mother walks away saying now in order tone - Come on, finish it soon.. We leave in an hour..
She walked with light steps to the door closing it shortly after, my eyes remained on the wood for a few moments while my thoughts hung to "I hope she's right." Usually the queen is always correct, but when it comes to my insides right now I still feel the weight of doubt and she would walk me through this whole process.

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