Chapter 26

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Han's POV

"Where do you want me to put them?" My brothers asked. I looked around,

"Upstairs." I smirked.

"You're lucky this one's light as a feather" I heard Rick say.

Rick and I shared similar features. Same colored hair, and we were both about the same height.

Except Rick wasn't as pretty and handsome as myself.

He wore an ugly eye patch on his left eye.

"Go ahead and take them" I said as I took a seat down on my lovely couch.

"What do we do when he get them over there?" My other brother John asked.

He was a lot taller and looked much buffer as well. But he was just as ugly.

"I don't know. Just make sure that their ropes are tied nice and tight and put a bandana over their mouths so they won't yell." I ordered them and they nodded as they walked up.

"Oh and guys," I stopped them." Check if she has any cuts on her legs" I said remembering when I first walked down the basement. I saw broken glass on one of my windows. And blood on one of the pieces.


Elsa's POV

The steps from the stairs seemed to stop. But they quickly continued after. My breathing quickened.

"No time for panicking hurry!" Jack said And I follwed him into a closet.

   We stayed silent. It was so quiet I swear I could hear my own heartbeat as we waited.

A minute passed,

Then two,

And then three

"Okay Elsa, I'm gonna go out and check." Jack whispered to me. His eyes looking at mine and his hand on my shoulder.

"What no!" I said.

"Its fine I'll be back." He said. "I want you to do something" he said.

"What is it?" I asked quietly

"Here" he took something out of his pocket.

A knife.

It was a small one but still a knife.

My eyes widened and I shook ny head. "No!" I almost yelled.

"If I don't come back in ten minutes, get out of here and call the cops" he said And my eyes started to water.

"I-I cant" I could hear my voice crack.

"The knife is only for self defense okay. You'll be fine." He gave me a weak smile.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he stood up to leave. I didn't want him to go.

He wrapped his arms around my waist as I barried my head in his chest as a coupled tears slipped down my cheeks.

We let go and he looked down at me. His cold fingers touched my cheeks and wiped away my tears. He smiled one last time and left.

The temptation to run after him was strong but I stayed put. And slowly slid down the wall as I put my arms around my legs and barried my head in my knees.


Jack's POV

I walked down the stairs. Quietly, hoping that Hans wouldn't hear me. I looked below me and it was empty. As I continued walking down, the stairs squeaked.

I looked around his living room. And continued on walking. I could hear voices coming from one of the doors in the other hall. I walked to it and put my ear on the door.


I smiled as I opened the door. But it wouldn't budge.

"Anna! Anna open the door" I shook the handle violently.

I ran a hand through my hair as I sighed in frustration.

I picked the lock with a paperclip and it opened.

Thank God

"Jack!" Anna said And smiled." I've never been so happy to see a white headed jock in my life!" She smiled and hugged me.

"Kristoff?" I asked confused.

"Sup" he said.

"What are we doing here stranding! Lets go! " Anna said And I nodded.

We ran out and we reached the door." Wait no!" I stopped

They both turned around and gave me a what the hell look.

"We need to go get the others." I said.

"Others?" Kristoff and Anna both said at the same time.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"We kinda brought a search a way" I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"What!" They both said.

"Look Rapunzel and Hiccup are downstairs let's hurry" I said and started walking down.


"I don't get it Jack. There's no one here" Anna said.

"They should be here, somewhere" I mumbled.

"Look let's just leave. Maybe they left too." Kristoff said And I nodded.

Maybe he was right.

"There's a window here" I said And we walked to it.

And as if a lightbulb went off I remembered

"Elsa!" I yelled.


Elsa's POV

A while passed, not sure how long but I know it was past 10 minutes.

My eyes were swollen and I sniffed as I quietly got up. I took in a deep breath and stepped out of the closet.

The halls were empty and I shivered as I continued to walk down the halls. There were some pictures but nothing special.

I checked certain doors but many were locked.

"Jack?" I whispered. But no answer." Where are you?" I asked.

I sighed, ready to give up. I walked to the door near the stairs and attempted to open it.

And it did.

I walked in quietly. It was too dark to see anything. I looked for the light but couldn't find one.

"Hello?" I whispered. And I heard groaning and mumbling.

I smiled as I found the switch and turned it on. I turned around and stepped back.

Rapunzel was tied up by ropes on her ankles and wrists. She was tied to something making it unable for her to move anywhere.

"Rapunzel! Hiccup?" I said as I turned to him, he was tied up quite similar to Rapunzel. Both with bandanas on there mouths,

"Oh my God." I mumbled to myself.

Rapunzel groaned and shook her head. Her hair was all over the place.

"Don't worry I'll untie you." I said And walked over to her as I got on my knees.

She continued on shaking he heads and mumbling.

"calm down" I said. "It'll be alright." I said trying to calm her down but she kept on mumbling stuff I couldn't understand.

"Will it Elsa? Will it be alright?" I gasped as Hans put his arm around me And the cold sharp blade on my neck.


Anna's POV

"What about Elsa?" I asked. Is she here too?!"

"I- she's upstairs let's go." Jack said.

I quickly followed after him. We walked upstairs and then Kristoff stopped us.

"Wait guys, how do we know she's still even up there?" He asked.

"I-" Jack couldn't think of anything.

"Maybe she left" Kristoff said

"Maybe, I did tell her to leave if I didn't come back after 10 minutes." Jack said.

"B-but" I started.

"Look let's just leave and call the cops Anna." Kristoff said. Jack nodded and opened the front door.

"Going somewhere?" We heard someone ask. I looked up to see Hans with Elsa held tightly in his grip and a knife held on her throat.


Hey guys.

So happy Halloween. I don't know what time it's at wherever you guys are but right here it's exactly 11:35 and still October 31.

So did you guys go trick or treating?

What were you guys dressed up as?

Comment your answers.

Anyways I hope you enjoy your candy(: I also hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Bye XD

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