cap 9 little ashley

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As Our protagonist went about their business in a hospital there was a woman in bed with many tubes connected to her.

Nurse: good morning ma'am

X: g-good morning miss *smiles* did something happen ?

Nurse: no no no I just came to let you know that you have visitors ^^

X: oh ok tell them they can come in *settles herself nicely on the bed*.

Nurse: got it *goes to the door and lets two people in*.

X: mommy *runs to the bed* how are you ? Are you feeling better now ?

X: hi sweetie *caresses her hair* I'm fine and you my girl how are you doing with your aunt ?

That little girl stopped smiling when she heard that because she didn't like being with her aunt because she wasn't very good with her but she had to pretend she was fine.

A lady came in and grabbed the little girl's shoulder and smiled as she tightened her grip hurting the little girl in the process.

X: hi Melisa I see that Ashley was telling you how she is doing with me ^^

Melisa: h-hello Camila how long*smile* yes Ashley is telling me how you are taking care of her and thank you so much for taking care of her sister

Camila: it's nothing sis it's my duty as an aunt to take good care of my niece while you are still in the hospital.

Melisa smiled without seeing how her dear sister was hurting her daughter's shoulder a little.

They were talking for a while until Camila said something to Melisa that made Ashley happy.

Camila: sorry but I won't be able to take care of Ashley for 2 months since I have to go to work in another country *she pretends to be sad*.

Melisa: oh well I will have to see who will take care of my little Ashley *thinks*.

Ashley: mmm I don't know (with him I want to go with him, he is the only one who takes good care of me not like my aunt :c )

Camila: well take care Ashley, see you in 2 months *caresses her hair*.

Ashley: yeah bye aunt take care of yourself *fakes smile*.

Camila left the hospital leaving Ashley and Melisa alone who thought who could take care of her little daughter who was only 7 years old.

While Ashley was happy that her aunt was not going to take care of her 2 months after celebrating she approached her mother.

Ashley: Mommy, I know who can take care of me *jumps up and down with excitement*.

Melisa: hahaha I can tell you're excited to go with him right?

Ashley: yeah he's really funny and nice and he buys me a lot of stuff :D

Melisa: ok daughter tomorrow I'll tell the guards to take you to his house (I wonder how he is doing ?)

Ashley: yei *happy* well mommy I'll see you on Monday

Melisa: bye sweetie take care of yourself

Ashley happily went outside the hospital and there were several guards next to a luxury car and out of the car came a woman who was dressed just like the guards.

Ashley: hi miss moli

Moli: hi Ashley, are you ready to go home?

Ashley: yes, let's go *get in the car*.

Moli: *gets in the car and starts driving* and how is your mother dear ?

Ashley: she's fine besides she's going to tell them something.

Moli: oh boy what could it be *thinks*.

Moli and Ashley started talking about anything that came to their minds while the other guards were behind them in another car.

After a while they arrived at a mansion and parked outside the "house" and upon entering the first thing Ashley did was to go to her room where she grabbed a book and went to the kitchen to draw and be with Moli because it was late and the little girl was hungry.

The little girl felt very lonely in that mansion if it wasn't for moli Solis bringing some friends who had already taken a liking to Ashley so whenever they went to her "house" they played with her.

Ashley: *shrugs* miss moli can you take me to my room.

Moli: sure little one *carries her and gives her to her room* sweet dreams Ashley

Ashley: good night miss moli *sleeps*.

Moli: *whispers* good night my dear

Moli carefully closes the door and goes to her friends who say their goodbyes and go home leaving Moli alone.

She started tidying up the mansion and then changed and went to bed.

★pov William★

I was watching TV while my mommy was making dinner, uncle James was talking (yelling) with my dad Elijah while uncle Jake stopped the fight the usual normal stuff.

After a while I went to my mommy to help her and then I thought I would say something to her.

William: Mommy

Elise: what happened love?

William: Can you go to Johnny and Micheal's house on Saturday?

Elise: mm sure, just let them know and see if they are not busy that day.

I was happy to hear that because I had gotten attached to them so fast so I was happy and then we all ate while I listened to mommy scolding uncle James and daddy while uncle Jake laughed.

I love this family and will never change them for the world.

★To be continue ★

Hi, I hope you are well, I just want to clarify a few things.

Moli is my oc and she takes care of Ashley (figure) , Melisa and Camila are sisters, Ashley wears glasses because she is just as nearsighted (like me :'v ) plus Melisa has a lot of money but sadly she has a terminal illness so don't get attached to her. :')

Also Melisa didn't say anything about who was going to take care of Ashley because Camila hates "him" with all her being because Ashley loves "him" more than her.

Well I think that's it I hope you liked it and I would be very happy if you vote ^^

Well bay 😘

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