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Alivia's POV

I laughed as Mili danced along to our music. We were currently getting ready for Zo's party. I was laughing so hard I was crying as Mili Milly Rocked. I kept laughing as I recorded her on my snapchat.

"You're an idiot." I laughed as I did my makeup.

"You realize we're like the same person right?" She said making me laugh.

"True." I smiled as I curled my eyelashes.

We kept singing and dancing until we finished getting ready. I laughed at Mili acting like an idiot while we walked into my closet.

"So you are going as Kuzma's date huh?" Mili asked smirking.

"Yes." I smiled as I went through my racks of clothes.

"While I'm over here flying solo. I'll probably hang with Melo the whole time." She smiled as she pulled a dress off the hanger.

"What about this one?" She asked holding the long sleeve black dress up to her body.

"That'll look good with these," I said throwing her my all white Jordan 1's.

"Thanks, girl." She said before walking out of my closet.

I sighed as I searched through my clothes. I swear I own way too much Nike. I searched through my closet I finally settled on this outfit.

I smiled as I fixed my hair and checked over my makeup. I was spraying on my Victoria Secret perfume when I heard a knock at the door.

"ALIVIA YOUR DATE IS HERE!" Mili yelled making me laugh.

I grabbed my Gucci clutch and Zo's present before walking out of my room. I walked downstairs instantly receiving the attention of Kuz and Mili, who were talking in the living room. Kuz smiled when he first saw me.

"Hey." I smiled as I hugged him. He was dressed up in this.

"Hey, you look pretty." He said making me smile.

"You ready?" I asked looking up at him.

"Sure." He smiled and walked me to the door.

"I'll see you there." I hugged Mili.

"Yeah, I'm getting a ride with Melo." She laughed.

"Have fun with that." I laughed as Kuz and I walked out of the house.

"Wish me luck." She laughed as she waved us goodbye.

We walked to Kuz's Porsche and he opened the door for me. I thanked him and got in. He walked around and got in before starting the car. We made small talk as he drove away from my house.

"So I want to know some simple stuff about you. What's your favorite color?" Kuz asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Blue, what's yours?" I asked smiling.

"Probably gold. What is your favorite type of car?" He asked as the red light turned green.

"Mercedes. I'm assuming yours is a Porsche." I giggled and looked at him.

"Yeah. What's your favorite flower?" He asked as we drove through the cities of LA.

"I don't know honestly. I have never received a bouquet of flowers." I shrugged making his jaw drop.

"Are you serious, not even for basketball?" He asked in shock.

"Nope," I said popping the P.

"Well if you are around me for long enough you will get flowers." He said making me smile.

The rest of the ride to Dave and Busters we asked each other random questions. I don't know what it is but something about Kuz makes him seem really trustworthy. When we pulled up to Dave and Busters Kyle parked and we walked in together. When we walked in we instantly received odd looks. We walked in and I said hello to everyone. It was awesome that Zo rented out the entire restaurant for his party. Zo smiled as he saw us and walked up to us.

"Hey, lovebirds." Zo smiled making me smack him in the stomach.

"Happy birthday asshole." I laughed as I gave him his present.

"Thanks, both of you." He smiled as we handed him his presents.

"Happy birthday bro," Kuz said as they did their little handshake.

"Thanks, the whole place is ours go play some games and turn up." Zo laughed before walking away.

"You wanna go play some games?" Kuz asked looking around.

"Sure." I smiled as we started to walk towards the arcade.

We played a couple of pinball machines and skeeball before we stopped at a basketball game. Kuz looked at me and smirked.

"I think I could beat you at this," Kuz smirked making me laugh and shake my head.

"Bet," I smirked and looked at him.

"If I win then you have to let me take you out to dinner." I cut him off.

"And if I win then you get me courtside seats to your next game and a Kuzma jersey," I smirked making him smile.

"Deal." He laughed and shook my hand.

I smiled as Kuz and I started our games. We both had a minute to shoot as many buckets as we could. The game started and Kuz and I both started shooting. Throughout the minute we would look at each other and continue shooting. The buzzer sounded on both of our games and we stopped. My final amount of shots was 42. Kuz nudged me and I looked over at his game.

"Shit." I smiled as I saw that Kuz shot 45.

"I guess we're going to dinner tomorrow night. How about Mariasol?" He said naming off a restaurant on the Santa Monica Pier.

"Sounds good to me." I smiled as I saw Melo and Mili walking up to us.

"Hey, guys." I smiled as I hugged Mili.

"Hey, Mami." Melo smiled and hugged me.

"Aye, you gotta stop with this Mami shit." I laughed and pushed him.

"Why you scared Kuz will get mad at me?" He laughed making me slap his arm.

"You a fool just like your brother." I laughed at Melo.

I smiled as I watched Kuz and Melo play each other in basketball. Mili walked away to get us some ice cream.

"So you and Kuz?" Someone spoke behind me making me jump. I turned around to see Denise and Izzy. They've never liked Mili and I because they think that we are trying to get with Zo and Gelo.

"What about us?" I turned to look at their smug faces.

"Are you two a thing?" Izzy asked running her hands through her ombre hair.

"If we were, do you really think I'd tell you two?" I sassed and they looked at me shocked.

"If you two were to date would you still try to get with Zo? Denise said staring at me.

"Hey, everything ok?" I sighed as Kuz slung his arm over me.

"Yeah, we're good. You wanna go get some food?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah let's go." He smiled as we walked away.

"What was that about?" Kuz asked as we walked to order some food.

"Nothing Denise was just being Denise." I sighed as we waited in line.

"She seems kinda high maintenance to me." He spoke as the couple in front of us paid for their food.

"Oh trust me she is." I rolled my eyes as we stepped up to the counter.

We walked up and Kuz ordered him some wings while I ordered a burger. We sat at a high top table and talked until our food was brought to us. We ate as we watched Zo perform. I smiled as Zo danced and rapped. It was really nice to see Zo break out of his shell and turn up. I was watching Zo perform when I turned to see Kuz looking at me.

"You ok?" I asked smiling.

"Just excited for our dinner tomorrow." He smirked.

"Me too." I smiled. What have I gotten myself into?

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