(π—¦πŸ°) SEVENTY-TWO | Found.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Another chapter is here! Enjoy!




The ball fell to the court as the whistle blew. "Wow, you really did do it." Suna commented.

"I can't be as accurate as Tobio-kun... But who doesn't wanna copy cool things when they can?" Atsumu stated.

"Man! You guys can trust each other so much better because you're twins! It must be nice being brothers!" Aran exclaimed.

Osamu places his hands on the back of his head as Atsumu was getting ready to serve. The whistle blew as he he served the ball.


Daichi dived down and received the ball. Nishinoya rushed over and quickly covered for him. "Asahi-san!" He shouted, sending the ball over towards the ace.

Asahi spikes the ball in which it got received. Atsumu tosses the ball over towards Osamu, who spikes it down past Nishinoya and Daichi. Hinata grits his teeth in irritation.

"Look at that speed! They're basically on par with the Karasuno's first-year duo!"

Osamu turned to his brother. "You really creep me out." He commented.

"Aw, flattery will get you nowhere!" Atsumu gave a closed eye smile.

Inarizaki had 12 points while Karasuno had 10. Tsukishima was up to serve as he tossed the ball into the air and Akagi received it.

Osamu jumped in the air as Hinata went to block him, but Atsumu tossed over towards Suna. "Sorry! Cover!" Daichi shouted. Hinata soon ended up getting blocked.

"Shut down! Inarizaki just shut down Karasuno's main attack!"

"It's almost like he blocked knowing for sure that the ball would go to Hinata-kun."

"Hinata, Kageyama, calm down. Don't get so worked up." Ukai told the duo.

"I'm my normal self." Kageyama commented.

"Oh, really?" Ukai asked.

The game soon resumed as Inarizaki got another point.

"The Miya Twins are unstoppable!"

"They are truly the ultimate challengers!"

"Their #10 is small, but is an excellent scorer. But it must be depressing when someone else can use your unique attack so easily."

"You think so? I doubt he got much attention without Kageyama prior to this. But it's not like he's going to keep playing with Kageyama as his setter forever. Basically that quick shows him that there are other setters like Atsumu who can get him the ball. I think it's welcome news for him that it's not exactly unique. Not to mention... I wouldn't call that face "depressed," would you?"

The ball went back up into the air as Aran spiked it. Rei dived down to receive it. "Sorry! Cover!" He shouted out.

Kageyama tossed the ball over towards Hinata as the ball landed on the ground.

"That ball was touched by the blockers!"

"That's a point for Karasuno!"

"Korai-kun, that was..."

"He definitely saw that." Hoshiumi commented as Karasuno cheered.


Atsumu threw the ball up in the air as it hit the net. Daichi rushed over and saved it.

"Front, front!"


"Got it!" Ginjima reassured as he received the ball.

Tsukishima rushed over to join Asahi in blocking Osamu, blocking it successfully.

"This time it was Karasuno that stopped them! First-year Tsukishima Kei stopped the Miya Twins!"

"We did it!" Takeda exclaimed.

"The weirdo quick's biggest enemy is when the blockers get used to it. As for example of weirdo quick attack killers... I'd say either Aone from Date Tech or Inuoka from Nekoma, who've stopped Hinata plenty of times. Or someone who's seen the weirdo quick many times on a daily basis, and probably hates it. Like Tsukishima." Ukai claimed.

"I've always wanted to stop one of those." Tsukishima commented.

"Wha?" Atsumu muttered as Kageyama had a look of irritation on his face while Hinata shuddered.

Asahi jumped up as he served. Akagi received the ball. Atsumu tossed over towards Ginjima as Tsukishima rushed over and and blocked him with Atsushi.

"One touch!"

"This is the first time I've heard of Karasuno, but they've got quite the lineup."

"That quick is insane, that samurai dude is strong, and their libero's really good."

"Left!" Atsushi shouted out.

Atsushi spiked the ball as Suna blocked him. The brunette moved out of the way as the ball landed on the ground.

"Hell yeah!" Atsushi cheered.

"And Inarizaki High School immediately calls for a timeout. They're physically cutting off the streak."

"Great job out there, Tsukishima!" Atsushi told him.

"I was able to stop that last one because it was easy to read. But that quick's still going to be plenty of trouble." Tsukishima informed.



"Yes?" Hinata turned his attention towards Ukai.

"I'm leaving one of the twins to you. I need you to be like Inuoka." Ukai said.

The timeout was soon over as Asahi jumped in the air before serving, hitting the net.


Daichi crouched down and received the ball. "Damn you all, with your powerful serves..." He thought.

Tsukishima stepped back a little. "Ooh, Tsukki's gonna take flight!" Bokuto commented as Akaashi nodded.

Tsukishima charged forward as Kageyama tossed the ball onto the air. "Come up here... and get it!" Kageyama thinks to himself as Tsukishima jumped in the air.

"You little..." Tsukishima trailed off as Suna and Osamu rushed over to block him.

"This is definitely higher than the ones from Shiratorizawa!" Suna thought as Tsukishima spiked the ball, landing right in between Ginjima and Akagi. Hinata and Yamaguchi both cheered.

"Tsukishima Kei is definitely shining on both offense and defense!

"Nice, nice, Kei! Push it, push it, Kei! One more time!"

"That one sure was high."

Kinoshita was soon being subbed in for Tsukishima as he was clenching his stomach.

Tsukishima walked over, taking the number plate. "Nice serve." He said.

"Hey, Kinoshita Hisashi, age 16." Kinoshita turned to him. "The current Inarizaki receivers are Ginjima Hitoshi, age 17, Miya Osamu, age 16, and Akagi Michinari, age 18! That's all!" Ukai said.

The whistle blew as Kinoshita did his jump float serve in which Akagi reached over and received it. Osamu got ready to jump, getting Hinata's attention.

"I'm leaving one of the twins to you. I need you to be like Inuoka just this once."

"Hinata is gonna stay on Miya Osamu. So for any attacks from the left or center, I need you guys to block with two blockers, no matter what." Ukai informed.

"Got it!" Tanaka replied while Kageyama nodded.

"With an approach, Hinata's point of impact is one of the best on the team, and he's got quick reflexes. He'll do fine." Ukai continued on.

"Sounds like something a somewhat bright animal could pull off." Tsukishima commented.

"Are you jealous that I got assigned a big role, Tsukishima-kun?" Hinata teased.


"Come on, Tsukishima. Don't get lazy with the retorts." Tanaka told him.

Hinata quickly rushed over to block Osamu in which he did successfully, landing on the court.

"And he did it! The little guy at 164 cm blocked the 183 cm spiker!"

Karasuno cheered in victory as both teams had 18 points.

"Karasuno High School has tied the score for the first time!"

"D-D-D-Did... Did you see that, K-K-Kageyama-kun?!" Hinata stuttered.

"You just got lucky. You're more surprised than anyone else here." Kageyama told him.

"I definitely wasn't expecting a commit block." Osamu admitted.

"Neither was I." Atsumu said.

"Hinata-kun did it." Takeda said.

Ukai nodded. "Yeah." He agreed.

The whistle blew as Kinoshita did another jump floater.

"Got it!"

The ball landed on Karasuno's side of the court again as Kinoshita gritted his teeth.

"He's not going to take that lying down. Atsumu-kun just did the same attack twice in a row."

"Nice serve! Nice serve!" Sugawara clapped.

"Free ball!"

Osamu rushed forward while Hinata did the same. Osamu tossed the ball over on Karasuno's side.

"Inarizaki managed to push it onto the other side!"

"Huh. Guess you're not as tough as I thought you were." Osamu commented, looking down at Hinata who was irritated.

Yamaguchi groaned in frustration. "What can he do? They have a lot more experience. That last joust ended up how it did, but it's probably really stressful being beaten in one-on-one blocking like that. Especially because he managed to get that first block by luck." Tsukishima commented.

Takeda called for a timeout as everyone gathered around Ukai. "Inarizaki is learning how to deal with the weirdo quick. So let's go ahead and try 'Lost in a Crowd.'" Ukai said as Hinata gave a thumbs up.

"Got it! All according to plan!" Hinata replied.

"Did you actually forget?" Ukai asked as Hinata flinched.

"It was in your mind at first, but ever since you saw the twins' quick attack, you started thinking about how yours is faster. Is that it?" Tsukishima accused.

"Don't get so worked up! That's the second time I've told you that today!" Ukai scolded.

"Yes, sir."

"That goes for spikes and blocks."


Kageyama sets the ball towards Asahi who ends up getting blocked. However, Hinata was quick to receive it.

"One more time!" Sugawara called out.

Atsushi spiked the ball as Ginjima ended up saving it.

"Nice receive!"

Atsumu tossed over towards Omimi who spiked past Kageyama and Atsushi. Daichi went over to receive it.

"Sorry, it's close to the net!" Daichi apologized.

Tanaka jumped up and spiked the ball but it didn't count. "Damn it. I put too much strength into that one." Aran complained.

"Wake up, Samu!" Atsumu shouted, pointing a finger at his brother.

"I am awake!"

"Stop lying! Goin' in there like, "I'm just gonna be a decoy." I see right through you!" Atsumu said.

"Shut up. If I jumped for every ball, I wouldn't make it to the end of the game."

"If you'd hit the ball, you'd get it over, so hit the damn ball!"

"Or what, are you scared of that tiny little blocker?"

"Like hell I'm scared!"

"Really?!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah..." Osamu replied as Hinata had a deadpanned look.

Kageyama was up to serve as he threw the ball up in the air, doing his jump serve. Akagi ended up receiving the ball as it went up in the air.

Osamu rushed forward as Hinata did the same to block him. Nishinoya widened his eyes as Tsukishima did the same. Osamu slammed the ball down as Nishinoya received it.


"He made me hit a line shot?!" Osamu noted. Karasuno began doing their synchronized attack.

The ball was spiked as Ginjima tried to receive it, but failed.

"All right!" Hinata cheered.


"Karasuno with another break point! They're tied up yet again!"

"Shoyo, was that on purpose?" Nishinoya asked.

"Yup. I really hated that guy's blocking." Hinata responded as an image of Matsukawa appeared.


On a train, Matsukawa let out a sneeze. "Don't get sick now." Hanamaki told him, his eyes not leaving his phone.

"Well, whatever. Good job." Nishinoya praised.

"Thanks!" Hinata said.

"You're not the one who scored, though." Kageyama reminded him.

"I am no longer just all about offenseβ€”" Hinata began as Kageyama walked away. "Hey, listen! Damn it, Kageyama!"

"Man, I'm getting hungry." Osamu commented.


Inarizaki soon called for a timeout as both teams were at 20 points.

"Karasuno's doing way better than I thought they would."

"This game essentially looks like the newcomers challenging the better veteran team, but it's actually Inarizaki that's trying to deal with Karasuno. At least for now. Ukai-sensei's grandson understands that, too. He's keeping their balance by using surprise attacks, but once they stop, they'll be overwhelmed. The real battle might be when they finally use up all their surprises."

"I wonder if they have a strategy where their #10 doesn't jump out or was that just random?" Akagi asked.

"There was something similar toward the end of the Shiratorizawa match, too." Atsumu added.

"Seriously, how many times do I need to say this? If you get distracted by their #10, you're falling right for their trap. There's a time to be adaptable, and a time to stand your ground. Don't forget the difference. Read blocking starts to shine in the latter half of the game." Their coach said.


The whistle blew as Kageyama tossed the ball up in the air before doing his jump serve. Osamu dived down to receive it.

"Damn!" Kageyama said.

"Aran!" Akagi shouted out.

Aran spiked the ball down, getting a point. "Yes!" He cheered.

"You can hit it like that any time, Asahi-san!" Nishinoya told Asahi, giving him a thumbs up.

"Yeah, no... I'm not getting over them like that." Asahi stated as he released a breath.

"Nice serve!"

Aran was next to serve as he bounced the ball. The whistle blew. "Cut him off... Cut him off!" Sugawara prayed.

Aran does his jump serve as Atsushi sent it back up in the air. "Damn it!" He shouted.

"What a monstrous serve!"

"Getting the ball into the air was all they could do."

"Left!" Asahi called out.

"Asahi-san!" Hinata shouted.

"Three blockers!"

Asahi jumped up as Atsumu, Omimi, and Ginjima jumped up to block him.

Bokuto widened his eyes as Asahi lightly taps the ball. "Damn it!" He thought.

The ball dropped to the ground as Akagi and Aran were late on receiving it.

"What the hell?!"

"Yes!" Sugawara cheered while Tsukishima laughed.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Asahi apologized in his head.

"They got this far and they're still trying out new things? Those damn crows." Bokuto commented.

Both teams had 22 points. "I finally get to play on the back line for once!" Hinata said as the ball was tossed to him. "All right! Yes! Yeah!"

"Hinata's even more hyped about serving then he usually is."

"Even though his serves suck."

"I think he's more excited about playing defense than serving."

"Oh, and Yamaguchi's serving."

"All right, you know what to do." Ukai told him as Yamaguchi nodded.

Hinata rushed over to grab his number plate. "Make sure you score ten points!" He said.

"Why are you all teary-eyed?" Yamaguchi questioned.

"Go... You've got this." Sugawara said. "I can't really describe it, but I think we've got this!"

Yamaguchi was having a panic attack when someone called out his name.


Shimada was holding a 'Shimada Mart' bag up for Yamaguchi.

The whistle blew as Yamaguchi did his jump float serve, aiming right at Aran who tried to receive it but it fell on the court.

"All right!"

"Service ace!"

"Karasuno takes the lead!"

Everyone was congratulated Yamaguchi as the whistle blew once more.

"One more time!"


A/N: Another chapter is done! Thanks for reading!

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