Previously: Deku wakes up from the trance to and looks up to see her lock eyes with him. He doesn't know how she feels yet but how she's looking at him makes him feel unwelcomed. So he just gets up and walks over to the door to leave.
Katsuki and Uraraka try and stop him but that doesn't work this time. But when Mitsuki Bakugo says wait he stops in place, still crying blood from reliving the torture of his past yet again. "Wait don't go Midoriya Izuku please...It's your time to hear me out." She has a desperate look on her face and her voice is really Shakey and cracking up. He clenches his fist because he's looking really weak and feeling like it too. And he can't do anything to stop it. He stops crying and changes his expression to a death glare. He turns around and see's her not even scared of him, not one flinch out if her."What's Going on..." Deku starts to ask what's going on there with her acting all calm and looking Happy at him. He doesn't even know what he's feeling right now. "She's not scared. But a second ago she pulled a knife on me what's happening..." (Deku's thoughts) Bokugo and Uraraka stay quiet as Mitsuki and Deku talk like reasonable adults. "I saw everything including you holding bokugo as a child and wanting to be his big brother. And wanting to protect him when you both grew up together, and be hero's when you grow up together. You were such a good kid, I watched you grow up and when your mother died I thought you did too. I was in denial, when you told me that you were her son Midoriya Izuku, and I'm sorry for everything that I said to you. And I know you didn't want Katsuki to know those things but he has the right to know who you are just as me. He was going to be your little brother, not by blood but through a bond of friendship. But it looks like you already have done that in this life. No matter if you became a villian, you are a good person first and a villan second. I know I have spoken so much now but it all had to be said, and if you want to reminisce or talk to someone about anything I'm here for you Midoriya Izuku." She says all of that in a confident tone of voice and Happy expression. A few moments ago Katsuki Bokugo's mother said out loud that Deku his Sensei was actually supposed to be his big brother. And that they were really close when he was a baby, Kacchan isn't showing a reaction but on the inside as the two adults are taking he's freaking out about everything that is being said."B-bbig brother? He held me as a child and promised to protect me?... Is that why this whole time he has protected me and helped me... He chose me for the One For All qurik and he gave me the vampire quirk too. He decided to stop the villian from killing me and Shoto. He was always looking out for me secretly this whole time. I would of never known if mom never said it out loud. Was he scared to tell me? Is he scared of me betraying him?" Katsuki thought it all through and decided to act the same but a little different than before. "You are right Mrs. Bokugo, but I don't feel comfortable anymore, I'll come back later. Come on Kacchan and Uraraka let's go. Deku gets up and he starts to walk towards the door yet again. "D-d-did you just call me Kacchan?" Uraraka is still in shock so she doesn't move a inch. "Crap." Deku says thinking that he would get punched by bokugo. But something unexpected happened instead. Bokugo walked up behind Deku and hugged him,"I love you too big brother Midoriya." .... To be continued.