Volume 8 Chapter 2 Unexpected Vist?!

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Previously: And right before Aizawa follows Deku inside he tells Toshinori something very important,"Hey just so you know, that he's not as bad as you think but if you do mess up he will kill you." Aizawa laughs a little and then heads inside. All Might aka Toshinori Yagi is going home all gloomy and depressed. He knows he Royally fucked up with the wrong villian family. But then he gets a "good" idea on his way home."Why don't I visit One For All in prison! And Confront Him About Deku!" Why is Toshinori Yagi so idiotic who knows? Maybe Deku took his intelligence along with his quirk that day. Toshinori Yagi is standing right outside of the institution where One For All is being held. He walks in and tells them he is All Might and the guy at the desk goes in fan boy mode and let's go in without writing his name down in the visitation book. (He was too distracted.) Also they didn't tell One For All who was visiting him. So he thought it was going to be the police or villian that liked his work. He was in a quirk nuturalilizing room and he can walk freely as long as he had a chain and harness keeping him from a line of tape near the door. One For All hears doors Opening in the distance and tapping of shoes coming closer to his door to his room. He looks only to see someone he never thought he would see again. He speaks in a dull tone of voice as he doesn't even smile at the person that dared to even come see him.

One For All POV*
I look over at the door swing open. A figure steps out of the dark doorway and he glares at me with his blue eyes filled with pure hate in them. I glance down at his hands and they are making a tight fist. I don't react to his glances and just go back to reading the book in my hand. He raises his voice at me and I ignore his screams. He says something really rude to me and it pisses me off. But I don't react to his taunts and accusations against me. Until he says my son's name I don't pay attention. "Midoriya Izuku Is Going To Die By My Hands. He Made ME look like a complete fool infront of my friends and students And he mentioned my masters Name did you tell him you bastard!!" He took a step forward right up the line of tape. He grits his teeth at my direction, of pure hate. He mentioned that my son upset him and made him look like a complete fool. I couldn't help but chuckle at his misery on his face. I don't answer his questions about his Master or anything else. But him saying he will kill my son makes me laugh even harder."Toshinori Yagi you are pathetic waste of space of a hero. Do you really think you could really kill my son in the state you are in! Don't make me laugh." All Might glances over at the picture of my son and wife that I had on my desk. The only picture of my family I had left, since she died and since my son distanced himself from me.
I say in a deep rough voice,"What is it now?!" He grits his teeth at the picture and points at it. I look over at my only picture of my family, and then he says in a sadistic tone of voice,"I enjoyed killing Inko izuku and I'll enjoy killing your son just as much! Good bye One For All forever!" I hear him say unforgivable things about my loved ones and he laughed at the end of his sentence after he said goodbye. That was the last straw, my son can take care of himself but my wife is a no go. "STOP RIGHT THERE ALL MIGHT!!" He turned around and smiled at me getting angry, he laughed at my face and gave me the finger. "Thanks For Making My day One For All. Now I'm going to decide how I'm going to kill your son. Goodbye forever!" I grit my teeth and walk towards him Only to be stopped by the chain in the wall and the harness around my waist. As soon as he leaves I think about what All Might did to my family and me. *He brutally murdered my lovely wife and that day I found my son covered in her blood holding her lifeless body in his arms. I broke even more that day, seeing her lifeless body in a pool of blood. I became a heartless towards everyone even my own son, I forgot how to care after awhile. They were my everything, if only I was stronger I could of saved them both. But my son is broken and hurting even more now because of me and Shigaraki is trying to do what I couldn't. Why did I retreat and leave her behind.*

One For All thought to himself and stared at the door with his red eyes.(He has eyes but they are severely damaged.) He cried tears of blood and fell to his knees. A waterfall of blood gushed out of his eyes. He doesn't normally at emotional but what All Might said to him, reached his heart and effected him. His heart is not entirely black as he thought it was. He still cares for his dead wife and his first born son. Shigaraki was just a pawn to use... But his real son isn't like Shigaraki, but he treated him the same. He is regretting everything he said to his son. He need to see him, he has to, he has to say sorry. He has to tell him how he feels.
To be continued..

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