Chapter 1

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Kiyoshi's POV

"Ohayō gozaimasu, mama, papa," I greeted them knowing that they were waiting for me. "Ohayō, Kiyoshi-chan," both said in unison with a smile on their faces. I could see that they got 3 dango boxes and 1 pack of medicines and herbs ready to be delivered to the Uchiha estate(Itachi's home).

"Now that we are all here, are we ready to go?" asked my adopted dad.

"Hai(yes/yup)!" exclaimed me and my mom happily.

"Ne, Kiyo-chan(Kiyoshi-chan), do you want to bring your gourds for breathing practice?" asked my adopted mom as she knelt down to my highly and gave me the famous closed-eyes smile.

"Sure! As long Itachi-oniisama's family doesn't mind," I replied and returned the smile that my adopted mom did.

"Ok. I'll go get it."

3 minutes later...

"Here it is!"

"Arigato gozaimasu!" I thanked her, "Can I carry the gourds?"

"Are you sure Kiyoshi-chan? They seem pretty heavy," remarked my adopted father.

"Yup! I'm sure and plus," I said as I was putting the gourds onto my back(because they putted on the straps), "See? It's not heavy."

"All right," he said in defeat, "Let's go."

I nodded in response with a smile on my face. We exited out of our home/shop and went down the road to the Uchiha estate.


I skipped happily, ahead of my parents and focusing on my breath. I was happy and a bit nervous since I am going to meet Itachi-oniisama's family. But I ignored that nervousness and continued to focus on my breathing.

Slow breaths. In and then out. I reminded myself. I took a deep breath in through my nose, and out with my mouth. It felt really refreshing. As I opened my eyes from the bright sun, I saw a fan sign with the color red on top and white on the bottom of the fan. I stopped skipping. It looks like the same fan that Itachi-oniisama had on the back of his shirt that he always wore.

"Ne, mama, papa," I said in a soft voice allowing most of the quietness go away, "Is this the Uchiha estate?"

"No, but this is the town of the Uchiha's," replied my adopted father.

*AN: ok I'm just gonna stop putting adopted father and mother since I'm lazy so I'm just gonna put mama and papa*

"Oh," I quietly said. We went in and were greeted by some people who either knew my papa or mama or both. Some either complimented at how beautiful or cute I looked or if I'm my mama's and papa's biological child or other questions. I didn't mind them asking these questions since I get them a lot if other people knew papa or mama. So I just nod with the famous closed eyes smile. The town absolutely looked amazing and peaceful just like at our town(near the hokage's office and stuff).

"Here we are!" exclaimed my dad. Now my anxiety rose. Ok, calm down and breath, I told to myself. Their house was big. Really big and way bigger than our home. Papa went to knock the door as I was holding mama's hand.

Knock! Knock!

The door opened by a woman who I believe was Itachi-oniisama's okaasan. She looked very beautiful. "Ah. Reiki, Akira! It's so good to see you!" she exclaimed as if she haven't seen them in a long time with a smile on her face. Then she looked at me. "Who is this young lady?" she said curiously as she knelt down to my height. "She is our daughter," mama said proudly, "We adopted her since her parents died during the incident(referring to the nine-tail incident)." Itachi-oniisama's okaasan nodded in response. "What is your name?" she asked.

"My name is Satō Kiyoshi," I answered. "I'm 3 years old and it is a pleasure to meet you." I smiled.

"Satō Kiyoshi huh? That's a really nice name! It's also a pleasure to meet you," she remarked happily. "You don't have to call me 'Itachi's mom', you can just call me oba-san or Mikoto-sam if you want."

I nodded in response. Mikoto-san lead us the way to the living room. Along the way we met Itachi-oniisama's oto-san. He was also nice like Mikoto-san but mostly answers with a "hn" but I didn't mind. As we reached to the living room, we sat down and had a chat. Well it was mostly the adults talking but I didn't mind because Mikoto-san asked a few questions here and there. For example, she asked, "Ne, Kiyoshi-chan, why do you have gourds?" "It's for breathing practice!" I replied. Then she would nod and went back to talking to my parents. Itachi-oniisama's oto-san later came to chat too. I just sat there focusing on my breath waiting and listening but mostly focusing on my breath. I do not know why Itachi-oniisama's oto-san asked if I have learned controlling my chakra(because while she was focusing on her breath, there is a little chakra that's flowing/showing on her feet but she doesn't know. I was confused since I did recently learned what chakra was but I didn't know what chakara control was so I shook my head no.


"OTO-SAN!!! OKAA-SAN!!!" yelled a kid who looks like Itachi-oniisama and who looks around my age. "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO- Who are you?" he asked with suspicion on his face, pointing at me. "Sasuke, don't go yelling like that-" said a boy who sounded like Itachi-oniisama. The boy came in to the door view behind the little boy who was yelling earlier. "Itachi-oniisama?" I asked. "Oh, it's nice to meet you again, Kiyoshi-chan," he replied with a smile.

Sasuke's POV

Itachi nii-chan knows her? I thought. I looked at Itachi nii-chan then at her and again. I frowned. He knows her? "Ne, Itachi nii-chan, you know her?" I asked pointing at her. Also why is she smiling? It kinda creeps me out. "Yes I do, Sasuke," replied Itachi nii-chan. Oh. So they do know each other. But why does she have gourds?

"How about you two can show Kiyoshi-chan and play with her while we adults talk and later we will have lunch, hm?" asked okaa-san.



We saw her grab her gourds and walked up to us, ready. I looked at her then her gourds. Why does she have that? I thought. "Alright let's show you around the house," said Itachi nii-chan. "Hai," we both said.

So her name is Kiyoshi, huh?


AN: Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. And thank you for 30+ reads and 2 votes Ik it isn't much but I really appreciate that you guys are able to read my book. Thank you! So pretty much this chapter is about Kiyoshi meeting Itachi's family and Sasuke meeting her. Including Sasuke about to tell his parents that he can do a good 20-30 seconds of controlling his chakra by making the lead stick into his forehead. I will probably post a picture of young Kiyoshi that I will draw for chapter 2 or 3.

Tell me if you guys liked it or if I made any mistakes. And wow, 1120 words not including the authors note but wow. That's a lot. Anyways... stay tuned for more chapters!

Author out✌️

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