oh Barbra Dunkleman tweeting a stupid political tic tok vid

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I can put the video here cause it only allows YouTube videos and the fuck tik tok app

But when I saw thus tweet I didn't think much of it until I watched it and I fucking regret it

(Can't post the video cause it ain't a YouTube vid)

I am pretty sure she is mocking a Republican or an eye witness from the most recent voter fraud hearing

All I can say is, Barbara is a complete bitch at this point and I regret having this opinion but Twitter did one good thing, show how all these people truly are outside of the acting, especially in Hollywood

But the constant mocking of trump supporters, calling them racists" etc made me say, fuck her

I wonder how the voice actor of Professor Oobleck and non well-known rooster teeth employee Jordan Battle feel about these constant mockery from former coworkers and current coworkers(in Jordan Battle's case) cause I know they ain't the same political mindsets as these assholes

Also don't forget Barbara went a little AOC with lists before AOC did with a very passive aggressive threat via tweet during the first week of elections

Basically a threat to any state that voted Republican, I hope this ass hat remembers Texas is still Republican

Don't know what she does though that would make any state give a shit

And this shit is why the so called unity and healing is know as complete cow shit

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