Tokyo Fashion Week: Pt 1

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Nathalie has been really stressed this week, making sure everything was perfect
-Nathalie paces back and forth on the phone while doing work on her tablet-
G: Nathalie, you seems more stressed then usual, what's on your mind?
N: Did you forget?? It's almost Fashion week you ding dong!
G: Relax, Fashion week isn't for another..TOMORROW?!
N: What do you think I've been doing this whole time?!
G: What would I do without you Nathalie
N: You would get fined for child abuse
G: Fair enough.
N: Anyway, I have to pack, I'll meet you at the airport tomorrow by 6:00am sharp.
G: But the plane doesn't leave til 12pm?
N: Trust me
G: Whatever you say
N: This dumb's legitimately 11:30??!
N: UGH, -calling Gabriel for the 100th time-
G: I-I'm here!
G: I-I- woke up late
N: And that's why I said to wake up at 6.
N: Anyway, we have to go board the plane
G: Okay
After they board the plane
Nathalie is scrolling through her phone
Gabriel is taking a nap
Nathalie looks to Gabriel and smiles a bit
After they landed they went to a party, Nathalie is talking to Gabriel and looks behind her, and someone catches her eye.
G: Nathalie? Who..are you looking at?
N: Oh, just that guy over there, he was staring at me she smiles
G: Oh, well..I have to go set things up, I'll meet you at the runway?
N: Oh yeah! For sure
Gabriel goes to set things up, while Nathalie goes to talking to the man starting at her
N: Hello, I couldn't help but notice you staring at me, was there anything you needed?
?: O-oh sorry, I uh,
N: No worries, so what's your name?
?: M-my name is Caleb, what's your name?
N: My name is Nathalie, I work for the Gabriel Agrest brand, what about your Caleb?
C: I work for the Cheenel brand
C: A-and your very pretty.. -He smiles slightly and blushes-
N: Oh, thank you Caleb! -she smiles-
Gabriel had been watching them for afar, he could feel his ears practically fuming.
He punched the wall out of anger
G: Aw Sh!t..
He went to the washroom to clean his slightly bleeding hand
G: Caleb huh? Well Caleb..from now on, we are at war.
G: Soon Nathalie will not even remember your name..just you wait
He laughs as he wraps up his wrist
G: Nathalie! Would you mind helping me set up the runway darling?
N: Oh, of course! -she smiles sweetly-
N: I'm so sorry Caleb, but I have to go help
C: N-no worries Nathalie! B-before you go..
N: What is it?
Caleb felt heat rising up in his cheeks
C: C-could I get your n-number?
N: Oh, o-of course! -slight blush spread over her face-
N: Here! It's.. **********
C: T-thank you!
Nathalie smiles as she walked over to Gabriel, she wasn't paying attention and accidentally bumped into Gabriel
She rubbed her head and said..
N: Ouch..sorry Gabriel
G: No worries my dear, anyway..who was that you were talking to.?
She felt her face heating up
N: O-oh! I just met him, his name is Caleb! He's nice, caring, sweet, funny, and-
Gabriel rose an eyebrow
G: You seems to like him a lot..
N: Don't be silly, he's just a friend!
G: Yeah, sure
G: But remember Nathalie, I know you love me~ you just don't want to admit it
N: Yeah sure -Her face turned red-
N: Now, let's set up the stage, the show is in half an hour!
Caleb watched them, he felt angry, yet sad
C: Gabriel, I see what you want to do..
C: I guess this is war.

~Authors note~
Hey Stars! Starry here, thanks for reading this chapter! I tried to make it longer than usual, and I really enjoyed writing it! School is starting soon, so I can't update as much as I used to
But I'll still try to update!
Anyway, that's all I wanted to say!
Thanks for reading, have a fantastic day/night!

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