The girl in the rubble

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Chapter 2

Lena stood their,paralyzed as her sister stormed out.She heard the sounds of a battle,grunts and blood soaking on the ground and knew it looked really bad for the people of Metropolis.None of them is a fighter,sure they are strong and had muscels from hunting and farming,but they dont know how to use it in a fight.

She knew none of them would survive a fight with those brutal,coldhearted killers,even if it were a fair one,which it was definitly not.They came with a plan and modern weapons while the people of Metropolis had no clue that they would be here that fast and only had selfmade spears and axes to protect their lives.

Even if she knew it made absolutley no sense Lena ran out of her sisters tent,she at least have to try to help the innocent people here.When she walked out,the place she knew and loved,her home was already gone...all the tents burned.

The place where the 3 kids of their city got at least some education was no nothing alike then the beautiful place it was before.It was dead,bloody and burned corpses laid on the floor.The air tasted as ashes and burned human flesh and tears were running over Lenas cheeks now.She looked around and saw people fighting everywhere and scanned, if she can help somehow.Here eyes automatically searched for lexi but she couldnt see her,because black thick smoke filled the air. A woman was screaming and she heared a last prayer from a men that laid on the ground next to her bleeding really bad.She took a rock that was lying on the floor ,it was a bit bloody but better then nothing and closed her hand around it.Someone ran in her direction,she jumped to the side and threw the rock at him.

From somewhere she heared Lexis voice,in panic:"ESCAPE NOW!ALL OF YOU" and the few citizents that were still alive ran into the dark wood around there small,once so comfy city.Lena wanted nothing more then to get to Lexi and then escape with her and the other survivers ,but something held her back.

There near the rubbish that once was a school, from that bunch of dead flesh, sounded a small voice , a scared whining.Lena sneaked to the bodys,terrified, while two of Metropolis' farmers fighted with a rake and a small hammer against a shrouded man with a sword in his hands.

The man with the sword seemed to win,both farmeres were hurt,one was on his knees begging for his life,while the other one laid on the floor without consciousness. The memeber of reign wanted to end the life of the kneeling farmer with a precise hit,when Lena gave him a push and he fell to the ground. The farmer took that opportunity and smashed his head with his hammer. The other one stopped never waking up again.

This young farmer stared at her,he must have been a little older then Lena herself,around 25 or something and his eyes were as green as Lenas and they looked up to her really thankful.

She yelled at him:"What are you staring for?Run!Escape!"

He shook his head, took the sword of the dead reign member and said against the noise:"You safed my life Miss, I will bring us both out of here.My name is Schott,but my friends call me Winn." He smiled at her.Lena rolled her eyes,they dont have time to talk right now.She left him without a word and moved forwards

Lenas eyes were focused on the old school and she listened really carefully but the sound disappeared.She pulled the guy,Winn; away and ran to the ruins.

She whispered:"Hey,I-I heard you a few mins ago.Tell me are you still here?" She tried to give her voice a calm and friendly sound just to dont scare whoever it is even more."My name is Lena,I am from this city,you may know my sister,its Lexi Luthor! I wont let someone hurt you but you need to come out"

The farmer looked at her with respect as she mentioned her name,bur also as if she was absolutley crazy.She wasnt really caring about that, she was really sure she heared a child crying a few moments ago.

A few moments passed and nothing happend,then the man, Winn began to talk,he was polite but also really stressed:"Miss..? Lena,right? We really need to go!Otherwise it can be to late!"

Lena not even thought about moving and suddenly a small,insecure voice replied:" H-have you seen my mum?"A littel girl in the age of 8 years ,dirty and covered with ashes craweld out of the bunch.Her eyes were brown and so confused.Seeing this littel girl broke Lena even more.

Lena looked around,but the only ones that were left are her,Winn and that little girl.The girl reminded her of Lexi when she was younger, so innocent,too innocent and absolutley clueless.She looked up to Lena with those restless big brown eyes. And suddenly Lena decided to redress the mistakes she once made.This girl lost everything,but Lena wouldnt let her go through it alone.

"Hey sweetheart, you need to be really strong now,ok?You need to be a big girl and come with me,yes?" She walked closer to that little girl and tried to distract her from all the death around them."What is your name little one?"

The girl teared up:"My mum will not come back right?" She was smart for her age.Lena pulled her armes around the girl as she started to scream in pain:"NOO MUM!!MUM I NEED YOU" and then she broke down while Lena hold her close, this small,helpless girl.She never deseved a destiny like that, but as Lena realized before,life is never fair.

Her voice cracked:"I-my name is R-Ruby...Arias"


So the girls and Winn made their way into the jungle,having Winn with them was more helpful then Lena thought.He was really good at fighting with the sword he took from that man.Winn fought another memeber of reign as they walked deeper into the woods,and without him none of them wouldve survived.The girl only stared into the air,she seemed broken,but she hold Lenas hand as if it was the only thing that keept her in the reality.And all Lena could do was watching the dark,opaque Jungel,looking for other survivers, was incredibly worried about her sister even if she looked at the battlefield several times,but Lexi was not one of the bodys there,so maybe she survived.They walked into the jungle for hours but then they heared some people talking.The first emotion that came over Lena was hope,maybe it is Lexi and the other survivors of the battle.Then suddenly fear rosed inside her,what if those people are members of the reign? Her heart beated faster and she sweated even more then she did before.

She piggybacked Ruby and told her how important it was that she have to stay silent.Ruby nodded,she understood the risk that this situation means. In case of a fight she asked Winn for his old weapon,the hammer,then they sneaked nearer to the voices.She whispered to her back:" If i say run,then run into the woods,ok little one?" Dont stop,dont look back,run as far away as you can.DONT trust any of the masked guys."Ruby looked scared:"I dont wanna lose you,not another person who is as lovely as you"she teared up again,but she stayed quiet.

Winn heared Lenas words and gave her an determined look.He also started loving this little girl even if they met each other only a few hours ago.They survived together and that is more worth then anything.He would fight for this little girl as hard as Lena and they would give their life with pleasure to protect Ruby.

He held 3 fingers into the air,he gave the girls a last look.

He put one finger down and sneaked nearer,Lena followed.

He put another finger down and grabbed his sword

He made a fist and stormed to the woods with a loud scream.

The 3 people jumped up and wanted to attack Winn but then Lena saw her."Winn stop!ALL of you STOP!" Ruby pressed her face into Lenas back,hiding.

Then she heared the only voice she wanted to hear at this moment." If anyone her hurts my sister or her friends,you will be dead soon." And then she smiled at her sister:"Seems like the Luthors are not easy to ki-"

She stopped,and with her sentence,the whole world did.All people stared at Lexi or more at the arrow that went through her chest.She gasped and turned around.There was a single masked guy in the bushes and he smiled Lexi."Greetings from the reign bitch" while Lexi took her spear and wanted to hunt him down.She looked at her Sister carring Ruby and Winn who stood next to them shocked..

She pulled out the arrow pressed her hand on the wound.Breathing suddenly was really hard,and speaking even harder.However she gave her sister some last words:"Safe her,be there for her" she spitted out blood"The City,find it!Find HER! ZOR EL will" she took another breath and Lena saw in her eyes that it was really painful."Zor El will protect you"

That was the last thing before she stumbled into the wildnis to die.Lena was left speechless.All this happend in a few seconds."Lexi I-I am proud of you!I always was!" She screamed into the woods ,but her sister was already gone.

Winn touched her shoulder carefully."Lena? I-she was the best of us. Dont let her death be worthless,they will come back soon.We have to go.We have to find the city she talked about." Ruby gave her a kiss on her hair, she exactly knew what happend here.She whispered into Lenas ear:" She teached me when we were in Metropolis-She never was mad at me for asking dumb questions,I know nothing can change that she is gone,but she will meet my mum,right? They will be happy wherever they are." Lena smiled sad at the little girl,she was really smart for her age,wasnt she?

And what she said then helt Lenas heart together and made her overflowing with love to that little girl:"I know i will never be her,but i can be your sister?I always wanted a sister" Lena cried but nodded,she already loved this child.She would do anything for her.So Ruby was carried by Winn now and they started to go and search this mysterious city ,this person named Zor El.



Lexi stumbeled into the woods,she got this bastard.It was not easy but he is dead and her sister and the child are safe now.

She laid down and stared to the sky.Her sight began to blurry and she felt tired, really tired.She was closing her eyes,ready for whatever will wait for her in the afterlife.

As her body sank down and her breath got slower she saw people surrounding her,Lena,their parents,a little girl,a dark shadow.And she flew away.

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