Chapter #48 ~ Trip To Hawaii [A/N: OC Profile 1/2]

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(A/N: YO, WHAT'S UP EVERYONE! And THIS chapter, will be just fluff, NO LOVE TRIANGLE THINGY... Just read the chapter. Also NEXT CHAPTER... Will... Be...!?... LET THE FUN BEGIN!)

[Read until the end of the chapter, because of the OC Profile]

Everyone was in the airport. "I'm so sleepy..." Anne wipe her eyes. (A/N: Lol, i time skip it XD)

"I'm gonna *Yawns* past out any minute." (Y/N) wipe her eyes as well.

"It will take six hours to get there, so sleep on the plane." Makoto suggested.

"'Kay..." (Y/N) agrees.

"Oh, it's almost time to check in." Makoto said.

"By the way, where's Ryuji?" Anne asked.

"He's here." (Y/N) pointed, Ryuji run towards to them.

"*Pants* *Pants* I wasn't expentin' to make a mad dash like this..." Ryuji pants more.

"Your freaking late?" Anne said.

"It'll be fun either way." Akira change the subject.

"Yeah, that!" Ryuji agrees in Akira.

"Welp, yeah..." (Y/N) agrees as well.

And Mishima came to them and saying... "Hey, guys, they want us to gather near the boarding gate soon." Mishima reminded them and he leaved.

"Why don't we take a group shot before we take off?" Anne suggested.

"Good for me!" Ryuji agrees. "You be our cameraman, OK?" Ryuji asked Akira, and Akira nodded which means he agrees.

"Here goes." Akira put his phone on the air, and took a picture to them.

"Lemme see!" Ryuji looked at the picture.

And Futaba texted Akira.

Futaba: Ryuji, you've got crap in your eyes...

"What?" Ryuji wipe his eyes. "Holy shit, she's right..." Ryuji said.

"How did you know, Futaba?" (Y/N) asked.

Futaba: You surprised?

Futaba: I snack an app on Akira's phone.

Futaba: I can see all i want through his camera!

Futaba: You're looking now, right Akira?

Futaba Mwehehe. You can't underestimate the original Medjed.

~Ends The Text Message~

"That's freakin' creepy..." (Y/N) said.

"I am so glad she is not our enemy." Makoto sighed in relief.


Everyone was in the plane, Akira and (Y/N) are sitting next to each other. Anne, Ryuji, and Mishima are sitting together. And Ryuji is sleeping and he fell in Mishima's shoulders. 

"Ack!" Mishima caught by a surprise. "Gosh..." And Mishima move Ryuji away. 

And Makoto is reading a magazine or whatever. And Akira is looking at the window, and (Y/N) is listening to a music. (A/N: BBUURRNN MMMYYY DREAD!)

And they announce that they are in Hawaii. And Akira's eyes are sparkling, and (Y/N) looked at Akira, and she notice that Akira's face is amazed or WHATEVER!

(A/N: Look at that; the most handsome face-boy in the whole entire universe.)

And she thought to herself. "He looks kinda happy..." (Y/N) thought to herself.

And Ryuji wakes up. "Huh...? *Gasp*" Ryuji looked at the window and saying. "Whoaaaa!" Ryuji close to the window. "Ack!" Anne was surprise. "*Sigh*" And Anne sighed. And the plane landed carefully.


Everyone is in the Passport control Foreigners. And the man looked at Ryuji's passport. "So..." The man begin. "How long will you be staying?" The man asked.

"Yeah! I'm so excited!" Ryuji said. "I have no idea, though!" Ryuji doesn't understand English.

Akira and (Y/N) sweatdropped (💧) and the man looked at Anne, and she just sighed.


Everyone walk out at the airport. "Hawaiii!" Anne smells the fresh air. "Mmm, i love it! The tropical air..." Anne said. 

And someone came to them, and saying... "Hi! Aloha!" The guy greeted. "You can find your buses that way." The guy pointed and he speaks Japanese. 

"Daamn, you speak Japanese!?" Ryuji was surprise. "*Sigh*" Anne sighed again.


Everyone was inside the bus. "Whoa! I see it! The diamond-thing!" Ryuji is being noisy. "Huh!? Oh man! The ocean is so blue! Ahaha!" Ryuji pointed. "Can you please be quiet!" Ann is being annoyed. "Alright, alright." Ryuji said.

"Man, Ryuji is so freaking excited." (Y/N) commented, and she looked at Akira and the frizzy-hair is looking at the window, and he's smiling. You we're confuse, but you just smile at him.


Everyone is in the hotel now. "Yes! We're here! Hawaiiiiiiiiiiii!" Ryuji is a happy man.

"...I am SO embarrassed." Ann said.

"Only for you Ann." (Y/N) said.

"Is this the smell of Hawaii?" Ryuji asked.

"Is the carpet cleaner. It's coconut-scented." Mishima said. "Plus, i'd say the scent of plumeria for the leis are amplifying the tropical atmosphere here." Mishima gave a fact.

"What are you, the king of random facts!?" Ryuji said.

"Well can you give us a fact, Mr. Blondie?" (Y/N) said.

"S-Shuddup!" Ryuji snapped. 

"And we have to do our room assignments, too." Ann reminded.

"I wanna room with this guy." Ryuji pointed at Akira.

"Are you forgetting that you are in the different class, Ryuji." (Y/N) said. (A/N: Mwehue~😏😏😏)

"I can't." Ryuji said.

"It complicates roll call." Makoto added.

"Everyone butts you out, after all." Ann said. "I bet there aren't many people who'd be OK rooming with you." Ann added.

"Shuddup Ann!" Ryuji snapped.

And there's a student who approach them. "Takamaki-san, have you decide on which room to stay in?" Tall student asked.

"No, not yet." Ann responds.

"In that case, how about rooming with me?" Tall student asked.

"O-OK..." Ann agrees quick.

"And who is gonna be my roommate?" (Y/N) asked. (A/N:😏😏😏😏😏😏😏)

"How 'bout rooming with Akira?" Ann smirked.

(Y/N) and Akira blushed madly. "W-W-What!?" (Y/N) shouted at Ann.

"C'mon, you two are hanging like, a month now." Ann said.

"What is that supposed to mean!?" (Y/N) shouted at her again. "And there is NO way in HELL that I am gonna do that!" (Y/N) said.

"What about you Makoto? Do you agree?" Ann asked.

"It's fine, i guess." Makoto agrees.

(Y/N) pop out a exclamatory mark (❗️). "Are you kidding me!? Miss Prez!?" (Y/N) shouted at Makoto.

"C'mon, Akira is not like... You-know-what." Makoto said.

"W-Wait, t-that's n-not i-i w-was thinkin--" (Y/N) didn't finished her sentence.

"Do you not trust, Akira?" Makoto asked.

"Welp, that's, uhhhmmm..." (Y/N) is blushing madly. "Rggghghhhghghh..." (Y/N) is blushing more. "F-F-F-F-F-F-F-FINE!" (Y/N) agrees.

"OK, see you guys later!" Ann leaved.

"You little...!" (Y/N) whispered.

"I'll be get going." Makoto leaved as well.

"Well, see you two love birds." Ryuji leaved.

"I'm gonna find my roommate." Mishima leaved as well.

"I will get my revenge ONE day!" (Y/N) whispered. And (Y/N) tries to calm down. "So... Uhhh..." (Y/N) started's blushing. 

And Akira blush as well, and rubbing his neck. "I'llbecountingonyou!" (Y/N) said quickly.

"What was that?" Akira didn't understand that part.

"I'll... Be... Counting... On... You... Got... It...?" (Y/N) said it VERY slowly.

"O-OK..." Akira sweatdropped (💧).

~At The Room Hotel~

"This is definitely awkward..." (Y/N) mumbled to her breathe. And she's sitting on the bed (A/N: Maybe you can sleep in the same bed~ ;D)

"Is it weird that i'm here?" Akira asked. And he is laying down on bed.

"N-No! I-It's just..." (Y/N) don't know, what to say next. "It's just... Like... Uhhh... You-know-what..." (Y/N) said.

And Akira pop out a question mark (❓). "Just forget about it..." (Y/N) said.

(Y/N) looked at Akira, who is basically just chilling there. "Strange... But, how in the world is he always chill..." (Y/N) thought to herself. And You just sighed, and lay down on your bed. And Akira looked at (Y/N) and he notice that, you we're wearing the bracelet that he made for you.

"She really wears that...?" Akira slight blush, and (Y/N) notice that Akira's face is a little bit red.

"Hey, why your face is little bit red?" (Y/N) asked, and she sat up.

"I-It's nothing." Akira looked away but his face is still red.

(Y/N) looked confuse and she looked at the bracelet... "Could it be...?" (Y/N) thought to herself. And she looked at Akira and saw the lucky charm in his pocket.

"You really bring that everywhere?" (Y/N) asked Akira, and she's blushing at the same time.

Akira looked at it and he blushed, and he avoided to make a eye contact. And (Y/N) just blushing in mess.

"You bring that bracelet everywhere, right?" Akira asked, and not making a eye contact and you looked at him with a big blush.

"I-I... Uhhmmmm..." (Y/N) is blushing in mess. "Uhhhmmm..." (Y/N) is still blushing. (Y/N) took a deep breath and sighed. "Because this bracelet is special for me" (Y/N) muttered to her breathe.

But Akira heard, what you just said it made him blush like a human tomato. "(Y-Y/N)..." Akira looked at her.

(Y/N) accidentally said it and that made her embarrass herself. "Y-You d-didn't h-h-hear a-a-anything!" (Y/N) swung her arms nervously.

"Too late." Akira said, and (Y/N) sweatdropped (💧).

(Y/N) just sighed. "Strange..." (Y/N) muttered herself.

"What strange?" Akira asked curiously.

"It's just like... I known you forever..." (Y/N) said. "It's sounds weird though, but i just feel like it." (Y/N) added.

"Why do you feel that?" Akira asked.

"When i encounter you, a lot happened to my life. First: We wen't to the metaverse, then i awaken my persona. Second: We change Kamoshida's heart. Third: We encounter new people and help them... Then we become the Phantom Thieves. This is ONE crazy year for me." (Y/N) said.

"I'm just lucky." Akira said.

"Is not ANY luck, is like... I don't know how to put this into words, but... You are something special." (Y/N) said.

What you just said to him 'special' it made Akira blush. "It's like you deserve something... Amazing... I know you've been through a lot..." (Y/N) remembers Akira's past. "I-I'm sorry i shouldn't bring that up." (Y/N) apologized.

"It's OK." Akira said.

"You are really strong..." (Y/N) commented. "I've been wondering to myself. If i didn't encounter you, what will happened to my life?" (Y/N) asked herself. "Probably i will just be my old self..." (Y/N) said. "But... I'm happy that this is my future." (Y/N) added.

"Same." Akira smile softly.

(Y/N) blush because of that cute smile. "I-I'm glad to hear it." (Y/N) blush, but she shared a soft smile too. And you wish that, this wouldn't end.

(A/N: What do you think about this part? For me, it was kinda awkward conversation. But... MWEUEEHEUEHUE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

~Futaba's View~

"Found it!" Futaba found something... "One after another too..." Futaba said.

"What did you find?" Morgana asked.

"Still working. Can't tell you." Futaba continues typing.

"She can handle this without me..." Morgana said sadly. 

"Oooh, so much." Futaba looks more stuff.

"All I'm good for is driving them around in Mementos..." Morgana mumbled. ""I'm basically useless..." Morgana said sadly.

"Kitty! Your mumbling's distracting me!" Futaba said. "If you got something to say, just spit it out." Futaba added.

"It's nothing." Morgana trying not to make a eye contact.

"What were you saying!?" Futaba plays around Morgana's head.

"Lemma go!" Morgana said.

"You feel so nice." Futaba commented. (A/N: I'm so jelly right now.)

"I do not!" Morgana said.

"So smooth and silky." Futaba continues playing around Morgana's head. "It's kinda hard to believe fur this soft belongs to a human." Futaba added, and she stop playing around Morgana's head.

"Don't make me say it again! I'm a human..." Morgana said.

"Couldn't you just be assuming that?" Futaba asked. "I have the wrong assumptions about my mom for the longest time." Futaba said.

"It's not the same! I understand myself better than anyone!" Morgana exclaimed.

"That's true." Futaba agrees. 

"....." Morgana stayed silent.

~TIME SKIPPING (Akira and Your View)~

(Y/N) and Akira we're in there beds, but they both couldn't sleep. "Ican'ttakethis!Ican'ttakethis! Myheartisgonnaexplode!" (Y/N) covered herself on the blanket. 

"This feels... Awkward..." Akira thought.


After 10 or 20 minutes, you two still awake but you two didn't knew that, both of you are awake. "Is Akira/(Y/N) awake?"  You two thought the same time, and you two turned around and saw each other.

"You're still awake?" (Y/N) asked.

"I can't sleep..." Akira said.

"Same here." (Y/N) said, and she looked at him WITHOUT THE GLASSES. "He looks so strange without the glasses... But without the glasses he looks-- WAIT WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING????!!!!!" (Y/N) is blushing in mess.

And (Y/N) sneeze so cute. "That sneeze is so cute-- WAIT WHAT???!!!!" Akira blushed madly, and (Y/N) sneeze again.

"Are you OK?" Akira asked worriedly.

"I've been sneezing like two days ago." (Y/N) said.

"Do you have fever?" Akira asked.

"It's just a runny nose." And (Y/N) sneeze again.

Akira get off his bed and check on you, and he put his hand on (Y/N)'s head. "You feel hot." Akira said.

"It's just a little bit... Don't worry..." (Y/N) sneeze again.

Akira sighed. "Don't be like that..." Akira climbs on your bed, and hugs you. (A/N: Daammnn, Akira YOU GO BOI!!!!)

"Aaackk!" (Y/N) blushed madly. She didn't see that coming... "A-Akira..." (Y/N) blushing in mess.

"Everything will be OK." Akira still hugging you. 

"B-But, you will get a fever if you stay close to me." (Y/N) is blushing in mess.

"It's OK." Akira smile softly, and still hugging you.

(Y/N) looked at Akira, with a blush on his face. "Thanks." (Y/N) dug her face to Akira's chest. "He feels so... Warm, i feel like i wan't to stay here." (Y/N) thought to herself and still blushing. And she fastly fall asleep. Akira looked at her, with a smile, and he fastly fall asleep as well.

(A/N: ANNNDDDD I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you think about the fluff? Good or bad? ...BUT NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE... CRAZY!!!!!!!! Anyways, here's the OC Profile.)






Name: Hinata Fuyumi

(Also Known As)

Ms. Genius (Takeshi)

Japanese Name: 日向芙蓉

天才さん (Takeshi)

Romaji: Fuyumi Hinata

Tensai-san (Takeshi)

First Appearance: Persona 5

Affiliation: Knights Of The Hacker (Or HK)

Age: 26

Zodiac: Aquarius

Height: 169 cm (7'1")

Blood Type: B

Arcana: Devil [Not The Final]

Japanese VA: Yui Horie

English VA: Erin Fitzgerald


Persona 5: Supporting Character; Devil Confidant [Not The Final]


Hinata has green eyes and black ponytail hair styled and have a little dyed green, and have bangs, with a wavy long hair aside. She wears purple glasses and wears stocking black socks, and wears a green shoes. She wears a light pink jacket but has a black and white on it. And she wears a black shorts.


"This person was looking for the Phantom Thieves, right? But actually you encounter this person... And without this person, you couldn't change the heart of that person... Who is this person?"

--Sae Niijima talking about Hinata Fuyumi, Persona 5

Rank 1 - Ability: Rumor-filled Scoop - Description: Lessens the security level increase, and decease security level more overnight.

Rank 4 - Ability: Shocking Scoop - Description: Delivers the same effects as Rumor-filled Scoop, but to greater effect.

Rank 7 - Ability: Outrageous Scoop - Description: Delivers the

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