Volume 3 Chapter 7 Dark Memories Lead To A Bad Past

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A few hours later they have been trying to get Deku knocked out or something. But he's too powerful even for all of them, even in their demonic forms, "he's truly a monster" they all think to themselves. Aizawa is still waiting for the students to defeat and save Deku, very soon Aizawa is going to have to step in and help. Bokugo is over using his quirk and his hands and arms are cramping. Uraraka is so exhausted that her nose is bleeding from using her quirk so much, Shinso is all cut up from being hit by Deku. And Shoto is almost getting frostbite and a a few burns. They all can barely move or stand up anymore, they can't fight anymore. The rest of the other students tried to help but got knocked out by Deku and his dragon Tail. Aizawa has no choice but help the students, he can't get any help from any pro hero's because then Deku would go back to prison or something really bad would happen. So it's all up to him, and the few students that can fight....... Bokugo, Shinso, Uraraka and Shoto, think to themselves, "What do we do now?" Aizawa drops down infront of them and says very seriously,"We have to knock some reason into him, and remind him who his family really is.... Shinso you are going to brainwash him and make him see loving memories and remind him who he really is, Bokugo and Shoto you are going to distract him so Shinso can brainwash him safely, Uraraka you and me are going protect Shinso. LETS GO PLUS ULTRA!!" They all scream,"PLUS ULTRA!! And then go on with the plan, exactly how Mr. Aizawa said to do.

Meanwhile they are doing that Kirishima has been recovering from being attacked by Deku, he was sent flying several hundred feet away, he's finally getting back to where Bokugo is. He sees them discussing a plan and he yells,"BOKUGO OVER HERE!" Aizawa See's Kirishima and he tells him to help him and Uraraka protect Shinso's body.
The plan is going okay but definitely not smoothly, the distraction team isn't holding their own enough, deku is too powerful for them. Especially in the condition they are in. Aizawa tells Kirishima and Uraraka to protect Shinso as he's in Deku's mind. Aizawa goes and helps Shoto and Bokugo distract Deku from hitting the others. Shinso is finally getting to his inner thoughts of Deku, he can see him crying blood over a woman's dead body.. a memory no one's knows about.(even you the readers) Shinso finds out the real reason he hates All Might. Shinso walks over to Deku and sees him covered in the woman's blood and holding her body closely to him, he's hugging the lifeless body very dearly. Shinso doesn't know who the woman is until deku screams in agony and sarrow,"MOTHER DON'T LEAVE ME!!! I HATE ALL HERO'S!!" Shinso stops in place looking directly at Deku as a small child with his father One For All by his side, and his adopted brother Shigaraki. They are looking back at Shinso with a death glare,"I guess they symbolize his family...He watched his mother die.. and held her in his arms.. that's rough.." Shinso starts to tear up, seeing his big brother/Sensei Deku suffering in his deep inner thoughts. He has to save him from the Darkness and bring him back in to the light. The two figures disappear as Shinso walks closer to Deku...As he gets closer he sees everything that happened to his mother, and his real name before he got named Deku. Shinso watches Deku's whole life of 4 years before he turned 5 and turned evil. Deku was born as Midoriya Izuku and his mother's name is Inko izuku, and his father is One For All-real name unknown. Inko izuku was killed by All Might when he was going against One For All. Deku was told to hide in the house, so All Might didn't know they had a child. All Might did a lot of damage to One For All, so much that he had to retreat and heal. Leaving his family behind which killed him inside.. back then he loved his wife and son more than anything... He might still care for Deku that way, in a different way of showing it. Deku was still hiding but he watched All Might pick up his mother and crush her Alive in his hands. She begged for mercy but he just laughed at her pathetic cries. Since she was married to the Greatest Villian in the world he didn't care to spare her life, like a normal person would. He wanted to destroy everything that was related to the Villian he thought he just killed, no wittiness are allowed to live. Little did he know Midoriya Izuku (Deku) was watching and hearing everything that was happening. He broke from the light right in that moment, he once wanted to be a hero but his heart broke and shattered into tiny pieces, when he watched his mother get killed right infront of his eyes by the #1 hero. Blood went everywhere, the blood splattered all over the walls and ceiling. Midoriya Izuku replaced everything that associated with his mother, including his own name and look. He became Deku and totally different person, when he See's All Might or Toshinori Yagi he see's the murderer that killed his mother in cold blood and hurt his father so much that he almost died too. Deku resents him and every hero that are just like All Might. But when he met Shota Aizawa he finally felt happiness... And those who he met through him made him truly smile yet again. And he enjoyed being a "hero teacher" but when he told his only friend Aizawa the truth and he rejected him, he felt the same pain from the day of when All Might killed his mother. Deku stopped himself from killing Aizawa in that moment and just walked away, he wrecked the house to get rid of the blood lust and rage. His hero friend rejected him and he had no choice but to go to the Darkside yet again. He didn't want to but he had too, Deku attacked the USJ with his adopted brother Shigaraki and Kuroguri his first friend. But when it came to killing All Might he couldn't do it... He saw his students and showed sympathy towards them. He can hurt someone to the brink of dying but he couldn't Finish the job. And when it came to torturing Shinso and Uraraka afterwards he cried and begged for forgiveness to her and Shinso. He was a mess after doing that to another human being... He grew up being taught that killing and hurting others was required to live and survive. Deku tried to be good but he resorted back to his old ways when joined back to his "so called home." But when he had to go through with the plan to kidnap more hero's he just couldn't do it, when he acted as Shinso and hugged Aizawa and was told that Aizawa loved Deku. Deku broke down and revealed himself, okay with dying the process. He admitted to everything and waited to be killed then and there, not knowing that people still cared for him. Then on Deku felt like he had a home in a place doesn't require having to kill people. But then again he has to fight in the making hero's for training, he thought he could do it but it was too soon. When Deku saw all his students ganging up on him he freaked out and his body reacted. The pain of his wings taking all of the attacks reminded him of all the pain of his life and what hero's did to him. His inner thoughts took over and tried to destroy everything that was hero related, no matter how much that hurt him. Shinso has witnessed Deku's whole story and what happened to him. Everything makes sense to him now, he doesn't do anything but kneel down and hug Deku. He whispered softly in Deku's ear that everyone that calls him a friend loves him, and those who don't are missing out on a amazing person."Deku I love you as big brother and my dad loves you, so does everyone that you teach. We are fighting to save you from yourself, so please wake up and let us help you. We accept you as how you are now, don't worry Midoriya Izuku you are loved and you belong with us, no matter what anyone says. Villian or hero or something completely different, we are your family on the light side, you can have other family than us, but for now please come back to us as your normal self, we miss you Deku." Shinso hugs him tightly as he says that all to Deku. "Midoriya Izuku...who am I?" Deku says that crying blood and hugging him back tightly. "You are Deku! You are our teacher and our FAMILY! WAKE UP DEKU!!" Shinso shouts a Deku to wake up from his trance. Deku hears everything Shinso has said to him and he wake up from his dark inner thoughts seeing Shinso hugging him his own mind. Deku smiles and hugs Shinso back,"I'm Deku and not Midoriya Izuku, I'm your teacher at UA High, I'm your Big brother..thank you Shinso.."
To be continued....

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