Previously: Kacchan walks over to Deku and puts his arm around his neck. Kirishima does the same and they help drag him to the school. As they do that Bokugo talks to Kirishima about getting the All For One quirk from Deku. Aizawa and Shinso help the other students wake up from being knocked out and explain what happened. Uraraka helps Shoto Todoroki with walking. Everyone is not as hurt as they would be if they weren't so strong. They are just really exhausted and scratched up a little bit. Since then it's been a few months and Deku is his villian/hero name but he's called Midoriya by his closest friends but only sometimes. He has black hair, red eyes, and he smiles more than before. Of course he is still violent, sadistic, loves blood, evil, loves fighting, love dressing in red, he's his old evil self but he's more nicer and kinder to thoses he calls friends and family. But he's still stricted when he teaches and gives them tough love. Hero's he doesn't know, he acts rude towards, like the villian he is, he loves making people he doesn't like suffer and squirm. He's the Devil Incarnate but with a secret side to him, but only if you are on his good side. In a few months is the sports festival for UA high, and Deku has given Kirishima the All For One quirk. Deku told Shinso, Bokugo and Uraraka that they can't use their vampire forms unless they go up against real threats, only because if anymore people find out about Deku's quirk, villians all over will come after his students and him. They agreed and decided to use their own quirks they were born with. Deku said that Shinso can use his cat eyesight quirk as well. Now Deku is Midoriya Izuku as well but no one calls him that in public or there will be problems. Only in private a few can call him that, it's too secret to know his past. It's a taboo thing to say in public, especially if he has PTSD of his mother's death. Moving on, Bokugo found out that Deku is someone his mom once knew him and his mother, so they are walking to Bokugo's house right now, Bokugo has to be by his side the whole time he out. Since he's not allowed to leave campus without a escort. Uraraka is there too, to have a woman's touch to Bokugo's mother's emotional outbursts. And so she can support her boyfriend and Sensei.
Bokugo's Home: They arrive at his place and Bokugo uses his keys to get in the door. He yells at his mother,"IM BACK BITCH!!" Deku and Uraraka shrug it off and follow him inside. His mother yells back,"WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE KATSUKI BOKUGO!!" Uraraka and Deku giggle at Kacchan getting yelled at. "SHUT UP MOM, I have someone you need to meet." She tells them to come into the kitchen. They all walk into the kitchen to see his mom cooking dinner. Bokugo has his arm around Uraraka his girlfriend. Uraraka is the first person his mom See's when she turns around,"Oh I see you wanted me to meet your girlfriend." Uraraka introduces herself and while that is happening, deku is hiding his presence and hanging back waiting for him to be introduced to Bokugo's mother. He has is normal appearance when he was a child, only difference is he's a lot older and more scary looking. He has scars on his body, from constant abuse and a bunch of fights.
A few minutes later Uraraka and Mitsuki Bakugo exchange small talk. Then Bokugo tells his mom with a serious tone,"Mom there is someone else I want you to meet. Hey Deku come out of the shadows already." Deku walks out of the shadows and smiles genuinely at Mitsuki Bakugo. Kacchan and Uraraka step to the side so she can greet their Sensei. But something unfortunate happens, she goes to looking Happy to terrified. She grabbed a knife that was behind her and cowered in fear. "YOU BROUGHT A VILLIAN IN OUR HOUSE!!" Bokugo and Uraraka explained what had happened and that Deku is no threat. After they tell her that she calms down and sets down the knife on the kitchen counter. Uraraka comforts her as Deku walks closer into the light, his eyes glow brighter. His smile was mistake as a evil grin, so he just stopped smiling and made it worse. He looked like he was going to kill someone now, Bokugo stands right next to him to insure his mom's safety. Deku thinks to himself,"Can I really do this. It's been so long, how do I know if she will remember me and my mom. Will she even accept me as I am now? Well here it goes." Deku stopped looking serious and went back to grinning like a psychopath. He takes a deep breath and exhales it slowly. Everyone tenses up and gets on edge....
To be continued..
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