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"I need to talk to the two of you."

Their mom said, shaking her head at the two girls in front of her.

"Uh, mom what's wrong?" Lisa asked nervously, glancing at Lauren before turning her head back to her mom again.

"Where did I go wrong. That's the question," Lynne— their mom, said, walking toward the coach and sitting down. Lauren did the same, sitting down next to her mom, while Lisa closed the door and sat down across the two of them.

"M-Mom," Lisa says, "We don't understand what you're talking about." Lynne stood up and head to the kitchen, holding a newspaper once she was in sight again, and held it out for Lisa to take. Lisa confusedly took it from her mom's hand, turning the pages and her eyes widening once she saw an article.

The two members of the known girl band Cimorelli— Lauren and Lisa Cimorelli, spotted kissing in an unknown street by a paparazzi at midnight. Does this prove that the two of them are dating secretly? Aren't they related to each other?

And under it has a picture of Lauren and Lisa kissing, another picture where the two of them are holding hands, and the other one where they are both just smiling at each other and looking into each other's eyes.

"The fuck?!" Lisa exclaimed, throwing the newspaper.

"Lisa!" Their mom scolded, but Lauren still has no idea on what's going on.

"Is that true-"

"What's true?" Lauren asked.

"That you and Lisa- are d-dating," Lynne can't even say the word without stuttering because of how disgusting that sounds.

"What?" Lauren asked, her eyes widening.

"Is it true?!" Lynne shouted.


"Just fucking answer me! Is it true?!" Lynne shouted once again. Lynne never really cursed in front of her children, so this proves how mad she really is right now. The head of the two girls hung low, not knowing what to say or what to answer at that moment.

"It's-it's true, mom," Lisa answered afterwards, scared of what could happen next. "And we're not going to break up at any time now." Lauren was now full in crying; not ready for what their mom could do. Lisa stood up, attempting to sit down beside Lauren and comfort her despite the incident in the car earlier, but before she could, her mom said something that stopped her from moving any further.

"Break up or you'll not see each other ever anymore."

"But mom-"

"Break up or I won't let Lauren apply to that university she always wanted to study to. That simple."

Lisa scoffed, "Are you really that selfish?! Why?! You're ashamed of us?! Because we'll have a bad reputation?! Are you really that selfish?! That's her dream, mom! Let her be!"

"I've made my mind, Lisa Michelle. Break up or bye bye dream." Lynne smirked before heading upstairs and you could practically hear the door shut and the house shake.


"You won't do that, right?" Lauren asked, hope in her eyes. "I don't care anymore. I want to be with you, I choose you."

"Lauren," Lisa smiled, tears flowing down both of their faces, "that's your dream, baby." Lisa said soothingly, wiping away all of Lauren's tears.

"But you're part of my dream," Lisa shook her head at her younger sister.

"I know you, Lauren. You've been wanting to apply to that since you were a kid. I can even ask David and he would say yes because he knows that. That's been your dream ever since you were like four or five, babe."

"But Lisa-" Lisa cut her off.

"I love you, Lauren," Lisa whispered,"and I am so sorry for what I did. I was drunk that time."

"I already forgave you. Please don't break up with me. I love you so much, Lisa. Please," Lauren begged in between sobs but Lisa continued to shake her head.

"I love you so, so, so much, Lauren," Lisa whispered, leaning in so their foreheads are touching.

"I love you too, Lisa," Lauren whispered.

"I gotta go," Lisa said, wiping her tearstained face and pulling back.

"No," Lauren pulled her back, connecting their lips the pulling back again. "Stay."

"I can't," Lisa told her sister.

"You can. If you're scared of mom, forget her. I don't care anymore," Lauren said, practically begging, "I love you and no one's gonna change that. So stay and sleep here with me."

"Okay," Lisa laughed.They both went up their stairs hand in hand, messing with each other as if nothing happened.

Once they were at Lauren's room, they both plopped down on the bed, Lauren almost laying on top of Lisa as her head was resting on Lisa's chest and her legs tangled with Lisa's.

"I love you," Lisa whispered for the millionth time this day, well not literally.

"I love you too," Lauren said, lifting her head up from Lisa's chest and kissing her girlfriend. They pulled back and did their own thing; Lisa on her phone scrolling through twitter while Lauren was reading a book.

While Lisa was scrolling through twitter, she accidentally pressed on her notification button, seeing thousands of fans (and still counting) hating on Lauren and her.

Eww incest, you guys shouldn't be together

You just lost a fan

OK wtf is going on isn't this a sin

I thought the Cimorellis are like the most religious people in this world that they won't commit a sin ever but I guess that thought is wrong

Disgusting, just disgusting

Eww Lisa, of all people, why Lauren?! You could've just dated Amy hahaha

Yeah why Lauren of all people 😂 use glasses baby

Lisa was getting more mad that she didn't even realize she already made a mess by kicking the sheets and some of their pillows off of the bed.

"Hey you okay?" Lauren asked her worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't think about that," Lisa laughed nervously and fakely at the same time, patting Lauren at her shoulders signalizing her to lay back on her chest, "I was just playing a game and I lost so," Lisa lied, laughing nervously.

"Oh okay," Lauren nodded but still curious but let it go anyway, "imma sleep now. G'night. Love yah."

"I love you too," Lisa told her back, leaning forward to plant a kiss on her girlfriend's forehead. Not a few minutes after she started hearing soft snores, making it harder for her to do what she's planning to do. That will definitely be one of Lauren's little things she'll miss.

Yes, you read that right. She's planning on leaving. She knows how badly Lauren wanted that. That is Lauren's dream and she can't get in to the way of that, so she's leaving. She knows it would be very hard for her to do that considering the love she has for the other girl, but she knows that's what's better. That would make a lot of things better. She knows if she break up with Lauren, Lauren won't let that happen, so she's doing this then, it would be easier. She can't stand seeing Lauren so weak, vulnerable, and beg. Lauren's getting a lot of hate too because of her; she just wants Lauren to be happy and not to have problems. But when Lauren's with her— there's always a problem. People laughing at them, their family are ashamed of them, and she's getting in the way of Lauren's dream. She can't just let Lauren suffer because of her. That's why even if she knows it's hard; for the both of them, not just for her, she knows that's the only answer.

"I love you so much, Lauren," Lisa didn't even realize she was full on crying already, she was just staring at the other who's peacefully sleeping on her chest.

"Forgive me on what I'm about to do, baby," Lisa whispered, her sobs not helping at the moment. "I don't want to do this either. But I know this is what's best for us."

"Don't forget that I love you so much," Lisa managed to get that out through her sobs. She kissed Lauren's forehead once more before slowly replacing herself with a pillow so Lauren wouldn't get suspicious and getting out of the bed. She took a paper and a pen from Lauren's desk and started writing a letter for her. After she's done, she opened Lauren's desk and put it in, closing it after. She looked at Lauren again, sighing when a tear fell down her cheek, heading out of the room as soon as possible and rushing out of the house before she could even change her mind.

"I hope I'm doing the right thing," she whispered once she was in her car and started speeding off to their apartment which is not that far from the Cimorelli house, packing all her things and booking a flight as soon as possible. She eventually got a ticket and after a few hours of waiting, she was now flying to a very far country...

Away from Lauren— the love of her life.

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