Chapter Thirteen : Awkward Family Greetings

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Now playing Knives by Layton Greene

Chapter Thirteen : Awkward Family Greetings

They were supposed to act like it never happened—instead plaster on their best award winning smiles and fake any positive emotions so they looked nothing less than happy. It came with difficulty; especially when Hyunjin expressed how it almost began to physically hurt just being in the same room as the rest of the group. He complained and whined like a child to their manager until he was able to get his own dressing room. And the relief that was seen washing over him was like a stab straight to the gut. Watching the tall blonde be escorted out the door (with his personal stylist not even a few inches behind him) quite literally felt as though Hyunjin took the sharpest knife he could find and just lodge it inside their stomachs without a second thought. Or at least that's what Seungmin began to believe—felt. Enough mental convincing had him really reaching for his stomach and rubbing at where twinges of pain were being experienced. If it weren't for Chan continuously stating that he had no reason to feel guilty, and that Hyunjin will eventually get over it, willed him enough strength to place his attention back on the video shoot.

But even so, he couldn't get rid of that nagging part of his brain that wouldn't stop thinking about the blonde dancer. Seungmin will admit that at some points during the argument it did seem as though it was seven against one. And it makes him wonder what would've happened if he just agreed with the older; stood beside him and said that he had all right to be angry and that Minho could be a little bit nasty when it came to his teasing. Would it result in everyone being upset with him too? Ah, he doesn't care about that. He just knows that it means the other would still be with him—they'd be sitting side by side with hips and shoulders touching and arms interlocked. It also means he wouldn't feel as though a sliver of his heart had been stolen and crushed at the hands of betrayal. He couldn't do anything about it either. He chose his side just like Hyunjin said, and now all he can do is sit within a chair and allow for a kind lady to do his hair.

He should apologize later. Or is that too soon? Seungmin doesn't know. Obviously the dancer is angry right now. He doesn't want to talk or even be in the same room as any of them. Why would his mind change later within the day? But the ravenette really needs to say, show, how sorry he was. That he would never purposely go against him, and that he cared so much about him that regret was eating him alive at this point. Or did that sound too selfish? Was he being selfish? Oh goodness, Seungmin feels like his head is about ready to explode from all of the invading thoughts. On one hand he wants to apologize because he truly does feel bad for causing Hyunjin internal hurt, but on the other he only really wants to apologize because it's the right thing to do. It'll get rid of that invisible knife twisting itself deeper within him. The ravenette could battle with himself for hours on such topic, neglecting the fact that he was causing himself harm.

"Seungmin-ah," The young singer turned his head to the left of him (to the best of his ability, due to not wanting to disrupt the stylist). He was met with the sight of Minho holding a camera; it being on and completely focused on the male who had dazed out almost completely. And with just knowing that he was being recorded (probably for a behind the scenes talker episode) he gave the annoyed façade meant only for the brunette. "At least pretend that you're excited to be married to me today."

Then Minho scoffed with an eye roll. His words had the younger spiraling into another thinking crisis. Because right, him and Minho were still considered together. The Amy lady stopped by after the entire fiasco, making sure that there won't be any further disruptions; too reestablishing who everyone's roles will be. Felix and Jeongin will be the grandparents that are trying to be hip; Chan and Changbin will be the brothers who can't quit their bickering; him and Minho will be a couple that supposedly went to marriage counseling and love each other more than ever now; and as awkward as Jisung looked hearing about it, he and Hyunjin will be the stereotypical couple who will forever be in love. Without saying it out loud or physically showing it Seungmin finds himself liking the change in his and Minho's character dynamic. He can finally show affection on screen and act as though he and the brunette adore one another. No more snarky comments, or subtle jabs at how them getting married was a terrible idea. The ravenette had been tired of their divorced concept right when it began; so with this chance, he's going to try and create a new perception for their fans to love.

"Are you excited to be with me?" He said it with a gleam in his eye. To everyone else it might have sounded a little playful—just the usual quick-witted response that made him brazen—but he was genuinely curious. He really wanted to know if the older wanted to also use this chance to get closer. And for a second he thought Minho would have thrown a snarky reply back in his face, laugh at him for every asking such ridiculous question. But instead he slowly nodded with a smile creeping up on his face.

"Who wouldn't be?" Seungmin could feel his ears begin to heat and he prays that they weren't too red. He wouldn't want their fans knowing that he grew bashful from something the Lee Know had said. That was everyone else's job. He was to always stay neutral and occasionally be the one to initiate the flirty actions or comments. And then the brunette would push him away or give him a weird stare. It was just how it goes. So what was happening? "Oh and here," Minho put his hand out, palm face up to display what he held. Seungmin and the camera were allowed to see a plain silver ring. "It goes with the costumes. All couples are supposed to wear wedding rings."

Seungmin looked between the ring and Minho in disbelief. There was no way they had to actually put on wedding bands. He even tried to look off to the side where Felix and Jeongin chatted. If he saw that they wore matching rings then he would be less shocked. It'd show that the brunette before him wasn't just pulling his leg. Unfortunately a clear view of the duo wasn't available and he was stuck ogling the simple piece of jewelry again. It wasn't until Minho complained about his arm getting tired did Seungmin finally take the ring into his own hold.

"You're kidding, right?" His eyes examined the silver band. Yup, just something that looks as though it could be a prize at an arcade. The only intricate part, would be a vine detailing that didn't even go around the whole thing; just a squiggly line with ovals attached to it in hopes of presenting leaves. It was boring and stupid, but for some reason Seungmin could feel his heart swell at the sight. He then slipped it on, hand being raised in front of him to see it from a distance. It looked...good.

"I wish I was Seungminnie" Minho gave an airy chuckle and a head shake that Seungmin hadn't seen because he was still too busy staring at his newest piece of jewelry. "Apparently the director said it goes into the budget of the production. Chan and Changbin are the only two who didn't get one, but instead friendship bracelets" There was another sign of amusement on the brunette's side. "I'm guessing you like it?"

"Uh yeah," Seungmin flushed from embarrassment as he finally shifted his attention from his now bedazzled left hand and onto Minho. "Yeah, it's nice."


It started with Chan and Changbin sitting down on a couch. It was brown and could probably fit only two more people. There was a throw blanket hanging off the back of it for decoration; a simple guess judging by how it was folded into perfection and sew from an array of colors that immediately caught the eye. They wore matching pajamas—the only difference being that Chan's was red while Changbin's was green. They were allowed to wear headbands that had fabric reindeer antlers on them, but the accessories have only been left on the wooden coffee table only a few feet in front of them. The small piece of furniture wasn't anything too grand, just holding a rectangular shape and having a few props placed upon it. Two of which were white mugs that held room temperature hot chocolate. Chan and Changbin were directed to grab for the cups while they began their first lines that went along with the script.

"If grandma and grandpa didn't get me that new gaming console I've been asking for, I'm knocking the tree over" Changbin nonchalantly speaks while taking a sip from his drink. Chan was quick to look away from his own mug (that had his index finger stuck in it, swirling at the whipped cream) and stare at his supposed brother with surprise. The other glanced back before breaking out into a grin. "You going to help me Channie?"

"No" Chan stuck his whip cream covered finger into his mouth licking it clean, to only shove it back into his cup seconds later. "I helped decorate it with mom and dad" He gave a boxy grin while excitedly glancing at the fake tree built to the right of them. Bulbs of all colors were dangling; garments hung; and a bright star sat at the top. Plenty of empty boxes that were wrapped in sparkly wrapping paper sat under it too. Obviously the staff did all the work, but the viewers who'll watch later don't need to know that. "Isn't it pretty?"

"Won't be when I knock it down" Changbin mumbled before shifting his attention. "Where's our parents anyway? How dare they leave me with a sticky child" He had shown faux disgust, him only chuckling afterwards when watching Chan yet again lick at his finger where a glob of whip cream was scooped from.

Chan shrugged as if he didn't know. But not too long after Changbin's question had been answered once in walked two more figures. It was their pretend parents: Hyunjin and Jisung. Of course due to the fight happening not too long ago there was tension arising. Everyone could feel it. Especially Jisung who was told that he had to be as cuddly and affection as he could. So it wasn't hard to decipher why when the rapper went to grab hold of Hyunjin's hand the blonde pulled away. Thankfully it wasn't long before the dancer reconnected their hands at the mere sight of a disapproving stare from the director. So with a tight smile, and firm hold upon the younger, he guided them towards a loveseat that was adjacent from the couch. They sat with space between them, hands now separated and draped within their own laps.

"Yah, how dare you two leave me with your child!? As an independent teenager, I shouldn't be babysitting. I should be out with my friends...being cool" Changbin complains. He even goes to place his mug back on the coffee table so he was able to lean back and cross his arms over his chest. Chan looks unbothered by what his faux brother has to say, instead all too happy with just finishing his sugary drink.

"You're our child too?" Jisung questions with a chuckle. He tugs at his sweater sleeves, trying to hide how anxious he was. Just being beside Hyunjin while they were on bad terms was spiking his nerve levels. "And it's Christmas you brat, you don't need to be with your friends. You'll be here with your family."

"Binnie said he's going to knock down the tree if he doesn't-" Changbin practically tackled his younger brother, trying his best to get him to stop blurting his previous confession. Good thing the cup was now empty, and only small droplets had stained the brown couch.

"I never said that..." The short rapper laughed it off with a wave. He had his palm pressed against the lips of Chan, keeping him from saying anything further; but that same hand had been licked not too long after, resulting in the other to pull away and cringe. "Ah gross!" Laughs and giggles could be heard from the scene; it too even coming from Hyunjin. It was a little shocking to hear, yet no one addresses it too scared that it would get him to turn cold again.

"Why can't you two ever get along?" Hyunjin finally speaks, head cocked to the side and right eyebrow raised in curiosity. He too pushed a few stray hairs behind his ear. Unlike the last role play video he wasn't given a wig. They instead styled his natural locks and gave a few extensions to make it seem longer. "You're setting a bad example for future kids."

All heads were immediately snapping in the direction of the tall blonde, eyes wide and jaws becoming unhinged. Jisung had even gone the extra mile to scoot closer to Hyunjin, fingers interlacing in the thick sweater the other also wore. Only the aforementioned had no idea what he could have said that would make them stare so appalled. Or that was until the squirrel resembling male opened his mouth to voice his concerns.

"Are you saying that we're having another baby!?" He leant in closer, faces inches apart. Hyunjin rolled his eyes before raising his hand to flick at the younger's forehead. It definitely had gotten Jisung to sit back down in his seat, face now contorted into pain as he rubbed at the sore spot. It's just before he could actually part his lips to reply, in walked Felix and Jeongin with looks of surprise as well.

"You're having another baby!? Those two wild animals weren't enough?" Jeongin blurts while pointing his infamous back scratcher at the two brothers. Felix trails behind with raised eyebrows and absolutely nothing to say, all too shocked that no one was telling them that they needed to change the topic of conversation. "Get up boy, make a seat for the elderly" Jeongin then pokes at Changbin, who was more than willing to give his seat to the one person who could openly beat him with anything. So he slides onto the floor in between Jisung's legs, melting at the way his hair was soon being tracked through.

"No, no we're not" Hyunjin speaks once Felix found his own placement in the middle of the couch. "I promise."

"Ah, is the spark not alive anymore?" Felix snickers in a voice he purposely made hoarse. "Because I have tea that can help with that" Again everyone stared in astonishment forcing Felix to elaborate more. "To you know, cleanse the soul so you can remember why you loved each other in the first place."

"When did you buy that? I've only seen green tea in the cupboards?" Jeongin asks. "Ah, was it on Valentines-"

"Alright!" Jisung shouts for an interruption. "We really don't need to know about that ma. It's bad enough that we know dad even has it."

"Oh fine," The male dressed as an elderly lady says. "Where's your brother? He should be here by now."

Jisung shrugs while subconsciously leaning into Hyunjin's form. He hadn't realized until feeling an arm slowly wrap around his waist and leisurely rest on his hip. He was able to contain the smile that pulled at his lips, yet couldn't help the way he grew comfortable and briefly stole a glance at Hyunjin's side profile. The blonde looked in thought, eyes directed on nothing in particular. The rapper didn't want to disturb the taller, but found himself doing so anyway when discreetly reaching out to hold his unoccupied hand. It was more so the brushing of their fingers, yet enough touch to get both of them to look down and see the way their fingers interlaced. Jisung could feel his ears heat at the sight of it being the hands where their fake wedding rings were placed—simple silver bands with nothing but a flower carved into it. The dark brunette quickly tried to distract himself by looking away and indulging in the new topic change.

"I baked cookies for everyone, but we won't eat them until later. It'll be for a little family activity" Felix smiles, earning hums of agreement and even a few compliments of how they all love his fresh treats. They weren't actually his though and instead store bought. It would just sound better coming from him due to everyone knowing that Lee Felix was the cook within the group.

"A family activity we can't start until everyone is here. Again where is Seungmin?" Jeongin states with a waving of his back scratcher in the air.

"Relax mom, I'm here" He walked onto the set with Minho attached to his arm. Immediately it felt as though it was really winter, the temperature running cold and forcing shivers to run up arms and backs. Seungmin didn't hesitate to immediately flick his sight over towards Hyunjin. Now wasn't the time for him to be jealous; to grow angry that the blonde so easily let Jisung back into his space. He should be glad that the dancer wasn't throwing glares at everyone or saying disrespectful things out of spite. Yet he wasn't. He could only think about how the knife that was impaling him had been jabbed so far, it might as well just kill him. And now with the help of a certain rapper who's secretly been out to get him for some time now. "And I brought Minho, my wife."

Hyunjin was staring. Actually all of them were staring. Seungmin just didn't know whether or not it was because of the previous argument and how certain people looked as though they wanted to kill each other, or because Minho wore a wig that was long enough to go past his shoulders. The ravenette could care less about the rest of the group though. He was stuck on Hyunjin and what he could be thinking about. He noticed that the blonde was looking at his and Minho's entwined hands; then moving to how they wore matching ugly sweaters that had a corny saying revolving around Mr. and Mrs. Claus; and finishing once they locked gazes. No emotion was seen, but that was expected. He felt wronged by the young singer.

"I thought you two divorced?" Changbin voices while watching the couple find a seat upon one last loveseat that was on the opposite side of the room and in front of the fake Christmas tree.

"Marriage counseling" Seungmin replies.

"You're pretty now auntie Minho" Chan pipes up while motioning towards his head, clearly addressing the fact that the brunette dancer indeed did look quite attractive even with much longer hair.

"Now? I wasn't before?" Minho furrows his eyebrows at the indirect insult, chuckling along to show he wasn't actually hurt by it.

"It's a wig Channie. I saw auntie buying it not too long ago" Changbin jokes which immediately has Minho grabbing for his head and making sure that his fake hair hadn't shifted since he left the dressing room. But not too long after, the dancer was standing to his feet and getting ready to attack the male representing himself as an angsty teen for the time being. And of course Changbin was quick to cower away, clinging onto Jisung's leg in hopes of safety. "Ah, mom save me!"

And with the playful act, Jisung smiles before willingly joining in. He leant down to wrap his arms around his supposed son protectively.

"Don't hit him babe!" Everyone froze at the mistake. The one who said it even started to think long and hard about what just came out of his

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