a broken dandelion

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Chapter 10

(Warnings: Main character death,blood and violence,)


In seconds the familiar,funny game night,one of the best evenings in Lenas life changed into the worst moments of her life.How fast life is changing.The door of her apartment cracked,while Sam and Alex were in the kitchen,doing the dishes.Lena and Kara played a guessing game with Ruby.She was so good,it was not easy for Lena or Kara to find something Ruby has no answer for.

The person standing in the door was masked,and her eyes had a yellow shinig.She was not alone,5 armed,strong men stood behind her.They radiated hate and danger and Lena hid Ruby behind her.The girl trembled.

When the woman began to speak and Lena heared that familiar sound,the blood in her veins freezed into ice:"Zor El! You put this jungle in danger,you have to come with us.We will judge, we will execute,we will Reign.No doubt you will get punished for your crimes" It was her sister.Her dead sister.No one noticed but Lena was sure it was Lexi

Panic sneaked into Karas eyes,searching a way to safe Lena and Ruby.She realized that it will be hard,Lena and Ruby were no fighter.It was her duty to protect them.In that moment they got help.

Alex and Sam came back from the kitchen,Sam still with a pan in her hands. It took them only a few seconds to act.Sam jumped at the  left,Alex jumped at the right as they attacked the men of Reign.Alex knocked out two of them while Sam wasnt so lucky.She hitted one of them with her pan,but the other one gave her a strong uppercut and she fell to the floor unconscious.Her head began to bleed,she had a laceration. When Alex was worried about Sam there was one moment where she was distracted.One moment to much, as another one of the men also knocked her out.A small trickle of blood came out of her mouth.Alex,the fighter and trainer of National Citys Guards,beaten by her only weakness.Love. 

 Ruby watched  out behind Lenas back and before Lena or Kara were able to react,Ruby  ran to them in,she always cared to much about others to watch out for herself."Mum?Alex? mum wake up!!"

And that was the moment where everything started to go totally wrong.The time slowed down.

The woman that definitley had Lexis voice,grabbed Rubys hair and pulled her back.She held the little girl harsh and had no mercy when she put her hands around her small neck.Kara jumped to Lexi,she didnt care if she got hurt,as long as Ruby and Lena could escape.But she forgot about the 2 members that were left.Before she was able to reach Lexi the men pushed her away and pressed her to the floor. They took a piece of cloth to cover her face and Kara smelled chloroform while her vision began to blurry.She fighted but she wasnt able to do anything.She wasnt strong enough. Her last whisper before sinking into the darkness was"I love you" while she looked into Lenas eyes.One last time losing herself in this green,that became her home the last month.Then here eyes closed.

"Kara,Kara !Noo Kara I love you!Come on,fight for me,fight for us my silly dorky Zor El!"Lena screamed to Karas body.It was useless. 

Lexis voice was cold."Bring her out,hurry!" Both of the men that were left took Kara away.Lena ,Lexi and Ruby were alone now.Lena searched for help but there was no one.Alex laid next to Sam,both of their eyes were closed. Their blood on the floor was more then Lena could handle in that moment.Alex and Sam fighted with all what they had,but it was not enough.Why is there no one who was able to stop them.

Lena herself scanned the enviroment for a weapon,but she was not able to do anything since Ruby was in the hands of this version of Lexi.This was clearly not her sister,her sister never had this cruel way to look at someone.But her sister must have survived somewhere in her body,right?So Lena decided to try if the pen is really stronger then the sword. 

She took all what was left from her will and spoke:"Lexi,why?What did they do to you?I know it is you,you can take that stupid mask off so we can talk.Please,as your sister i beg you! if they made you do this,there is always another way."Lena waited for Lexis reaction.

Lexi ripped off her mask,her yellow eyes stared at her sister, filled with pure hate."Dont dare to call me sister,you f%cking bitch.I exactly know what happened.Dont try any of your lies I am doing this with my free will! It is my personal revenge."She spitt out."You killed our parents and you nearly killed me.The Reign safed me,they cared about me after you left me in the dirt."

What did they told her?All those lies-and she believed them.mybe she lost her memorys,but deep inside there was her sister left.Lena needed to belive this. 

Lenas eyes filled with tears as all the guilt came over her again.Her fault.Lexis version was a lie,of course but it had a true core. Lena killed her indirectly.She left her little sister alone,with an arrow stuck in her chest,only that she could escape.She felt how all her will and everything that made her strong the last month faded away.

Ruby formed words with her lips as she saw how near Lena was about to break down:"Not your fault,you are amazing and i love you,you did the best you could.You never were the villan,you always were the hero."

It was a whisper but Lena heard it and wondered how Ruby in her age could stay so calm in that situation.A wave of love and admiration came over her and she was determind to do anything:"Lexi what can i do? Do you want to hurt me,kill me? Anything,do it,but let Ruby go.She is a child and innocent."She threw herself to Lexis feet.These Yellow eyes, that were new and familiar at the same time ,were filled with a perfidious way of pleasure.She enjoyed her power.

As Lexi spoke the last sentence,Lenas world stopped:"You took everything away that was good and kind in my  live ,you nearly killed me and now you are a terrorist.You dont deserve to die,death would be way to good for you.Way to easy.I saw how you looked at Zor El, really disgusting by the way, just know she wont ever be the same if she  comes back one day." 

Lena screamed and cried, but no one heared her,no one would be her hero.Her hero was beaten,gone,lost.She was the villan,Ruby was wrong.Of course the Luthors were the villans,what other possibilities were given for Luthors.

Ruby in Lexis grip looked scared,so scared and lost.Lena was helpless.

And then when Lexi was about to leave,when Lena kneeled on the floor,lost and alone,just praying to a god or any other higher presence to help her.Anyone-...Lexi turned around one last time,she turned around and grinned at Lena."It is better for her anyways,i only have mercy.And now life your live while knowing you did nothing to safe her"With this words she took Rubys neck more rough and turned it around with a strong spin.Her neck made a weird sound and Lexi just turned around and left as if nothing happened.

Lena kneeled on the floor, pressing the small body at her chest,screaming in pain.She brushed through her hair she comforted her, touched her soft cheeck,gave her a kiss on her forehead.Tried to wake her up.No reaction.Gone.She will never say that this feels good again. She will never ask for cuddling again.Lenas heart broke in 1000 pieces.

This picture is going to hunt Lena forever.A small corpse,sliding to the floor,motionless,her eyes wide opened ,the spark inside of them voided .Her lovely voice is never going to fill the air again.Her giggle will never been heared by anyone ever again.Here smile will never light up any room she entered ever again.All the things that made Ruby to Ruby, that made her special and individual were gone in only a single seconds, with the sound of her neck that broke.

In that position Lena stayed til the sunrise.Holding  the lifeless body in her arms,one last time. Waiting that she was going to wake up,saying something to cheer her up.Asking for some sweets.Talking about how nice her friend Liam is,saying something smart that is really unusual for her age.Jumping into her arms,snuggling into Lenas warmth.Anything.Only one last conversation,a good bye,was that to much to ask for?

Not a single tear ran down Lenas cheeck.If she would allow herself to grief,it was like giving up. Then she had to accept that Ruby is gone.Forever.And that is not possible.The dandelion she picked for Lena was in Lenas hair still,Ruby put it there because she thinks- no,thought Lena looked like a princess with it.

"I also want to be a princess instead of Ruby sometimes" was what she said when they met Kara one day ago.She always was a princess,beautiful from the inside and the outside.

She pressed Ruby on her chest and whispered in her ear:"I am sorry i wasnt able to protect you.I failed.It shouldve been me.You will have fun wherever  you are now,ok?Do it for me!"

And then as carefully as if she was made ot of glass,she laid Ruby,no not Ruby anymore,she was gone,more her body on the couch.And even if she knew it wouldnt been Rubys wish,she made a promise.Her promise was revenge.

You never were the villan...The last word of  her little dandelion

Maybe she never were,but now its time to become one.

(A/N: i am so sorry for this one,you have no idea how much i cried writing this,but yeah something like this had to happen for the character development and i truly apologize,i loved Ruby just as much as Lee did.Tell me what you thought ...Greetings :( ) 

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