Volume 7 Chapter 4 Boarding School UA High Is Here!

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Previously: They both walk to the car that's wait for them outside of the school. And they talk about how they are going to this assignment. And they joke around while they are driving to their first house. Deku and Aizawa visited their students homes and met their students parents for the first time. And suprisingly didn't have to do that much convincing to most of them. The students stood up for their teacher Deku because in the Forrest he risked his life to save them. Some parents were scared of Deku when he introduced himself to them, but the students convinced their parents infront of the teachers how Deku and Aizawa make them feel safe. Deku felt like he truly chose the right decision. He felt like he was slowly getting a permanent position at UA high school, let alone his very own place in the world to belong in. Shota and Deku finish up with the last few homes and then finally finish very late at night.

The very next day the students starting moving into their new homes/rooms. Deku and Aizawa got rooms as well, so the parents would feel more comfortable with their kids living there. Aizawa yelled at the kids that saved bokugo but then said enjoy their new home afterwards. Principal Nezu is holding a top secret investigation with the leak. Aizawa talks about the provisional licenses about how they didn't getting them. After all that Aizawa told the students where everything is and then the students talked about a coolest room contest. Boys VS Girls. That last a few hours and While that happened Deku and Aizawa where chilling in their rooms and settling in. Deku finished early so he decided to head out side to smoke a cigarette on the roof of the dorm. He jumped out of his balcony and parkoured up to the very top of the building and lit a cigarette and smoked it. He is a adult after all and he can smoke if he wants to. (I don't condemn smoking or drinking) Then he looked down and saw a few students huddled around talking. A few of them are crying and are hugging the frog quirk girl Asui. Deku let the students fix their own problems and he continued to smoke his cigarette. After his cigarette he went back into his room and got ready for bed and got into his sleeping wear. which is just pants and a hoodie with nothing underneath. And he went to sleep on his floor, he doesn't have a bed yet. Just a few outfits, collars, chokers, rings, restraints to keep him undercontrol, a fridge with gallons of blood bags in there. And a closet full of outfits, and then he has a computer and a desk. And his is getting his metal bed from the basement brought up to his room.

The next day: Aizawa is telling the students about the provisional license test and how they should get them before they do anything reckless and try and save other people. And he explaining what provisional licenses really mean. They have to get two ultimate moves before they can take the provisional test. All of the students got their costumes on and headed to Gym Gamma. Tenya asks why they need ultimate moves. And then Aizawa explains why they need to have ultimate moves. They will spend their remaining of the summer on training and creating their own ultimate moves. And they should think about how they should improve their costumes and support items. Aizawa says lastly,"I expect you to go Plus Ultra Do you have it in you?" And then the whole class said back to him,"Yes sir!" 

The students are going to do intensive Training starting now: For example: Momo Yaoyorozu is creating two items at the same time starting with small things. Ojiro is working on how to improve his fighting style. Mina is working on her acid potency and discover a better way of shooting it outwards.
You get the gist, then All Might walks into the room talking to Aizawa and Midnight in a better mood and is alot nicer than he was before. Then he sees Deku watching the students and how hard they are working to get better. All Might grit's his teeth at the sight of a villan teaching students that are supposed to being taught by him instead. Deku feels All Might's eyes Staring at him but he just ignores all the hateful aura that's coming off of him and says,"what's up Toshinori, are you here to watch your students or just me?" Deku says sarcastically in a rude tone towards All Might. Midnight stays out of the conversation and goes and walks somewhere else. Aizawa sighs deeply at the fact that All Might and Deku are at it again. But at least All Might is treating Aizawa like a person now. Deku laughs a little then starts walking away from the teachers,"Hey guys I'm going to go share some advice." He waves goodbye to All Might and Aizawa without even looking back. Deku starts running in inhumane speeds and parkouring rock to rock to get to Kirishima, Shoto Todoroki, Uraraka, and Bokugo last.
To be continued...

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