chapter 16

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chapter 16                                             {just asking}


Elsa's POV

"Good morning students! This is your class president Belle. Just thought i'd like to remind you that The Winter Dance is in 2 days and a lot of you still haven't voted for your Winter Queen! so cast your ballots and fast!" I groaned mentally. I hated how our first period teacher made us watch the announcements. It's not like anyone cares. You dont see me being like yay announcement time, i roll my eyes and continue on reading my book as i put on my headphones.

i walk through the endless amounts of students as i try to make my way to lunch. We're all just zombies trying to live again. I think. I spot Merida at our usual spot but i see Flynn sitting next to her. I groan mentally. I could turn around and walk back into the library or i can go sit by them.

but before i can make my decision Merida notices me and stands up. "Hey Elsa. Come sit with us." She says and pulls me towards them. As if she notices how tense i got she says, "You okay"

"Wonderful." i mumble a hint of sarcasm in my voice. I avoid looking at Flynn even though i can sense his stare. Merida trys making small talk but we don't say much and just nod our heads. I almost jump out of my seat when the warning bell rings but i remain cool and leave calmly.

I always hated my last class. I was sourounded by the people i didn't want to see. Rapunzel for example. Then Flynn and Jack. Being stuck in a room with these three was always so awkward and uncomfortable. I would always catch Rapunzel glaring at me and Flynn glaring at Jack while he looked at me and i glared at Flynn. It was just an endless cycle of glares and stares. 


Jack's POV

    As the bell to leave rings i grab my stuff and head to my locker. I catch Elsa opening her's and i can't help but smile at how innocent she looks. I see her head turn my way and i quickly look away hoping she didn't catch me looking at her. I grab my things and i was about to walk out the door when my best friend Hiccup walked over to me.

"Hey man." i say. "How's your leg?" I ask. Hiccup broke his leg about a week ago during a game of football.

"It's alright i guess." he says. "Can you come with me to Mr. Nick's room, i gotta ask for some extra credit." he says and i nod my head. It takes us a while to get there since his room is all the way upstairs on the far right.

  I wait outside the door patiently as i look through my phone. The school is practically empty by now and Hiccup still hasnt come out. I look inside and i see him taking a test. I groan rather loudly and his head snaps up. he tells me to leave and i obey.

I walk down the halls and decide to exit through the nearest doors which were the ones near the football feild It's barely like 6:30 and it's already getting dark. I put my blue hood on as I walk over to the parking lot and as i get closer i hear some noises.

just some kids making out. i think and i was right. They came to view and i rolled my eyes with a smirk on my face. But my smirk soon disapeared when i saw


i stepped back and squeezed my eyes shut. Hoping it was just my eyes playing tricks on me.But it wasnt she was really there making out with some guy. They don't seem to notice my presence.

With anger boiling up inside me, i speak up. "it's over." is all i say. Her eyes go wide and she removes herself from him.

"J-jack w-wait i can explan." she says

"Save it for someone who actually cares." i reply coldly and walk away. She tries to stop me by putting her hand on my shoulder but i shrug it off and keep on walking as i leave her standing there alone in darkness.


Elsa's POV

i walked back to the winter forest where Jack took me not so long ago. My shoes leaving their footprints on the fresh and delicate snow. The place soon comes to view and i smile at how perfect everything looks. I talke a seat on a log after i sweep some of the snow.

"Mind if i join you?" i jump as i turn around and see Jack. I shake my head and he smirks as he takes a seat next to me.

We stay silent. I rub my arm at how awkward it is between us now. I look back at him and his usual spark in his eyes are gone. He looks sad. I debate on asking him if he's okay or not.

"You okay?" i ask.

"Not really." he says. "Found out Rapunzel was cheating on me." he sighs. I freeze.

"R-really" i play along as if i didnt know anything.

"Yup. Caught them making out behind school." he says

"Oh." i reply. "Im sorry" i say

"It's fine." He says and i nod. We dont say anything for awhile. I entertain myself by counting the snowflakes that land on my sleeve. But Jack soon speaks up.

"hey elsa." he says

"yeah." i reply

"You going to the winter dance?" He asks.

"Umm i dont know, why?" i ask

"Just asking." he says as he looks away.



so here's your chapter. Excuse my mistakes. The next update will be on sunday maybe or Monday i dont know depends on how it goes and stuff. So how did you like Jack's pov?? was it good bad, weird or all of the above. haha. I thought it be pretty rad to do his POV and stuff. If you liked it i could do it more often idk your choice

so vote


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                bye. (>.<)

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