Chapter 5: The Meat Aggressor

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~currently playing~
^beat eater ~ vivid bad squad^

"Good morning, Soma-kun. I could use a bit of help. Could you get dressed and come over?" Isshiki requested from the tubes.

"I was up late last night and I'm still sleepy. Please ask someone else" Soma yawns and went back to bed.

Isshiki suddenly lifts off one of the ceiling panels of Soma's room and says, "Come on, don't say that."

"You were up there the whole time?!" Soma says in shock.

"He woke you up too, Yukihira?" Yuuki says while walking out with Soma.

"Back at ya, Yoshino. So, what are we supposed to help him with?" he asks.

"Collecting vegetables from the field out back." she answers.

"That's awesome. We even grow our own ingredients?" he says.

She laughs, "Well, delicious food starts with good ingredients. That's our dorm's motto."

They pass by Shun using a saw to cut a piece of log. "That's how Ibusaki gets his own wood for his smoked foods. Ryoko's specialty is making dishes with malted rice, so she has her own workshop just for that. As for me, I want to breed a "Kyokusei Chicken" that's on par with the French poulet de Bresse. I let them out to run free-range, too."

Note: Poulet de Bresse = a particular breed of French chicken that is highly regarded in food circles.

"And then... Isshiki-senpai's main area of operation... is THIS! This plot grows dozens of different vegetables." Yuuki presents.

"OHHHH! Huh?" Soma says looking at the whole garden but then spots a figure.

"Good morning, Soma-kun, Yoshino-kun. A bit of hard work in the morning helps soothe the spirits. Let's all sweat together." Isshiki says.

"That suits him!" Soma says noticing Isshiki's appearance.

"Knowing how different ingredients grow is all part of learning how to cook. This is Kyokusei Field. Though I wouldn't object if you called it Isshiki Field." Isshiki states.

"Ah, Soma-kun!" Megumi calls out.

"Oh! Tadokoro came too, huh?" Soma says.

"Look! These vegetables Isshiki-senpai grew look delicious, right?" Megumi says while holding a basket of vegetables.

"You know, it's like... That look suits her so well that it's almost comforting." Soma comments.

"Yup, Megumi is Kyokusei's breath of fresh air." Yuuki says as Megumi looks at them in confusion.

Isshiki grabs a tomato from the basket and hands it to Soma. "Here, try a bite."

"Oh, thanks. It's delicious!" Soma exclaims after taking a bite of it.

"It's plump and super sweet! I'd love to stock up on there for our restaurant! You've really made a quality product." Soma compliments.

"Yeah, well, I've been spending all my time on these. As a result, I haven't really been going to class." Isshiki says while shrugging.

'I think he's got his priorities backwards...' Soma sweatdropped.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Ryoko waves as she and Shun walks towards them.

Megumi could be seen picking strawberries.

And Isshiki is shown holding the turnips that he has just picked, as they continue their garden work.

"Everyone, it's time for breakfast!" Megumi announces.

"My back hurts!" Soma whines.

"Sure gets you hungry, huh?" Yuuki says while rubbing her stomach.

"Oh, you made this, Tadokoro?" Soma asks.

"Yes, you're hungry, right? Help yourselves." Megumi says while opening the lids of her containers, revealing an assortment of onigiris.

"I see. It's your special three-variety onigiri, huh?" Isshiki states.

"Nice, NICE! Onigiri after working in the fields!" Soma exclaims with a grin.

"Don't mind if I do! ...So delicious! You used a salt and green-onion sauce, right? The sauce was added to flash-boiled chicken tenders, and it coats the onigiri's exterior, too! The saltiness of it really stirs the appetite!" Yuuki says and after taking a bite of one.

"Doing physical work makes you want something salty, right?" Ryoko comments.

"And this is seaweed, huh? That's a staple of onigiri." Isshiki states and takes a bite.

His eyes widened in surprise, "You boiled the seaweed in sweet soy sauce and added CHEESE?"

Note: The process of boiling in soy sauce and sugar and/or mirin (sweet saké) is called tsukudani.

"Yes! Cheese actually goes well with the rich sweetness of the seaweed." Megumi's chibi form explains.

Soma hold up the last type of onigiri, "So, just what is this last one?!"

He takes a bite out of it and says, "Awesome! This garlic flavor is so great I can't stand it!"

"It's garlic-marinated pork." Chibi Megumi states.

Note: This dish is generally sliced and served as an entree, not put inside an onigiri.

"Huh?!" Chibi Soma exclaims.

"When I saw you use honey the other day in class, I tried it up in my own way. I boiled some pork belly, then steeped it in a mixture of garlic, miso, saké, and honey. It goes great with rice, so I chopped it finely and put it in an onigiri." Megumi explained.

"Whoa." Soma says.

Megumi looks on the table and suddenly remembers, "There's barley and green tea, too, so help yourselves.

"aah..." They all sighed as they drank the teas.

"This is the appeal of Tadokoro-chan's cooking. It soothes the heart of whoever eats it. The chicken ain't dried out, and the pork is perfectly tender." Isshiki states.

"They're all made with such care. Why can't you cook like this in class?" Soma says, not knowing his words stabbed her in the chest once again.

Megumi releases a depressing aura and fidgets with her fingers, "I've always had stage fright. When I get nervous, my mind goes blank and I just mess up."

"Man, that's too bad." Soma replied.

"You need to relax more when you cook, Tadokoro-chan." Isshiki says.

"That's right. You could be either a good chef or a good bride, Megumi." Yuuki commented.

"Oh, I don't know..." Megumi lightly chuckles.

"Huh? A research society?" Soma questions.

"Yup! There are lots of them at Tōtsuki, researching every theme related to cooking. For example, everyone gets together after class to develop a new menu." Yuuki explains.

"Or to participate in cooking contests outside of school."Ryoko comments.

"They're kind of like club activities, to use a term from the regular school system." Isshiki says while carrying his tools.

"I'm a member of the Regional Cuisine Research Society." Megumi states.

Soma and Megumi could now be seen looking at the bulletin board full of various research society posters.

"You weren't kidding. There's Japanese, Western, Chinese, haute cuisine, vegetarian cooking, even fermented and preserved foods. And boxed lunches you buy at train stations! Huh? Rice Bowl Research Society? That could be good study for the restaurant. Well, let's go check it out. Come on, Tadokoro." Soma beckons.

"Me, too?!" Megumi says in surprise.

*scene change : Rice Bowl Research Society Room*

"Um..." Megumi says while she and Soma walks into the room, noticing someone looking pale white and depressed.

"Sorry, but y'all should beat it. Bowl-Soc is doomed to get shut down." ??? said sorrowfully.

Note: He uses and abbreviation for the society's name. Bowl-Soc is an English approximation.

"Huh?!" Soma and Megumi says with a purple aura behind them.

"Yukihira and Tadokoro, was it? I'm Konishi. I run things around here." the sorrowful 2nd year states.

Note: In Japanese, "Don" is the bowl part of "rice bowl."

"Are you okay, senpai? You seem kinda down..." Soma asks.

Konishi pitifully chuckles, "Feel free to laugh. I couldn't even protect Bowl-Soc."

"Oh? This is a recipe book. It looks like menus that Bowl-Soc has come up with." Megumi says, handing the book to Soma

Soma opens the book, "Let's see... There's everything from high-end items to off-the-wall stuff. But they've all got their own unique spin."

"All these recipes are interesting! Why do you guys gotta be shut down?" he asks after looking through the notebook.

Konishi suddenly feels moved and perks up, "You actually get it?"

"Hee!" Megumi fearfully backs up a bit.

"YUKIHIRA!" Konishi cries while gripping Soma's shoulders.

"He's crying." Soma sweatdrops.

"The beauty of rice bowls is that they're FAST, TASTY, and CHEAP! They're manliness encapsulated in a single bowl! It's manly food for men who wage war! I... As a man, I... I won't die until I've thoroughly mastered them!" Konishi passionately exclaims with flames in the background.

"He's a little strange, huh." Megumi whispered to Soma.

"A bit too intense for comfort." Soma replies.

"My Bowl-Soc... If only it weren't for Erina Nakiri!" Konishi says.

"Nakiri?" Soma questions.

"Yeah, this is how she does things: First, she suggests that the Council cut the budget or take space away from groups she doesn't like. If the Council didn't agree to it, she'll just take it up to her brother. And she forces the motion through. She grinds people down till they have just one option left: a Food War that could turn things around! But in exchange for accepting a Food War challenge, Nakiri makes even more outrageous demands, till in the end she gets exactly what she wants. That's how she keeps gaining more power." Konishi explains.

"As soon as the other members of Bowl-Soc learned we were up against Nakiri, they... they all friggin' quit!" he tearfully exclaims.

'This guy must really be unpopular!' Soma sweatdropped.

"So, you're facing Nakiri?" Soma questions.


Konishi was interrupted by the door sliding open with workers walking in.

"Hey!" Konishi says while standing up.

"Sure enough, it would be faster to tear everything down rather than remodel it." the worker says to ???.

"Oh? Then do it." ??? replies.

"What do you think you're doing, Mito?!" Konishi yells.

"What else? I'm making a preliminary inspection. I already know how this will play out. Like Erina-sama said, no matter much how effort you put into a don, they're a low-class dish relegated to class B gourmet fare." "Mito" recites.

"You're not needed here at Tōtsuki. Follow me? Well, if you're confident you can beat ME, that's a different story. You follow me, Mr. Team Captain? You're "society" isn't wanted here." "Mito" says, cornering him to a bookshelf.

"Dammit, Nikumi." Konishi curses.

Note: Nikumi = the characters mean "meat" and "spellbinding." The "meat" part comes from her surname, "Mito."

She picks up her knife and slices off his hair. "My name ain't Nikumi! If you say that again..."

"Don't tell me SHE'S who he'll face in the Food War!" Megumi says.

"Who the heck is she?" Soma asks.

"Ikumi Mito-san, the chef nicknamed The Meat Master. She's made top grades since middle school, and she's so good, especially with meat, that she's only gotten A's. Her intimate knowledge of meat is top class here at the academy!" Megumi explains.

"All ingredients pale to meat of true worth! No matter what dish you make, it will never beat my top-quality meat." Ikumi declares.

"As a chef, gettin' all happy just about how much your ingredients cost is a disgrace, I'd say." Soma states.

"Wh-what?" Ikumi stutters.

Soma placing his hand on Konishi's shoulder, "Senpai... About the Food War... Would you please let me do it?"

Megumi let's out a quiet gasp in the background.

"What's the big idea? Butting in when you're not even a member... It's you, that transfer student from the opening ceremony. I've been wanting have a word with you. You must be very confident in your skills for you to suddenly take on someone else's Food War." Ikumi says with an intimidating stare.

"If you'll like, we can go with your area of specialty and do a meat battle. After all, I'll win." Soma says while returning the stare.

Ikumi narrows her eyes, "All right, bastard. If you lose, will you leave Tōtsuki?"

After a few seconds of silence she scoffs, "Tsk... If you ain't got the guts, you shouldn't go mouthing-

"Sure, that's fine." Soma says interrupting her.

"What?" she says in shock.

"In exchange, if I win... Well, let's see... You'll join Bowl-Soc." he decided.

"HUH?!" all three of them yells at Soma.

"Join Bowl-Soc and contribute to the development of rice bowl culture. Sorry for the inconvenience." Soma says.

"You really think you can beat me? Okay, everyone, that's all for today." she claps, signaling the workers to leave.

"Fine, I'll yield to you on the theme. The main ingredient will be meat, and we'll be making rice bowls! The battle begins in three days." she says, walking out of the door. 

'I'm grateful to Erina-sama for trusting this one to me. I'm gonna teach that uppity transfer student the pleasures of the flesh.' Ikumi thought as she walks through the hallways.

"Yukihira, why did you..." Konishi questions.

"Well, thinking expensive meat is everything is an insult to mom-and-pop diners that I can't ignore. But more that anything, it would be a waste to see this place gone." Soma explains while dusting off a notebook one of the workers stepped on earlier.

Konishi gratefully says, "Yukihira!"

"But Soma-kun, do you have some plan for winning?" Megumi asks.

"I'll think of one now." Soma says with a comical look.

"I knew it!" Megumi fearfully exclaims.

* time skip : now nighttime in Kyokusei Dormitory*

"Yukihira, that dope! What was he thinking? The whole school is talking about this!" Yuuki angrily insults.

"Yuuki, calm down." Ryoko smiles.

"I'll help as much as I can. But there's just not enough time until they battle!" Megumi says.

'So then... How will you tackle this, Soma-kun?' Isshiki thought while sipping his tea.

*2 days until the Food War*

"It's been a day since then. I've given this a lot of thought, too. Nikumi's a specialist in meat, especially beef. So, I don't think we

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