(Amphibia) Anne X Reader X Marcy

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"A happy, excited and screaming with happy reunion"

Pov Nobody

Anne say jumping up and down. "Oh my gosh, Marcy! I can't believe Y/n is finally coming back!"

"I know, right?! It's been so long since we last saw them. I've missed them like crazy!"

Anne say grabbing Marcy's arm. "We have to plan something special for their arrival. They deserve the warmest welcome ever!"

"Absolutely! Let's decorate the house with balloons, streamers, and their favorite flowers. And we can prepare a delicious home-cooked meal too."

"Yes! Y/n always loved our cooking. I'll make their favorite lasagna and you can bake those mouthwatering chocolate chip cookies they adore."

Marcy say grinning mischievously. "And how about we surprise them with a personalized welcome banner? We can write, "Welcome back, Y/n! We missed you!""

"That's a fantastic idea! Y/n will feel so loved and cherished. They deserve nothing less after being away for so long."

Marcy was checking the calendar. "Y/n will arrive in two days. We have to make sure everything is perfect by then."

"Don't worry, Marcy. We'll put our heart and soul into this reunion. It's going to be the best day ever!"

Two days later.

Y/n say walking through the front door, surprised. "Anne! Marcy! Oh my goodness, what is all this?"

Anne say hugging Y/n tightly. "Welcome back, dear friend! We missed you so much!"

Marcy was presenting the banner. "Surprise! We wanted to make your homecoming extra special."

"You guys...this is incredible. I can't believe you did all this for me."

"We wanted to show you just how much you mean to us. You're family, Y/n."

Marcy say handing Y/n a plate of lasagna. "And we made your favorite meal too. Dig in!"

"Thank you, both. This means the world to me. I'm so lucky to have friends like you."

Anne say holding Y/n's hand. "The feeling is mutual, Y/n. We're here for you, always."

Marcy say raising her glass. "To friendship and reunions!"

Y/n say raising their glass. "To the best friends a person could ask for. Cheers!"

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