Deku just recently went up against Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bokugo and Shinso Aizawa all seperately in duels. The bell finally rings it's time to go home. Aizawa hands out the syllabus that's due tomorrow. Deku is still in his half Demon/half human form. Because he's still hungry for blood and he's too pumped with adrenaline. He walks over to Aizawa with a deadly intent for blood. He can control himself anymore he needs blood, but the blood from the hospital hasn't gotten sent to the house yet. And he's on the edge of going on a rampage he looks at Aizawa with a worried look as he can't stop himself from coming closer to him. Deku whispers softly,"help me!" Aizawa hears Deku asking for help for the first time in a while, he uses his quirk but it's not working yet again... He calls over his son Shinso to brainwash Deku to calm down. Shinso runs back over to his father and Teacher and looks very worried about the situation that's happening. "Deku calm down and follow us home in your normal form." Deku transforms back to human form, causing his whole body going back to normal, but unfortunately his clothes are all burned up, turning to ash, evaporating, and his shoes are completely Destroyed, he's walking on his bare feet. He's crying blood for what he almost did to his two friends. He's brainwashed but deep down he's having a inner struggle with himself. Is he the person he once was or something brand new. What is he? Who is he? What is he becoming? They get home and chain him up in his room in the basement until he calms down. The blood bags didn't arrive yet.
The next day Deku is still having mental issues... And is crying blood from his eyes and sniffling. Aizawa goes down to the basement and checks up on Deku... Aizawa thinks to himself," He's not stable enough to teach or leave the house but he has to come to school today. Today is his first day of officially being his own teacher." Aizawa walks up to Deku and takes the chains off and offers him to drink some of his blood. "Here Deku have some of my blood if it's that serious." He looks at his friend in distress and can't take it anymore. Deku looks up seeing his best friend offering him his blood, the most uncomfortable thing he could do for him. Deku feels bad, but the other side of him can't stop himself from grabbing his wrist and biting him. Deku is sucking Aizawa's blood and Deku has finally stopped crying blood. Aizawa pats Deku on the shoulder consoling him."I'm here for you friend don't worry about hurting me right now." A few more seconds later Deku finishes taking blood from his friend and he licks his lips. He yawns and retracts his fangs back into his mouth. He looks up at Aizawa and starts to cry blood yet again."I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry for hurting you.. and having you to do this for me." Aizawa looks suprised that his friend said sorry so many times but he thinks to himself,"It looks like Deku is finally opening up to me slowly." He smiles at his friend and then falls to his knees because he lost alot of blood. "I guess we aren't going to school today huh Deku." He smiles at Deku that has sadness in his eyes. "Shota I need to tell you something but it's going to make you hate me. But I can't hide it any longer from you." Deku wipes his eyes and looks at Shota with a very worried look and said it with a very nervous tone of voice. Aizawa sits down on the concrete floor and props himself up on the wall and looks at Deku, he's sitting there very quietly waiting for Deku to start speaking. Deku gulps in fear, starts to sweat profusely, "I-i-im the son of t-t-the most feared Villian in the world...And I'm apart of a villan..." Aizawa eyes widen and he stares at Deku with anger... But he calms down and hears him out. "I'm a co founder of a villian organization that might attack the school soon... Because I work here... I'm sorry, if you want to kill me go ahead." Aizawa looks shocked that Deku is that dangerous, this whole time he was the son of the most dangerous Criminal in the world One For All. Everyone thought All Might killed him but he's alive and Deku's the son of him. Aizawa's thought process when Deku was telling him everything," HE'S WHAT! DEKU'S THE SON OF ONE FOR ALL!! I KNEW HE WAS A VILLIAN BUT THIS...THIS IS ... NO.. NO..NO... THIS IS REALLY BAD. What do I do now...he's in my household and I thought I could trust him but he's... He's.. he's.. A MONSTER....But he hasn't killed me yet.. and If he wanted to he could of killed Shoto or bokugo or Shinso or me by now. I can't have this stay between us...can I? I have to do something.. but what I'm too scared now... Fuck fuck fuck...why did he have to be a villan... If only he was a hero..." Aizawa stands up all wobbly and limps over to the stairs to get away from Deku as fast as he can. Deku is still talking but he's got to get out of there."Shota Please wait don't go..Just hear me out" Shota is freaking out he can barely move still, he's too weak to move still. He's backs up into the wall next to the stairs and looks terrified for his life."Get away from me...Deku please.." Deku looks up seeing his best friend scared of him and wanting to run away from him. Deku cries tears of blood and stands up to transform into his Devil form, he has no choice now. He has no reason to spare the school now, his friend was the last thing to stop him from killing All Might. Deku is transforming right in front of Shota. Aizawa is shaking in fear, before he wasn't scared but for some reason now he knows who Deku really is... He's absolutely terrified of his true form and looks like he's about to cry of being scared and because he hurt Deku's feelings. Deku grits his sharp teeth and continue to cry blood as he realizes that he can't stay on the heros side anymore.
To be continued...
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