Pull me out from hell

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Tw: mentions of hell, mental torture, it's a limbo thing Idk what to say, bone breaking (kinda) it's a weird chapter kinda hard to tw it.



at this not-moment and definitely not-time I dreaded the sight of them. I couldn't find even describe them as trees or it as a tree. It was just endless branches, these branches had no pattern to how it grown and it hand no place it was growing from. Just a jungle-gym of splintering, old, tangling branches. There was no up or down, left or right, just branches. All I could see was branches, as the twig hell was well lit, not that I could tell were the light was coming from, it just seemed bright enough to see my branch limbo.

There was no gravity, well there was but, it was coming from ever direction or were ever I lost my gripping on the weak branches and began falling through the infinite woods. It was impossible for any kind of gravity to work in this infinite plain, but this wasn't a place of Physics. I was my own personal hell, made just for me with a bow on top.

I couldn't hold myself on a branch for long, soon enough it would eventually brake and I would fall in the most painful direction, falling, hitting and breaking the branches until eventually I cling myself to a branch that's just strong enough to stop my fall before breaking again. I was in horrible amounts of pain, but it was different then from the over-world; then pain was sharp and shocking like breaking a bone, but it was quick to disappear and my bones never broke. Just the shear pain as if they were, and I never bled, my skin was chain meal and my bones were steel.

I'm not sure how long I've been here. it's the tell time when I'm in constant pain and by that I mean I couldn't tell a week from a minute. The only sense of time I have is; when am I going to stop falling, how long until the branch breaks, when's the pain going to stop.

I can't speak, it seems as if I've forgotten how too, I know I could speak, I know what speaking is and the basic understanding of a conversation. But I can't remember we're I leaned those things or why? I know that this place is my personal hell but I don't know the life before this hell, I remember how pain hurts and how I know people but I can't remember when I've felt pain like this before or who are the people I knew. I don't know why I'm here but I know I deserve to be here, but it still feels like a paying for another person consequences.

But it's not another person consequences, it's my own and maybe I will remember after being here for entirety. This is my punishment, it is no one else's fault I'm here except for my own, this is my hell. I may never learn to except those facts, since I don't know the cause but I can at least know it's true. I can't heal the wrongs I've done but I can hope that others won't make the same mistakes, and if I had a second chance, I wouldn't let myself make those mistakes again. Even if I don't know them now.

As if now, I am falling again. Hitting my head and bones on the pathetic branches, desperately trying to grab any twig that won't snap. Eventually I am able to grip a web of branches that is just barely strong enough to hold my weight for now. I breath heavily and wince, waiting for the new pain to pass. Everything aches from my physical body to the emotional state i'm in. I can't handle the pain, I can't handle the mental torture that I have forced to 'live' with. But even if im over some sorts of a tipping point it won't matter, I am here forever, there is no tipping point because I am always falling. Physically and metaphorically.

The branches a rest on brake again and this time I plummet the way my stomach was facing, even if it broke under me. This time I force my eyes to close and I ball up my body. I let myself crash through the hell tree like a stone through a spiders web.

But then again I halt to a stop when I get an extra thick branch. I immediately sprawl out my limbs hooking myself to the wooded arms around me. I open my eyes again and try to lay their and rest before the branch inevitably breaks. After the usual time it takes for a branch to break I close my eyes and wait for my fall.

I wait... I open my eyes again and it's bright. No that's impossible, my hell isn't bright, it's wooden. I aloud my eyes to readjust and I realized the light was coming from everywhere, it was coming from somewhere. For the first time, I climb. I can reach for the branches and they won't break. I'm am filled with joy for the first time I was here and it's a feeling a don't realize I know so well.

I need this joy. So I climb, I climb to the light, I climb out of hell. But then I realized that I wasn't climbing out of hell actually, I was being pulled out from hell. I was drawn to freedom, the light pulling me out, I keep getting closer and closer to it.

Until I can touch it. Until I can remember. Until I can feel. Until I can hope. Until I can see. Until I can know.

Until I can realize,

That I've been pulled out of hell.

WOOOOO WE DID IT BOTH AUTHORS HAVE WRITTEN THE FIRST HALF OF THE STORY! Did you think that it was done? NO ITS ONLY HALF OF IT. And y/n and techno haven't even KISSED YET. An chapter will be posted tomorrow explaining what will be happening according to the next half of the story and editing new chapters and ect. BUT HELL YEAH WE DID IT

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